Looking for a strong number 2


Well-Known Member
I am looking for strong number 2 strain for my perpetual grow. I was working with the strain Extrema for a few years and the run of it is currently done. What I am looking for is a strain that Yields well, smells well, but delviers a real sledge hammer type of high. Looking for 80/20 or 70/30 idica to sativa ratio that finishes in 7-10 weeks. Was looking at Serious seeds AK-47 but it's out of stock everywhere. So what are the candidates available to me?
Tutankhamon from Pyramid is AK 47.

You could find better in 2014, but imo Serious Seeds Ak47 is still a good choice, this genetic still won cannabis cup 20 years later, The odor is simply scary for some pheno, the plant have perfect medium size for sativa dominant genetics. i would say the yield is Large but not XL.

Other Good choice

Dutch Passion - White Widow
Grenhouse - Kalashnikova (similar to serious seeds Ak47)
Barney - Critical Kush (powerful odor)
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I can too, but it really annoys me when people speak definitively on anything with almost no experience. Which in the case of Amos, is exactly what he's doing.
I can too, but it really annoys me when people speak definitively on anything with almost no experience. Which in the case of Amos, is exactly what he's doing.

i honestly liked it.. has that weird smell to it like i said, but i didn't think it was off putting in the least, but i didn't think it lived up to all the hype around it, but then again, i wasn't really blown away by c99 either... it seems to me, the more hype a strain has, the more i'm left less then impressed in most cases..
Well, the version Sannie sells is so inbred I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless they were looking for big pain relief. It's much better in crosses. I've heard of people finding killer KO phenotypes in his straight Herijuana. The phenotype I got was an incredible pain killer, frosty etc (funky smell) but a lot more clear headed and functional than I'd imagined. Then again I never harvest past 5% amber.
Well, the version Sannie sells is so inbred I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless they were looking for big pain relief. It's much better in crosses. I've heard of people finding killer KO phenotypes in his straight Herijuana. The phenotype I got was an incredible pain killer, frosty etc (funky smell) but a lot more clear headed and functional than I'd imagined. Then again I never harvest past 5% amber.

i got a pack of extrema ages ago as freebies from sannies that always sounded nice, but i never popped them as of yet.. have you grown them og?
Yup, found a chem dominant pheno that my buddy still runs. You know me, not a big indica guy. But it was good. I grew it mostly for.... other people. :) My buddy who really likes indicas loved it.
Interestingly, despite some people having issues with herms, I had none - even with a light glowing when lights were off from my extension cord that I didn't even think about. Other plants went herm. They did not. Also interestingly, I got a full blown male from my pack of 5. This has been known to happen in the line, not unlike Purple Peyote from Cannabiogen. I think these two issues are the reason he is discontinuing it.
Yup, found a chem dominant pheno that my buddy still runs. You know me, not a big indica guy. But it was good. I grew it mostly for.... other people. :) My buddy who really likes indicas loved it.

nice, i'm running a cut of rez's 4sd, chem 4 x ecsd, which i was told was pretty dank, but i'm not sure if it's more on the chem side or the ecsd side of things, i guess i'll find out in another 7 weeks or so.. :D
Probiotics can help.

I've always found women have the strongest smelling #2's if you're looking for that real funk, hang around the ladies at the mall. Get the mingle-ation of the funk. Sure you'll find what you're looking for.
You speak too definitively. How many extrema/herijuana's did you grow again?


3 of each, then 2 of each a year later as backups. Then gave the remaining 5 of each to an amigo who'd rather run anything free rather than paying, and can only do edibles anyway. 3 of each of his were finished this past Valentines Day, and I sampled them all.

Also ran heriberry [3], herijuana/williams wonder [4], and ronny james dio [3], crosses from woodhorse/motarebel. Two each were fems. Of all the kin, the h/ww was by far the best - B+ in fact.

So, that's 8 Extremas, enough to conclude that I lost nothing but midgrade smoke by giving them away. More than enough to be satisfied in my conclusions.

Just to remind you - my main complaint w/ heri [and her kin] is - as racer notes - it's marketed as "for people who haven't had that extra kick in years" - words to that affect. It's not even close. An average, short lived high, in fact.

You love Sannies strains...who doesn't know that? The ones I've tried - and I left out 2 Mad Scientist/Jackberry - I haven't been impressed with anything other than ease of growth. If that bothers you on a personal level, that's the breaks. I have no reason to doubt your posts as anything but truth from your perspective. So are mine, whether or not our opinions have common ground or not.
Interestingly, despite some people having issues with herms, I had none - even with a light glowing when lights were off from my extension cord that I didn't even think about. Other plants went herm. They did not. Also interestingly, I got a full blown male from my pack of 5. This has been known to happen in the line, not unlike Purple Peyote from Cannabiogen. I think these two issues are the reason he is discontinuing it.

Perhaps there's other reasons, such as 'not very Extrem -a'. :mrgreen: