"Your child should speak SPANSIH"- Barack Obama!


Well-Known Member
these are the people that don't speak the language... and shouldn't be here in the first place!
Are you Native American? Do you speak the language of the people that originally lived here? Or are you a descendant of Europeans who stole this land you now claim as yours from the Natives? :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
where I used to live over half the population was asian :shock:, I shit you not, and almost none of them could speak english, or very little.....everywhere you went you saw chinese writing and heard people speaking chinese


Well-Known Member

Personally I don't know one person who is a legal US Citizen that doesn't speak English. I do know a few programmers here from India on work visas... and YES... they speak English.

I'm ok with the fact that you and I disagree on the subject. I don't support illegals being here...and I never will. IMO... these are the people that don't speak the language... and shouldn't be here in the first place!
I'm ok with it, too. I just try and see all sides to an argument. I can see your side very well, but when I look at it from an immigrant's point of view or even the child of an illegal immigrant I see that they deserve everything we do. After all, we are all just people. What other connection do we need? They have the same feelings as us and want the best for themselves and their families, just like us. They deserve to have the same opportunities to succeed as someone whose family has been here for generations.

That being said, to truely succeed in the US they are going to have to learn English. They can make that decision on their own.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Having been born and raised in southern Ontario, we learned french throughout public school (usually grade 1-8 or grade 4-8.. it varies).. i still know enough french to communicate and be polite with other french-speaking people..

I cant tell how much knowing the language has helped me while travelling/partying in Quebec (where many people are bi-lingual or speak just english or french)..

I attribute that knowlegde solely to my public education.. and i'm sure others will tell you the same.. hell, parents who send their children to a French Immersion public school have told me nothing but good things about their child's education..

And with the US having a larger proportion of spanish speaking people than Canada's proportion of French speaking.. why not learn the language.. our society is becoming more global every second.. expand your borders and your mind a little more, kids should want to learn, not be so discouraged "that they'll never need to speak a different language so therefore, u shouldnt learn it".. be proud to speak a different language.. in the long run, IT IS for the benefit..

close-minded does come to mind



Well-Known Member
I dont support the intent behind why so many Americans need to learn spanish but i do support the need for Americans to learn atleast basic spanish,like it or not our government is 100% behind illegal immigration because its good for big business,to what end this will all have i can only guess but im sure they want it that way.

Im not a great spanish speaker but i know enough to where if anybody is talking shit about me in spanish i can hammer them right back :mrgreen:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Tourists only visit hotels and restaurants? Doubt that! We like to visit monuments and government buildings, and the information for these places are paid for by taxes so that people that only speak English can understand what they are looking at and the history behind it. What you're saying would ruin any country's economy in terms of tourism and trade.

Again... you miss my point. No I don't think the government (via taxpayer money) should pay for it! Tourism is a HUGE industry.... let the businesses that profit from tourism pay for that shit and pass the cost directly onto the tourists who use them! Stay at a hotel... let the hotel pay for printing stuff in other languages for their guests and work that expense into the cost of the room. Want to go visit a monument and read about it in another language? How about you pay $1 to get the pamphlet in your language... hell that could be a great business for someone wanting to go into business for themselves. Why is it everyone expects the government (via taxpayers) to foot the bill for this stuff? I will never understand this.....

I'm glad that your one vote doesn't count much.
As am I that yours doesn't

And I did not call you "dumb", I simply stated a fact.

WHOA... using the word "fact" pretty footloose and fancy free there

By not learning more than one language you are limiting yourself greatly, you honestly disagree with that? :roll:

I would like to learn another language and am trying (as I stated in my first post on this thread)... HOWEVER... I don't want or need the government TELLING me I need to or SHOULD or trying to force it on me or members of my family.... Given the choice to have my child spend time learning advanced mathematics or Spanish... I'd hope they choose the advanced mathematics. The point is CHOICE! capiche? (see there's a little Italian slang for you... happy now? ;) )


Well-Known Member
how the hell is learning a new language bad?
i learned spanish in high school because i knew i was going to need to comunicate with people that speak only spanish. accept the reality, spanish only speakers are everywhere and it is logical to be prepared to comunicate with them. you get invited on trips to mexico. MAS CERVEZA POR FAVOR!!!!

girls think bilingual guys are smart.
spanish is one of the most widely spoken laguages in the world. its not an "illegal immagrant language".
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Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Are you Native American? Do you speak the language of the people that originally lived here? Or are you a descendant of Europeans who stole this land you now claim as yours from the Natives? :blsmoke:
I'm descended from the Europeans who stole the land... and the Nation established by those thieves spoke English.... as demonstrated by the documents The Declaration of Independence and US Constitution being written in ENGLISH.

I can see your side very well, but when I look at it from an immigrant's point of view or even the child of an illegal immigrant I see that they deserve everything we do.

This is where we disagree. I do not feel illegals are entitled to everything we are. NOW... don't get me wrong... I'm not against immigration...I'm against ILLEGAL immigration. Our infrastructure isn't built to support the MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of illegals that flood in. Our education and healthcare systems are buckling under the burden. We need controlled immigration at rates so that the development of our infrastructure can keep up with the growth.


Well-Known Member
Floridagirl, they also spoke German, and we came close to being a German-speaking nation.

There is nothing wrong, in my opinion, with teaching Spanish starting in the early grades. As a matter of fact, I think it SHOULD be taught, just like in other countries and how it once was done in Puerto Rico. It gives us power to have the gift of multiple languages. I have a Dutch friend who speaks four or five languages well, and she was taught early on (it is SO much easier to start early!).

