

Active Member
Two questions
1. Exactly which ratios are best to use during vegging? 20-10-10 or what?

2. I imagine the ratios change during flowering for a higher P value but which would be ideal?

I went into the gardening shop and ive no idea which exact one to get. Ive seen plenty of peoples opinions on which nutes are best and whatnot i just want to know which ratios to look for.


Well-Known Member
Two questions
1. Exactly which ratios are best to use during vegging? 20-10-10 or what?
2. I imagine the ratios change during flowering for a higher P value but which would be ideal?
I'd say 20 10 10 is way too high. You want more N in vegetative growth and less Phosphorous and that reverses in flowering where you want low N and higher Phosphorous.

I use a 8 2 6 Veg feed and a 2 6 3.5 flower feed.