seedling Stem drooping i dont believe that it is stretching


Active Member
So this seedling is about a week old. my friend gave me some 6.5 ph water because my ph tester isnt here yet. he gave it to me in an old pepsi bottle i've given it two caps of water in that past 3 days. i'm leaning towards either i over watered it or something was wrong with the water. i could smell a hint of carbonation but he washed it out 4 times. the water doesnt fizz when shaken at all. i've taken a straw and cut it to prop up the plant. i'm using dual bulb t8 florescent about 6-8 inches above the seedling. in the first picture i uncovered some of the soil.
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I'd suggest carefully repotting it into something much smaller, bury up to cotyledons. Do not bury them. Get a fan blowing gently to strengthen the stem, drop the light to 4 or 5" don't over-water and observe.

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
My seedling did that yesterday the entire thing was on the ground like yours. I gave her some water and put her about 18-20 inches under the 450w Mh and within 2hours she was standing straight up again.


Well-Known Member
bury it up to the cotyledons..and 6-8 inches sounds kinda far away for flouros


Active Member
My seedling did that yesterday the entire thing was on the ground like yours. I gave her some water and put her about 18-20 inches under the 450w Mh and within 2hours she was standing straight up again.
mine has gotten worse from the pictures i'll post a new pic here in one second.


Active Member
i pushed dirt around up to the first set of leaves and poured a cap full of water on it hopefully it might salvage the seedling. guess we will see. i also took the humidity dome off and put the light basically on top of the pot so its about 4 inches away from the plant its self.

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
When I did Fluorescent lights I had mine about 3inches away with a 4inch fan blowing over it. Next time bro start in a 16 oz red Cup.


Active Member
my friend has the exact same plants and pots/soil both of his are doing great. basically what i want to know is. did i under water it? cause he came over and said the soil seemed pretty dry...

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Stop moving your dirt around too. Just water around the stem a good ways and put that light closer and just wait. From the pics you already look good on the water part. Don't water tell its almost dry. You got to let it dry the top layer can be dry but the entire bottom could still be wet or vice versa. I just water then wait till soil is dry. I stick my pinky in the dirt and water when the first 2inches of soil is dry

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
You should soak the soil, and do not water again until the soil dries.

That plant definitely needed more water, and a better light source.

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Also your water might not be hitting the layer of soil where the roots are. You are in a big pot so when you water with that cap full it just goes to the top layer nowhere near the roots. Pour a Full Table Spoon (NOT teaspoon) of water right on the part of the stem that comes out the soil.

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
You should soak the soil, and do not water again until the soil dries.

That plant definitely needed more water, and a better light source.
I would not soak the entire pot because the plant is small and the roots won't have to look for water because everything is soaked and at that age you want the roots searching.

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
True but with a soaked pot that big and a weak light like that it will take forever for that entire pot to dry. The plant will grow way slower IMO and from what I have learned from past mistakes i have made. Just water around the stem good for about 2 weeks then water the entire pot by then your roots and plant will be big enough to take it better. You need more then a cap full BTW.


Active Member
so what do you guys think? does it look like there is no hope? i can post a picture of what it currently looks like now that i have buried it to the first set of leaves


True but with a soaked pot that big and a weak light like that it will take forever for that entire pot to dry. The plant will grow way slower IMO and from what I have learned from past mistakes i have made. Just water around the stem good for about 2 weeks then water the entire pot by then your roots and plant will be big enough to take it better. You need more then a cap full BTW.

Pretty much this, With a pot that size and a plant that small AND using fluros it will take literal ages to dry, at that point you're just asking for gnats and fungus.