just lost almost a oz TWATATTACK.com


Well-Known Member
just got home from a bbq copious amounts of drugs n alcohol n in my pissed up wisdom got talking to the driver weed has come up, and end of story ive left 17g and 14quid in the cab, what a nobhead........


Well-Known Member
what what what???

taxicab very wrecked not long got home n found out ive left me weed in the taxicab along with me change. didnt know where else but to post my sad shit but for the trolls in toke n talk....


Well-Known Member
wow, i feel your pain, i would of called them and said i i left my phone in there or sumthing. or told him you have a emergency and you have to get somewhere else. lol


Well-Known Member
i already phoned n told em i left somthing, what else could i say? but that was hr ago now no response, me own fucking fault what a nob.... im wounded. lol

fuck it drugs are bad mmmmmkay llolol


Well-Known Member
u can do it its all up to u mmmmkay lol

better to laugh than cry i suppose, although minus the grog come the morning ill be crying like a lil girl at losing 17g own fault or not

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
these things happen for a reason, consider it a good deed... unconsciously paying it frwd... Fck huh? Lol a good tip for cabbie! here hit this... :joint::cool:


Well-Known Member
these things happen for a reason, consider it a good deed... unconsciously paying it frwd... Fck huh? Lol a good tip for cabbie! here hit this... :joint::cool:
yeah, most likely he will keep it, id call you up and tell you, but id buy some. if you ever see that taxi again, its only fair you would get a few free rides lol


Well-Known Member
Just chill by the phone, I'm sure they're going to call you as soon as it shows up. I mean don't most people try and return a pile of $$$ or drugs????(:


Well-Known Member
i left a 80 sac on the bus one time, i thought i was in a shitstorm, but my friend found it and gave it back, i gave him half just for being right with it.


bud bootlegger
i'm sure who ever was lucky enough to hop into the cab immediately after you got out is the one who found your drugs and money, and the cabbie probably never even saw it, and by the time you called it was long gone..
if you live anywhere near a busy area, that cabbie probably had another fare 5 minutes after you got out of it..


Well-Known Member
i'm sure who ever was lucky enough to hop into the cab immediately after you got out is the one who found your drugs and money, and the cabbie probably never even saw it, and by the time you called it was long gone..
if you live anywhere near a busy area, that cabbie probably had another fare 5 minutes after you got out of it..
that much, he might of smelled it and found it.


Well-Known Member
I once paid a taxi fare with a bag of weed up in glasgae.

Also from personal experience good taxi drivers in the Uk always know a dealer and deliver for them sometimes and or different spells throughout the day.
There was a big bust back in the day in manchesteer where a whole taxi company was dedicated to distributing weed thorughout the city they had 18 cars or something silly too. They was selling imported dutch too... I kinda miss the ak47 one got back then. Came vacuum sealed in a box with an orange sticker on it saying holland. I once got a big rusty nail and plaster in it though, im poretty sure i still have it kicking around kept it as souvenir. lol


Well-Known Member
I gave like $150 to Romanian beggars one time I was really drunk and on coke. Must have felt like a big shot with a roll of money in my pocket. Only problem was it was all my money
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Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
I lost 30$ worth of weed one night when i went to my friends house after a party when i was absolutely smashed, i was so determined to save it for the hangover and woke up the next morning still drunk in my own bed fully clothed, missing my weed, my phone, and my glasses, not remembering anything except when i was at the the party and didn't know know how i got home cause i was gonna sleep at my friends house. called him up and he lied saying he didn't have it but i got my phone and glasses back. found out it was him because the dumbass told ppl he did do it, can't really get mad, my fault for loosing it and i would do the same thing, but not tell anybody. holy fuck im really high and i don't why right now took my medications for ear infection and a sinus pill