However, I want the Department of Education abolished, and our public educational system must be revamped because we have seriously lost our way. We have "English" speakers, high school graduates, who speak such an abomination of the language as to truly be embarrassing at the worst, and unintelligible at the best. I think that teaching more languages (don't just stop at Spanish, include the other romantic languages and a little Teuton thrown in for good measure) would help more Americans learn English, and I say that because everyone I know who has a good command of English also happens to speak, even if not fluently, another language. Gotta wonder why.

As a homeowner and taxpayer, I am willing to foot the bill for our kids to be better educated. But I want less fucking testing because too much God damned time is WASTED on this shit. I want teachers tested as well, because if a woman such as ME, who holds no degree, knows more about the language than a TEACHER, something is very, very wrong.


Well-Known Member
Why is it everyone expects the government (via taxpayers) to foot the bill for this stuff? I will never understand this.....I don't want or need the government TELLING me I need to or SHOULD or trying to force it on me or members of my family.... Given the choice to have my child spend time learning advanced mathematics or Spanish... I'd hope they choose the advanced mathematics. The point is CHOICE! capiche? (see there's a little Italian slang for you... happy now? ;) )
Because you benefit from tourism... you said it yourself, it's a HUGE business, therefore it makes HUGE tax profits which you benefit from, especially in Florida! Monuments and parks here in the US do charge a fee.. and on the list of things bought for with that fee, you'll see Information Pamphlets. Obama was speaking as a human, not a government, when he said we should be worried about our children learning Spanish, he was suggesting we better our children. Even if he was speaking as the government, you're opposed to the government suggesting you better your children? Why would you be mad over that, if anything it shows he/they care and are realistic. Comprende? :hump:


Well-Known Member
Will anyone else accept the idea that the government is US? I find many Americans quite resistant to that idea.


Well-Known Member
Will anyone else accept the idea that the government is US? I find many Americans quite resistant to that idea.
this goverment isnt me. i just work here. i am proud to be a californian. and i am glad to have the protection of the worlds most powerful military. but i dont like this government one bit. secrets and lies coverd up with capitalist oportunism.


Well-Known Member
this goverment isnt me. i just work here. i am proud to be a californian. and i am glad to have the protection of the worlds most powerful military. but i dont like this government one bit. secrets and lies coverd up with capitalist oportunism.
We don't like it, but we are responsible for it. We, collectively, elected those in their elected positions. We, collectively, choose to look the other way when wrong is done. We, collectively, choose to act or not.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Because you benefit from tourism... you said it yourself, it's a HUGE business, therefore it makes HUGE tax profits which you benefit from, especially in Florida!
I would agree that tourism benefits Florida... however not to the degree you imagine. If it did... we wouldn't be in the horrible insurance and RE tax situation we are now. As far as I'm concerned if a non-English speaking person comes here to FL I'd rather THEY pay for the printing of documents in their language then using my State's tax dollars. If I went to France and wanted to see the Louvre, I'd gladly pay a few dollars for a pamphlet in English.... I would not expect the French citizens to pay for it for me.

Obama was speaking as a human, not a government, when he said we should be worried about our children learning Spanish, he was suggesting we better our children. Even if he was speaking as the government, you're opposed to the government suggesting you better your children?
Obama is running for President of the United States and as such he is not only representing government... he's running to be the HEAD OF GOVERNMENT.

Personally I don't need or want the government sticking their nose in my life and telling me how I should be bettering my children/family. As an adult I'm quite capable of making those decisions for myself thank you very much!

I'd rather government officials STICK TO THEIR JOB which is the business of running the Country and not my personal life. I expect them to do things like provide National Security; oversee big business to ensure the crooks (a la Enron) aren't stealing the life savings of the people; ensuring the borders are protected from illegals flooding in; getting the Social Security system back in shape...etc... etc. I'm NOT looking to them to suggest that my children should learn another language... that to me SMACKS of over-stepping their bounds.

Why would you be mad over that, if anything it shows he/they care and are realistic. Comprende? :hump:
Because I don't NEED or WANT his opinion on what my family should be doing in their personal life... it's NOT what we elect him to do.

Personally I think the ONLY reason he even made that statement was to pander to the Spanish speaking population for their vote. All the candidates seem to be taking this route and it's shameful because it 1) assumes the American people aren't smart enough to figure it out and 2) is the first step in pushing the line out there a little further on what the government has control of in our lives. I can almost SEE the legislators now drafting ridiculous legislation to force this on families instead of actually doing the job we elect them to do.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Will anyone else accept the idea that the government is US? I find many Americans quite resistant to that idea.
I for one am QUITE resistant to that notion. Once upon a time the government was US.... sadly it no longer is. Our government has increasingly become a system of "back room deals" that the PEOPLE have VERY LITTLE means to correct in our current 2-party system. When the Nation was smaller we could... but not now. Hell if Nixon were President today there is NO WAY IN HELL he would have resigned because he wouldn't have been thrown out even though caught with his hands in the cookie jar. Bush AND Clinton are proof positive of THAT!

I will continue to be a STAUNCH SUPPORTER of eliminating the 2-party system and the ridiculous Electoral Collage system we have in place for electing a President. Until we do away with that archaic system... the American People do not stand a chance at changing the course of our Country. Nope... we will just continue to replace one bottom-feeder with another.