--Ck's organic 100 gallon trough grow--


Well-Known Member
Good day folks, just thought I would put up my first actual grow thread showing what I'm up to. This is my first grow in this setup, but my 4th indoor flowering to date. The bulk if my experience has been using hempy buckets and running a vertical 1k. This time around I will be growing in a 100 gallon livestock watering trough, using my 1k horizontally. From here on out, this thread is a no douche zone..

Anyhow, my mix is kind of a custom one, and I'm sure it will evolve but here is what's in it as I type this:

1gallon coco
1 gallon perlite
1gallon sea soil
1/2gallon ewc
1/4gallon leaf mold
1/8 gallon sheep manure

The bottom 10 inches of my tub are straight perlite. I was worried what would happen had I overwatered and thought that the perlite might give me a little buffer..

My soil is amended with:
Subculture B
Kelp meal
Alfalfa meal (crushed organic rabbit feed pellets)
Crushed oyster shell
Dolomite lime
Blood meal
Bone meal
Fish meal
Bentonite clay (size of crushed oyster shell)
Organic Fish food pellets (huge list of ingredients)
Dust from local gravel quarry

I let this all compost for just over 2 months after watering with 10 gallons of ACT, the inside got HOT! I watered it with about 5 gallons of water periodically throughout those 2 months. Eventually, some weeds naturally sprouted.
I then planted about 200 earthworms in the soil, they thrive to this day.

I plan to put everything back into this soil and recycle it as a no-till. I simply leave any pruned material or leaves on top the soil like a mulch and they decompose in about 1- 1 1/2 weeks. I deposit lady bugs and they have taken care of a little outbreak of fungus gnats I had before I transplanted.


The 6 on the right of the pic are a strain I have been working on for a few years. It's nameless so far.

On the right I have one Trainwreck, one SSSDH, one Super Silver, one northern Lights.
I started my no name strain 2 weeks sooner and had to cull 3 out of the bed so i transplanted the others to fill the bed. They have had about 3 weeks less veg time. I planned to mono-crop this first run but shit happens. I plan to update this a few times but will just be watering with rainwater and letting them grow. I give some teas to them, probably unorthodox but its working.. I don't have time tonight to explain the tea I gave them two days ago, or the foliar I gave them today but perhaps tomorrow I will depending on if there is interest in my thread or not..

Check out the pics!

P.s.- sorry for the shitty orange hps pics but, the only lightbulb in my closet right now is 1000watts.. I will get a nice white light for future pics..image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg

The tiny plants are just an experiment in single cola lollypopping. Not expecting much and will cull at will..

The one ugly dried out old girl in the back corner was a failed reveg.


Yeah I'd be curious to what you pull from this experiment!
Interesting single cola density in that planter box...

You also assembled some real good amendments so you must have some decent experience. keep us updated wld ya!

Woody, would you kindly link me to one of your pro grows so a newbie like me can see how's gods gift to growing does it?

What is wrong with my grow that makes you think I need to step it up?


@woody333333 you aren't doing shit to help here move along. It's a bit early to say and the hps pic isn't as good as it cld be. Say something more constructive regardless of what your opinion is. Help ppl grow without ripping into them, or you'll find me, or others, critiquing your each next move. like I said, you are a random f'er. peace
@woody333333 you aren't doing shit to help here move along. It's a bit early to say and the hps pic isn't as good as it cld be. Say something more constructive regardless of what your opinion is. Help ppl grow without ripping into them, or you'll find me, or others, critiquing your each next move. like I said, you are a random f'er. peace

I didn't rip into anybody......... sounds like you want to argue tho.........
Figured as much..Thx for all your help man! Now you can see yourself out and know that your presence here is not wanted.


So anyway.....

How are you watering? By hand? Drip irrigation?

I've considered doing some indoor beds (geo pot makes a 6x3 fabric bed) because I really like the idea of having a huge swath of soil and all of the microbial activity that would come with it. I've kind of gotten used to the individual smaller containers for watering. I can pick them up and immediately know if they need a drink. It would take a minute to get the hang of a much bigger container like this.

Are you just waiting for the plants to show that they need water?
Figured as much..Thx for all your help man! Now you can see yourself out and know that your presence here is not wanted.



its becoming obvious you wouldn't take constructive criticism anyhow....... another newbie looking for validation ........ plants look pretty rough tho..... doing about everything wrong....
Ok woody, I am not a total noob but I don't feel obliged to prove that to you. I am great at taking constructive criticism, but have yet to see you offer any.. Now plz don't let the door hit you on the way out. Why do you keep coming back? Who is seeking validation? Maybe you should prove u are what you think u are by posting a link to one of your many successful grows?..

Now kindly fuck off,
