GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for the good wishes and OB ill try that next time for sure just usually in a hurry when I take pics ya know

Figured Id go and give a quick update here
on the 7th gave it a watering ph'd 6.5 water with

Big Bud - 1/4 teaspoon (.6 grams)
carboload - 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml)

within this watering I found two sneaky SOBs aka males. I thought the Sweet Dreams
were all done showing sex and nope 2 more males man.

The Sweet Dreams are growing mighty mighty slow.

Im not saving the pollen anymore all the males have been chopped

I also went ahead and trimmed the bottem 2 inches for more focus up top

All the trimmings of bottem plants and all males have been now funded into my lil hash project. Im in the middle of doing the Gumby method about a little over an ounce of trimmings so we will see its just for fun im just expecting a few grams of hash but hey it works out

Some quick pics I took on the 7th


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Looking good dude' gooood.
They will run out of room if they get much bigger. :mrgreen:
Do they smell very strong yet?
I'd love to sit in there with a smoke and just breathe in the fumes from the plants.bongsmilie
Oh yeah, loving this grow.:hump:


Well-Known Member
nah they still have plenty of room still its all about placement at the moment lol
I just took a bunch of pics ill make sure to put them on here in the morning


Well-Known Member
Alright so since I said in one of my last post that I was making hash using the Gumby Method, Ive gotten quite a few PMs about how or what the method is. So I happen to take some pics during my process of making the hash. So this is my quick How To on doing it so lets follow ago wit me

Things needed: your trim, LOTS and LOTS of ice, a bucket or two depending on how much trim you have and a glass jar

What i used in this how to - 5 gallon tubberware container, OZ of male plants and lower trimmings of females, 6-7 punds of ice

Step one: You'll see I used a 5 gallon container I filled about half of it with ice and then filled the container up with cold water Then add your trim.

Step Two: Most IMPORTANT STEP now I used a mixer (like for baking) or you can take the mixing end and attach it to a drill. and then Ice Wash your trim (sorry didnt think to take a pic during this step) do this for 15-30 mins just go at. The ice cold is freezing your trim and the trichs on that trim hence the wash is knocking the heads off and falling to the bottem.
Member 15-30 mins you have to hit that trim good all around.

Step Three: After the ice wash your gonna wanna start removing all that ice out of the container. Next is removing the trim and REMEMBER to squeeze that trim out nice and good before you remove it cause that too have trichs that are still on it.
Afterwards its time to strain that water into another bucket (i found that a screen window works pretty nicely)
Make sure that water is as clean as possible no weed floating around and the water will look golden brown that means your a step closer to that wonderful thing called hash

Step Four: The Gravity Game - Now once your water is all clean go ahead and place that bucket/container somewhere where no-one will distrub it at all, seriously. Keep it there for a good 4 hours. This is the time where all the Trichs are falling to the bottem.
Once the 4 hours are up go ahead and start syphoning that water out (use a hose or cup) just dont distrub the bottem remember thats the goods you want to keep.
Do this till your about a 1/2 inch from the bottem (i used a baster to get that low)(sorry no pic on this step either)

Step Five: Now once you achieved getting 1/2 in from the bottem get your glass jar ready give your current container a nice swirl cause its now gonna go into the glass jar. Now pour her on in and again the Gravity Game begins - this time 2 hours of absoulete no distrubance

Step Six: Now Syphon that jar and using a baster get as close as possible to the hash without distrubing it again. The less water the less time you have to wait for drying. Once you got as close as possible.
Get yourself a plate either put a piece of plastic bag (i cut a bag in half and used it) or wax paper and place it on a bowl/plate
Now Pour your mixture on that piece of plastic/wax paper

(i ended up using a eye dropper to get more of that excess water out - remember less the water quicker it drys)

Step Seven: Now its drying time for the next few hours. I placed 3 light bulbs around the bowl. After 2 hours the hash was start to become it and now you can start molding it to a ball

First 2 hours

Next Hour

Final Hour

What it weighted out too (thats from about an oz of male plants and lower trimmings of females) - expect a 15% return of what you put in

Im quite happy this is my first time trying it and was succesful with the cost of water and a big bag of ice. I nice alt. to the expensive bags and such. Hope this helps out people :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Alrighty now its time for the nromal update time woot.

We are officially in Day 35 in Flowering

on 7/11 was another feeding for the plants in a Ph'd 6.5 tap water

Micro - 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml)
Bloom - 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml)
Grow - 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml)
B52 - 1 + 1/2 teaspoons (7.5 ml)
Sensizym - 2 + 1/2 teaspoons (12.5 ml)
Carboload - 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml)
Big Bud - 1/4 + 1/8 teaspoons (0.9 grams)

I Took Ob's advice and tried taking pics right before the lights came on. You'll be able to tell that I couldnt see a damn thing in there just pointing and shooting hahah

But hey enjoy the pics

Lights On

BTW Side Note the plant that looks pretty hurt that was the one that turned Herm on me so meh not really to worried about that one in other words

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Oh man, I want to just sit in that room, smoke some bud and listen to some tunes through my headphones, occasionally opening my eyes to remind me of the beauty that surrounds me.

