Height Concerns

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
Hey guys.

I'm wondering about height for outdoor plants. At what point do they stop growing taller? Will they keep getting taller even when they switch to flowering, or does vertical growth slow down once that happens?

I'm a little concerned that these girls are going to outgrow my greenhouse. There are many reasons that I can't take these out and let them grow completely out in the open, even though I would love to do just that.

They started off a bit slow, but I put them in ten gallon pots and they've really taken off since then. These were seeds just a month and a half ago. I'm guessing they have around another two months of veg, so I'm starting to wonder how much taller they're going to get.

Am I worrying about nothing, or should I start thinking about topping or tying down? Is it too late to do that type of stuff? I didn't want to interfere too much with them since this is my very first grow, but I'm wondering if this is going to be possible. Will they slow down soon, or is this going to be a problem?

The greenhouse is about six and a half feet tall. The strain is supposedly 60% indica.P1030858.JPG P1030860.JPG P1030862.JPG


bud bootlegger
they will keep growing for about the first two weeks or so of flowering if they're more on the indica side of things vertically, and much, much longer into flowering if they're heavy sativas..
if they're getting too tall, look into super cropping or lst, or even scrog might still work imo.. lots of choices really..

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
Looking good! I can't really see from the pics, but have you topped them yet? Going to supercrop?
I haven't topped or done any kind of training at all. I haven't even fed them yet. They've had nothing but straight tap water. I'm thinking about giving them their first feed tomorrow, 1/4 strength nutes.

I don't even know what super-cropping is. I guess I'll need to do some more reading. I've never grown before, so I wanted to just keep it simple and let them do their thing. Looks like I might have to step in and do something to keep them under control though.


I haven't topped or done any kind of training at all. I haven't even fed them yet. They've had nothing but straight tap water. I'm thinking about giving them their first feed tomorrow, 1/4 strength nutes.

I don't even know what super-cropping is. I guess I'll need to do some more reading. I've never grown before, so I wanted to just keep it simple and let them do their thing. Looks like I might have to step in and do something to keep them under control though.
The top node, you separate the emerging top leaves from the growth tip and pinch off the growth tip, and after it heals it will grow 2 tips in the place you topped. Go on youtube and search topping cannabis and supercropping cannabis, you'll find a lot of good videos and if you still need help come back and someone here will chime in to help you! :-D


LSTing is good too. I had a plant that would have ended up over 9 feet, and with LSTing it I kept it under my fence line.

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
Well, I cut the tallest, stretchiest one to see what happens. I'm not sure if what I did would be considered a top or a FIM (I was kinda trying for a FIM - may have cut too low though), but I guess time will tell. I'm hoping it does something. If it works I'll do it to all of them, but just wanted to experiment with one for now.

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
Now that I look at it again, I'm wondering if I cut enough off. Here are some pictures of my butchery. Did I do this properly?P1030864.JPG P1030865.JPG P1030866.JPG