School Shootings in America and the 2nd Amendment


Well-Known Member
President Obama presented a sobering fact the other day when he commented that there have been 74 more school shootings since the massacre in Newtown, CT last year, in which 20 1st graders and 6 teachers were murdered. That comes out to be one shooting every 7.5 days. Congress refused to change ANY gun laws that would start to deal with this pervasive loss of life, just in the schools of our country, not to mention all the other mundane murders by hand guns throughout this great land of ours every single day. I personally think that the 2nd Amendment, which probably meant sense over 200 fucking years ago, has absolutely no place in the 21st century in this country. There are simply to many stressed out and mentally screwed up people in this country now. The argument that hand guns are needed to defend oneself is a double edged sword, meaning that if there were more restrictions on hand guns, maybe there wouldn't be such a huge problem where as any psychopath can get a firearm almost immediately, with little or no problem. I say it is time to shit can the 2nd Amendment, because all it seems to do in my opinion is to let some gun nuts play with their toys, allow criminals easy access to the weapons they need, and make everyone live in fear. Almost all the handguns used in violent crime in New York City were obtained LEGALLY, mostly all from the South, where there are few restrictions on purchases. OK people, let's hear how the 2nd Amendment is a good thing in a modern America, or is it the reason we have the highest murder rate in the world, by far. Tune in next week for an update on the total, which is sure to happen. Peace out
I have a few weapons. I must of got the good ones. They have never hurt anyone. Funny if you look at the people that have done these things. Seems to be the Liberals for the most part. Maybe Libs should not have weapons.
I have a few weapons. I must of got the good ones. They have never hurt anyone. Funny if you look at the people that have done these things. Seems to be the Liberals for the most part. Maybe Libs should not have weapons.

fun fact: everybody that died the other day in the las vegas shootout had a gun:wink:
Actually, if you do your homework, you will find that the majority of these shooters have been on drugs such as Ritalin so, instead of blaming guns, maybe we should be looking at what type of drugs are connected to these affairs.Now go do your homework missy !!!!!!!
Actually, if you do your homework, you will find that the majority of these shooters have been on drugs such as Ritalin so, instead of blaming guns, maybe we should be looking at what type of drugs are connected to these affairs.Now go do your homework missy !!!!!!!

good idea! let's have that part of the application for gun ownership and it will be posted for quick reference on the website which lists gunowners and their weaponry..
It seems the problem is systemic and gun regulations do not really address that. It's a question of why and not how really. I am not a fan of guns or most people really. The amendment is however making visible a violent culture we live in. What do you do?
I have a few weapons. I must of got the good ones. They have never hurt anyone. Funny if you look at the people that have done these things. Seems to be the Liberals for the most part. Maybe Libs should not have weapons.
Where did you come up with that load of shit, Fox news? Yea, the only problem is the guy that shot the kid's in Newtown never voted, or left his room for that matter, his mother was a fucking freak Republican gun lover, (I live in Newtown), and I really don't think the nut jobs in Nevada ever voted for Obama.
It seems the problem is systemic and gun regulations do not really address that. It's a question of why and not how really. I am not a fan of guns or most people really. The amendment is however making visible a violent culture we live in. What do you do?
Dude. I have no idea of an effective plan to reduce firearm violence in the US.

The only time someone 'needs' a weapon that fires more then 300 rounds a minute is to kill other humans.

I know, I have used these weapons when it was needed to protect my patients myself and my brothers.

Background check should be through and required for all weapon purchases.

Does this mean that because I am a PTSD patient that I lose my firearms? I have never hurt a human (out of combat) with a weapon, knife, firearm, bat, only my hands. Will they take my weapons?

*edit* one day I will learn to type on my phone
It is not political and most guns don't end up killing people. There should be a reaction that makes them a priveledge rather than a right. Some form of action that looks at the mentality behind these killings, people are refusing to see a pathology in our culture. If you are right wing that does not mean you can't see.
Dude. I have no idea of an effective plan to reduce firearm violence in the US.

The only time someone 'needs' a weapon that fires more then 300 rounds a minute is to kill other humans.

I know, I have used these weapons when it was needed to protect my patients myself and my brothers.

Background check should be through and required for all weapon purchases.

Does this mean that because I am a PTSD patient that I lose my firearms? I have never hurt a human with a weapon, knife, firearm, bat, only my hands. Will they take my weapons?

*edit* one day I will learn to type on my phone
I have epilepsy....I can't drive legally, owning a gun might not be safe. PTSD is similar in my limited opinion. It becomes a greater good question, I don't see more positive than negative here.
I have epilepsy....I can't drive legally, owning a gun might not be safe. PTSD is similar in my limited opinion. It becomes a greater good question, I don't see more positive than negative here.
The problem is that I won't let that happen.


People like me who are mostly sensible, then you mention removing my firearms from my side, I get unreasonable.

This topic is about as easy as astrophysics.
President Obama presented a sobering fact the other day when he commented that there have been 74 more school shootings since the massacre in Newtown, CT last year, in which 20 1st graders and 6 teachers were murdered. That comes out to be one shooting every 7.5 days. Congress refused to change ANY gun laws that would start to deal with this pervasive loss of life, just in the schools of our country, not to mention all the other mundane murders by hand guns throughout this great land of ours every single day. I personally think that the 2nd Amendment, which probably meant sense over 200 fucking years ago, has absolutely no place in the 21st century in this country. There are simply to many stressed out and mentally screwed up people in this country now. The argument that hand guns are needed to defend oneself is a double edged sword, meaning that if there were more restrictions on hand guns, maybe there wouldn't be such a huge problem where as any psychopath can get a firearm almost immediately, with little or no problem. I say it is time to shit can the 2nd Amendment, because all it seems to do in my opinion is to let some gun nuts play with their toys, allow criminals easy access to the weapons they need, and make everyone live in fear. Almost all the handguns used in violent crime in New York City were obtained LEGALLY, mostly all from the South, where there are few restrictions on purchases. OK people, let's hear how the 2nd Amendment is a good thing in a modern America, or is it the reason we have the highest murder rate in the world, by far. Tune in next week for an update on the total, which is sure to happen. Peace out

Why dont you go research how many murders happened in Chicago this past year and consider the effect of some of the most stringent gun laws in the country...

Then have a nice cup of STFU...
Ha! I'll wade in to the water (again) on this one .....

You will never see the day where guns are completely outlawed in this country. To me it's not a matter of banning guns, but banning who, and where they can be.

I support a persons right to protect their home and family. If someone breaks in to your home then all bets are off and deadly force is justified. What I don't understand is the need to be carrying them around in public. If these "good guys" with guns ever actually saved some innocent lives then I might reconsider my position, but they don't. It's far more likely that the gun will be used to accidentally kill someone, or will be used in a fit of rage protecting no one but their fragile ego. Take these two dipshits here in Michigan for example:

These "good guys" have a better chance of winning the lotto twice in the same week than they do stumbling upon the crazed gunman shooting up the mall scenario that they have wet dreams about.

I would like to see mandatory background checks, and psychiatric evaluations for all gun purchases. Then ban any and all guns being carried in public. Mandatory minimum (10 years too much??) if caught in public. No questions asked. Empty our prisons of non-violent drug offenders, and fill them back up with the Jethros and Billy-Bobs that feel the need to disregard this..... and criminals too.