I couldn't follow the rest of your post. I agreed with many things you said, but it wasn't clear how it addressed what I've said.
A majority can vote to deprive you of your full rights to use (and dispose of) your property via zoning laws and building codes, for what *they* deem to be the best interests of *society*.
People who use the terms "socialism" and "entitlement" as conversation-chilling pejoratives would never call that socialization of the market (predicating society's interest over an individual's financial interest of their own property) by those terms. Instead, we're treated to a proper definition of Socialism.
But, when a majority vote to bail out financial markets, and extend unemployment benefits, suddenly conversations are chilled with slurs like "socialism" and "entitlement." What Plato thought centuries ago is of little importance.
Are you trying to say an "entitlement" is different than Socialism?
lets take a concrete example.
the bailouts of the banks.
i opposed them, because they are, in effect, Fascist Socialism.
if one wishes to engage in a capitalist venture, and that shit fails you FAILED.
when the government comes in, pats you on the head and uses other people's money to keep your venture afloat, The State has imposed their will on the populace for the benefit of their cronies.
if i, as an individual decided that AIG (just as an example) is too important to allow for failure i can willingly buy their stocks, float them a loan, give them a gift of cash, or buy them out in the hopes that the business turns around and ill make a profit. thats freedom.
when The State decides that i must buy their stocks, float them a loan, give them a gift of cash or buy them out, thats Socialism, and specifically, Fascism, the imposition of The State's will upon the people to benefit it's corporate cronies.
Boo000oo0ooosh did it, and Barry Seotoro did it, because BOTH of them (and the system as a whole) are heavily corrupted by Democratic Socialism (courtesy of Benito Mussolini).
if i decide to drop my life savings into a plot of land, and farm it, if the bottom falls out of the barley market, i will NOT get bailed out. ill lose my farm, and go bust.
AIG doesnt have that risk any more, and now can freely gamble with their investors money, secure in the knowledge that the feds will bail them out any time their shit comes up snake eyes.
and for this largesse (with taxpayers money) all The State demands is that AIG do as they are bid by The State. it's a win win situation since the risks are laid off on the tax payers, but the profits are reserved for the company as long as they keep lining the pockets of the politicians who control the purse strings. it costs AIG a little of their profits to secure themselves against loss, and thats an easy decision right there.
the extension of unemployment benefits is a subject fraught with perils. unemployment benefits are long enshrined in the system, and thus are what
IS , and as such are defended (as extant) by Conservatives.
expanding them to
Two Motherfucking Years is some New Shit, and though unemployment benefits are quite Socialist by nature, a little bit of Socialism is healthy for a capitalist society.
opposing the expansion of unemployment (being New Shit) is naturally resisted by Conservatives, and embraced by lefties. opposing the expansion is chracterized by the left as opposing the existence of unemployment benefits as a concept (which is Horse Shit), but thats how the game is played.
when you push unemployment to
Two Motherfucking Years, your getting pretty fucking close to the totally Marxist "Basic Universal Income" bullshit that is the genesis of this fail ass thread.
remember, Democatic Socialism (Fascism) IS Marxism, just the slow creeping type, so identifying that selfsame creeping Socialism as Socialism is hardly "chilling the conversation" it's calling a spade a spade.
it may hurt some Feels, but Feels are not protected under the constitution, and Fascism (and in fact all forms of Marxism) hurts more than Feels when it takes hold.