I have a hippy friend who spent a few years in the Himalayas in Nepal and he used to tell me how he would run through fields full of plants half naked and come out the other side covered in pollen. (I'm not suggesting you try this in the attic lol). Your pic just reminded me of that tale for some reason.

Nice one with the hash instructions too, I have read this method before but your instructions were much clearer. How old were your males when you chopped them? Isn't there an optimum time you can cut then for maximum THC.
Also I have read before to put your plants in a blender with ice, would this do the same as your mixer method, I think I have a blender here somewhere.

Nice grow dude, looking forward to seeing the harvest.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
GB, sorry, I forgot to ask.
Have you got a pic of the screen you used so I can see the guage?
If you want, just pop it in your gallery, its easier to upload that way plus we can zoom right in with gallery pictures.


Well-Known Member
Oh man, I want to just sit in that room, smoke some bud and listen to some tunes through my headphones, occasionally opening my eyes to remind me of the beauty that surrounds me.

I have a hippy friend who spent a few years in the Himalayas in Nepal and he used to tell me how he would run through fields full of plants half naked and come out the other side covered in pollen. (I'm not suggesting you try this in the attic lol). Your pic just reminded me of that tale for some reason.

Nice one with the hash instructions too, I have read this method before but your instructions were much clearer. How old were your males when you chopped them? Isn't there an optimum time you can cut then for maximum THC.
Also I have read before to put your plants in a blender with ice, would this do the same as your mixer method, I think I have a blender here somewhere.

Nice grow dude, looking forward to seeing the harvest.
haha I wish I was able to run half naked through fields of weed haha well hopefully ill be able to do that next spring when I do my first outdoor grow.
The males were only like 2-3 weeks old in flowering.
You can keep the males flowering till you see the pods about to open up cause obviously you dont want them to pollenate the rest of your crop you know.
I did think about doing it in the blender but then i figured that the ice chips would make it alot harder to seperate and you have a bigger mess with the mixer the ice and trim still stay their form and makes clean up easy in the end.

As for the screen i dont have a pic of it I just went to my window and popped the screen window part out I think most window screens are pretty much the exact way and resemble what a strainer holes are like

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
very nice method of hash, not sure if its the most efficient for yield, but i can guarentee its better for quality than the method i have used to make hash- very very nice method and great step by step- you should put that in the DIY section.

The grow looks great- and those pics really show your healthy foliage- great greens. What a beautiful room.



Well-Known Member
thanks man I just wanna share the knowledge ya know.

Next time i take pics im gonna bring up a green light or something cause like i said i went ahead point and shot couldnt see a damn thing up there


Well-Known Member
Alrightie then well my peoples its time for a nice update its been a few days now.

And you guys are gonna be happy played around with my camera and was able to find a mode to take under the HID light so I took a pic of each plant so hope your ready to see some damn pictures

first thing is first Last night I went ahead and gave the plants the strongest feed I possibly could where i felt wouldnt hurt the plants and so far no yellowing or signs of overfert so heres what I did

This is with ph'd 6.5 tap water

Micro - 1/2 + 1/4 teaspoon (3.75 ml)
Grow - 1/2 + 1/4 teaspoon (3.75 ml)
Bloom - 1/2 + 1/4 teaspoon (3.75 ml)
Carboload - 1/2 + 1/4 teaspoon (3.75 ml)
Sensizym - 3 teaspoons (15 ml)
B52 - 2 teaspoons (10 ml)
Big Bud - 1 teaspoon (1.2 grams)

Pretty much doubled the last feed.

Now its picture time :hump:








Well-Known Member


















OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
very nice, you feed them more than i do- and the results are noticable- your buds seem to be bigger... very nice. Your plants are very vertically oriented- almost no side branching, must be the strains crazy- its like a bunch of big colas in the ground. Should yield you well and make harvest trimming not such a chore.


Well-Known Member
very nice, you feed them more than i do- and the results are noticable- your buds seem to be bigger... very nice. Your plants are very vertically oriented- almost no side branching, must be the strains crazy- its like a bunch of big colas in the ground. Should yield you well and make harvest trimming not such a chore.
yea i was reading a thread by FDD saying the secret to big nugs is just feeding the shit out of them hence why i gave them the heavy dose of feed to date. So far them seem to like it so we'll see in the next day or so.

Yea im actually a bit surprised myself a fellow growing buddy here came by and said the exact same thing how nice and vertical these plants are.

Only thing im not happy about is how slow the Sweet Dreams are growing its like their not only one plant is starting to show off its nuggets but the others are just like way behind man

Just glad the others are starting to fatten up nice a good, sure the Big Bud has a little bit to do with that for sure :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Wow you went to town with that camera today bro. Nice job!

I wish I could rep you again for the enjoyment of those pics.
Right, I'm going back to the top for another look.

My turn soon, (fingers crossed).
haha thanks man I figured it was time for a bit of detail since I was always taking quick room shots. Just did it while I was watering them figured why not right.