
Politicians lie.
I see, so you can call anything anything you want just by saying" well some politician lied"

So when the State says that it will take your paycheck and disburse the funds as it sees fit, you will still claim that its capitalism and that you are the one deciding what to do with your money.

Capitalism is about Capital, not about whose name is on the deed.
Facism is a political structure. Captitalism is a financial structure.

Facism co-opts capitalism due to government influence in the marketplace.

Facism destroys capitalism...

Capitalism and the assertion it's the same as the symbolic capitalism is where the disdain comes in. People think of cronyism today when the word capitalism is brought up. When the leaders blame capitalism, meaning cronyism, the herd takes their cue.

AC, I'm not lumping you in the herd, your views are... somewhat unique.
Consult a dictionary, find that capitalism is an economic system wherein the resources and infrastructure are privately owned.

Fascism is a form of capitalism, hence the privatization.
Consult a dictionary, find that capitalism is an economic system wherein the resources and infrastructure are privately owned.

Fascism is a form of capitalism, hence the privatization.

You are equating fascism with an economic system instead of a political one. All of the isms that we throw around are political descriptors that most definitely have an effect on economic systems, but they are independent of each other. Most political isms use capitalism to gain power and can not exist without it, but capitalism can exist quite nicely without political influence. It's the influence that has bastardized capitalism into what we see it as today, which is really cronyism.

Any type of trade between parties is going to use capital. If you can equate two plums for your apple as capital, which it is.
Consult a dictionary, find that capitalism is an economic system wherein the resources and infrastructure are privately owned.

Fascism is a form of capitalism, hence the privatization.

You are saying a political system is a form of an economic system but that form twists that economic system by tilting the playing field.

Capitalism is the trade of goods and services without outside influence. Fascism is the co-opting of private enterprise, assets and capital by the government. If the government tells you what you can and cannot do with your stuff it is likely no longer your stuff.

It is like saying communism is capitalism because you can go buy stuff at the state run store...

Yet more academic historical research

Fascist regimes privatizing resources and infrastructure which were previously public or state run.

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Academic historical research trumps your attempt to redefine words.
"privatizing" the aircraft manufacturing industry by giving it to herman goering to do with as he pleased, as long as The State got what they wanted from it is NOT privatization.

you can call it that, the various pointy headed dipshits in the field of "economics" can call it that, but it aint.

privatization is still, and always shall be The State divesting itself of an asset.
giving nominal "ownership" of an industry or company to a well connected party apparatchik to administer for The State, as The State directs, with The State pocketing the lion's share of the profits is NOT privatization.
Consult a dictionary, find that capitalism is an economic system wherein the resources and infrastructure are privately owned.

Fascism is a form of capitalism, hence the privatization.

noun: capitalism
an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

"Controlled by private owners for profit", NOT "Controlled by The State for The State's Benefit"

you still fail at dictionary.

Consult a dictionary, find that capitalism is an economic system wherein the resources and infrastructure are privately owned.

Fascism is a form of capitalism, hence the privatization.
nice try...........now the dictionary definition of "fascism."
don't go from Noah Webster back to Joe Internet half-way through your explanation.
Here we go again. You cannot just "leave" the USA. You cannot just denounce your citizenship either, it doesn't work like that. If you don't want to be a US citizen you are going to need a bunch of money and plenty of time.

First off you will need to be able to become a citizen of another country. Most times this means you will need to OWN outright some real estate in this other country. Then you will have to live there for a while and pay the taxes of that country PLUS you will be taxed by the US government as if you were still working in the US. Some countries require that you have a job or produce income to become a citizen. So if you moved to some country where the Income tax rate was around 30%, you will also have to pay the US rate of about 35% on top of it. So you are going to have to survive on 35% of your income until you can actually denounce US citizenship. Then you will have to petition the US government, this process can take months to years depending on how busy the country in which you want to move is. The fees can be exorbitant in the new country, some are $50,000 or more to secure a spot. There are fees on the US side too, all in all about $20,000 in total.

Then once approved you go to an embassy and actually denounce your US citizenship in front of an official and they process the paperwork. They then run background checks to make sure you don't owe any back taxes or have any warrants and such, so this process can take up to 2 years before someone gets cleared. Hopefully this entire time you new host country hasn't changed any of its rules during concerning your status or your VISA time doesn't run out, you get deported and have to start all over again.

Then you can "leave " the USA.

On average its a 4-7 year process that costs on average over $100,000 to accomplish.

The wealthier you are the quicker the wheels can be greased. 18 months and $250,000 on average.
you sure can leave.

until you officially relinquish your citizenship you are an "Expat" and the only thing that entails is the right to return at your pleasure, and (now) the IRS's expectation that they can tax your earnings no mater what country you are in.

relinquishing citizenship is a sticky wicket, but nobody who wants to leave america has to dig a tunnel under the wall, shawshank through a sewer, or fashion a home-made hot air balloon.

you can just

nice try...........now the dictionary definition of "fascism."
don't go from Noah Webster back to Joe Internet half-way through your explanation.

sadly the dictionaries have all adopted the line "Right Wing" (meaning authoritarian) and leave it at that.

of course by that logic Bolshevism is also "Right Wing" as is Zaptismo, the cult of The Dear Leader and Fidel Castro's regime.
noted Marxist Benito Mussolini is "Right Wing", Noted Opportunist Adolph Hitler is "Right Wing", Che Guevara is "Right Wing" Francisco Franco is "Right Wing", Pol Pot is "Right Wing" etc etc etc.

it's this deliberately orchestrated confusion over the language that lets Crypto-Marxists (like AC) spin their shit into straw and pretend it's gold.

"Whoever controls the language, the images, controls the race." - Allen Ginsberg

only by fundamentally altering the language, and forcing it into tortured forms can Crypto-Marxists sell their worn out, shabby, utterly failed dogma as some new Hotness.
noun: capitalism
an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
"Controlled by private owners for profit", NOT "Controlled by The State for The State's Benefit"

you still fail at dictionary.

Industries were privatized and profits were privatized. In both cases said resources and infrastructure had previously been state run. There goes your argument.
sadly the dictionaries have all adopted the line "Right Wing" (meaning authoritarian) and leave it at that.

of course by that logic Bolshevism is also "Right Wing" as is Zaptismo, the cult of The Dear Leader and Fidel Castro's regime.
noted Marxist Benito Mussolini is "Right Wing", Noted Opportunist Adolph Hitler is "Right Wing", Che Guevara is "Right Wing" Francisco Franco is "Right Wing", Pol Pot is "Right Wing" etc etc etc.

it's this deliberately orchestrated confusion over the language that lets Crypto-Marxists (like AC) spin their shit into straw and pretend it's gold.

"Whoever controls the language, the images, controls the race." - Allen Ginsberg

only by fundamentally altering the language, and forcing it into tortured forms can Crypto-Marxists sell their worn out, shabby, utterly failed dogma as some new Hotness.