School Shootings in America and the 2nd Amendment

I don't think that freedom of speech is as it used to be. There are laws threatening many of our freedoms. If a person threatens my life, liberty, or property a firearm might help. But, if the govt wants to they can take you down no matter what you got.
You mention Freedom of Speech. What will let you keep that right? Maybe the 2nd amendment. What you think?[/QUOTdon't
The original framers knew that guns would get better. They probably followed their advancements closely.

I also think they felt that sometimes you just have to vote with a bullet. After all, they were actively engaging in independence from a government they didn't feel obligated to obey. I think of it as part of the reset switch they never wanted to see taken away. It probably required very little discussion to have it added.

Of course they hunted and protected live stock with them, too. We still do today, to a much lesser degree.. but also added personal defense and recreation. Personally, I love me some shootin'. =)

On a defense note, we can't solve conflict by simply taking weapons away. There is no quick fix. If we really wanted to start solving these issues we'd pump money into education.
I took a oath in 1971 to uphold the Constitution. I did it again 1976. I will still honor that oath. I will honor it to death. I do not agree with anti gun people. They have rights as well. I am not going to argue the facts because Liberals will not listen. They seem to like being told what to do. They would rather be given everything. I still prefer to take care of myself and mine. And I am not a sissy boy like some here. I am almost 60 and still kick ass now and then. Last time about a month ago. Might be the Biker thing or the Marine Corp. Whatever it is it works for me. .Call me what you want. Don't come to me for help. I will not be there for you.
Lets just assume for a moment that is true.

Why the fuck should you care?? Damn intolerant people are everywhere now...

Well if you must know, it was in response to his "bitch azz punks" quip.... because nothing says tough guy like running your mouth on an anonymous Internet forum.
Well if you must know, it was in response to his "bitch azz punks" quip.... because nothing says tough guy like running your mouth on an anonymous Internet forum.
That was not to you. It was a generalization of Punk Ass Bitches. If the shoe fits what can I say. I would hope not.
looks like we got a grumpy old man!

shall we help him change his depends and take his BP medication?

or should we rile the stupid fucker up until he is apoplectic and homicidal?

i certainly know which option is most entertaining.
Get on with your bad ass self boy.
I took a oath in 1971 to uphold the Constitution. I did it again 1976. I will still honor that oath. I will honor it to death. I do not agree with anti gun people. They have rights as well. I am not going to argue the facts because Liberals will not listen. They seem to like being told what to do. They would rather be given everything. I still prefer to take care of myself and mine. And I am not a sissy boy like some here. I am almost 60 and still kick ass now and then. Last time about a month ago. Might be the Biker thing or the Marine Corp. Whatever it is it works for me. .Call me what you want. Don't come to me for help. I will not be there for you.
Thank you for your service to this country, from a punk ass, liberal bitch. But, I am of the mindset that most people, like the fucking insane should not own guns, which the NRA appears to support. Very simple in my opinion. No weapons without extensive background checks. I have no problems with gun ownership, just the laws concerning ownership. I like Obama most of the time, am a Democrat, and I own a multitude of guns to hunt, and play with. I was actually an NRA member, until they it was taken over by freaks. So, don't label all liberals as anti-gun. I just want laws that will hinder murders
Thank you for your service to this country, from a punk ass, liberal bitch. But, I am of the mindset that most people, like the fucking insane should not own guns, which the NRA appears to support. Very simple in my opinion. No weapons without extensive background checks. I have no problems with gun ownership, just the laws concerning ownership. I like Obama most of the time, am a Democrat, and I own a multitude of guns to hunt, and play with. I was actually an NRA member, until they it was taken over by freaks. So, don't label all liberals as anti-gun. I just want laws that will hinder murders
I think that is what we all want. I think ball bats need outlawed also. Doctors kill more then guns. What should we do?
Thank you for your service to this country, from a punk ass, liberal bitch. But, I am of the mindset that most people, like the fucking insane should not own guns, which the NRA appears to support. Very simple in my opinion. No weapons without extensive background checks. I have no problems with gun ownership, just the laws concerning ownership. I like Obama most of the time, am a Democrat, and I own a multitude of guns to hunt, and play with. I was actually an NRA member, until they it was taken over by freaks. So, don't label all liberals as anti-gun. I just want laws that will hinder murders

I have never met a murderer who respected a gun law. Maybe uncle buck with his axe??

You keep trying to fix the wrong problem.