Outdoor Clones. 08' Late Start. {PICS} -Skitzotic


Well-Known Member
O geez, Youve never fuckin see billy madison Bro. Its got Adam Sandler in it, If you havent seen it, You should definatley watch it.


Well-Known Member
Damn you Gilfman!, u got more posts then me. That just means your a loser bro. No worries. Lmao...

Jus Playin


Well-Known Member
ah hahahaha i dont wanna post this one cause i will .. but right now .. we are tied .. or until this one goes up


Well-Known Member
Yah, and they drive over a banana and there car goes over a cliff and there like "o'doyle rules!" over and over, funny shit ;P i'll post some new pics tomarrow.


Well-Known Member
Waddup people!, I Took some new pics. The pics are just of Leda Uno #2. The one that was bare as hell and droopy. Its doin great now. #1 is doin HORIIBLE. so i didnt take pics.



Well-Known Member
#1 looks like it s going to take off since u transplanted it #2 looks a little more stressed but sounds like u know what ur doing good luck and keep us posted


Well-Known Member
Yah thanx , i will keep u guys posted, things are goin greattttttt. More pics soon i promise, and those are horrible pics. Thats what u get with a $30 webcam. And gilfman, Thats my favorite shirt man. I wear it whenever its clean.


Well-Known Member
Ok, well that one clone is doing good, But, there are spots where the leaf is curling a little and turning a tannish , almost like a dull yellowish color. Its weird. Does anyone know what this might be. Its been outside,