Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Thanks bro. Well, I do believe this is my home to stay. Had thought MP was allot nicer @ 1st. Then come to find out the Mods like bashing new members there, and giving them - rep for speaking their minds. Then turn right around & jump on whomever for doing so, when they clearly make threads they shit talk about new members in.. So Im here bro :) Glad your doing good. Hope to talk again soo. Hey! did you happen to get the new # today? Just wondering.

a lot of web site forums are getting to commercial or too politically correct , where you can't say a cuz word or say your OPINION about one of the seed houses that happen to advertise on their sites.

it's the old conflict . I could understand them coming after me and bashing me for saying a dutch " so and so " is selling mis-categorized seeds or what ever , there's always a 100 come backs to turn it on the poster, but to get banned for it?

happened to me on 420 Mag ;) now just posting there under another Nom de Plume ;) fuck if I emigrated to the US to have freedom and have a cum sucker try ban me for saying something that is actually true and now talked about in many forums, LMAO

most of you in here that have had more than 5 harvest know crap when you read it, and also when it's in the form of claims by seed houses . when you buy a AUTO and the seeds grow up to be 6 feet tall and 3 months later they are still not sexing , call me weird, but it sounds like and smells like a photoperiod plant to me, specially when I have done 2 different Zambeza seed tins each with 10 strains and grown enough to know what a AUTO does.

I got banned for that . I still go there for the occasional article or post that sounds interesting, after all I won't quit on them just cause the admins are cock suckers, they still have great members and the occasional article where you pick up a gem of wisdom on how to make your plant happier.

that was a long winded way of saying welcome back to what feels to me like a burned out hippie run organization LMAO ;)
Today I sadly cut down over 30 very healthy plants. I will not be able to grow for a little while until i can figure my shit out.. Dank, I'll call you when i can.
As for the rest of you. My now ex kicked me out on the streetstook everything and has been keeping me from seeing my kid. So i got some real shit to deal with and wont be back this month at all.
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