problems on 2 plants


Well-Known Member
Hi Giz,

you dont write much about type of soil or nutriets you have been feeding, which kinda leaves me at guessing.

my 0.02$: I notice two kinds of green on your leaf. This suggests to me your plant has been a little over fed too early. I'm guessing you have put her into a too hot soil or fed her too early too much.

The leaves with this double-colored green, are those which got created during time over-fed. They will naturally keep dying. It seems to me, the most new leaves are ok, so it means that now she feels fine.

Make sure your ph is right (ph = 6.5 +/-0.1), keep feeding her like you do now & you'll be just fine.

I also notice, that some leaves start to curl inside, this suggests to me lack of magnesium. You will soon find many leaves making a shape of a "boat", sort of canoe pointing upwards. It's MJ "praying" for Mg. Go to a pharmacy, buy some epsom salt, add 1 flat tea spoon per plant to watering can (dissolve it in water first). The problem will be gone forever.

much luck to you friend!


Well-Known Member
Cheers mate problem is i havent fed them they are in biobizz all mix soil and are 42 days old run off ph is 7


Well-Known Member
are they auto's, maybe she is hungry (cause of mg deficiency), all mix has enough nutes for about 3 weeks, get some bio bizz bio grow and bio bloom water 1 with quater streng nutes with both nutes. and uae a tea spoon of epsom salts, second feed use quater strengh bio grow, and a ml more of bio bloom, then on your 3rd feed use just bio bloom full dose, just remember to feed plain water inbetween, dont ph your water. give it a week she should be right as rain, but is she auto? and is she flowering ?


Well-Known Member
have you got a slight purple in the stems of leaves, and do you have any purple on the stem? what strain is she ?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I run the same soil. What ph are you feeding them?
You probably should start feeding them with biobizz grow. start with low dosage like 0.5ml of fert per 1 L of water and increase by 0.5ml every second watering, until you get to 2ml per 1L of water. Don't increase until flowering.


Well-Known Member
Magnesium and possibly too high of temps. I would use a mag/cal supplement. Usually one deficiency will be followed by the other.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I run the same soil. What ph are you feeding them?
You probably should start feeding them with biobizz grow. start with low dosage like 0.5ml of fert per 1 L of water and increase by 0.5ml every second watering, until you get to 2ml per 1L of water. Don't increase until flowering.
i was going to start liquid feed but roots have filled the pot so i was advised to pot up into more all mix give her a week and then switch to 12 12 so dont think i will need to start feeding yet