don't seal it, keep it open ,,, ok I wanna say throw it away cause the whole tent thing is just wrong IMO but lots of folks use em and I know part of that is the legality thing. I'm in Colorado so I don't worry about that as much as some do. For soil I say go soil less but I say that cause I'm a control freak, with soil you have little control, and the way I do soil less is very similar to going hydro, which I don't do because a power failure while I'm at work could be a very bad thing. For lights I say get what you need and by that get what gives you what it is you want out of it, if your going for yield go HID by all means, if it is personal for your needs and you want potency over yield like I do then go Flouro
but best to figure out what you want and then plan on how to get it