Barry, Michigan leo-militarization

abe supercro

Well-Known Member

Residents of Barry Township, Mich. (population: 3,500), are growing concerned about their police department.

With fellow residents milling around the parking lot outside, unable to access an already at-capacity meeting room, over 100 people inside the Barry Township Board of Trustee’s meeting Tuesday held little back in voicing their discontent with police presence in their community.As the township’s regularly scheduled meeting began with agenda business as usual, the moment that everyone in attendance was waiting for arrived with the call by Supervisor Wesley Kahler for public comments. It quickly became apparent that the majority of attendees had reached their limit of patience with Police Chief Victor Pierce and his police ‘force.’Tony Liceago, a 43-year resident and Delton Kellogg graduate, approached the podium first to ask why the township had so many police officers in Delton. “I understand there are five full time police cars, two Humvees, or whatever those things are, and a SWAT team, here, began the evening’s first speaker, Tony Liceago, a 43-year community resident and Delton Kellogg graduate. “Why so many vehicles, why such a show of force for little old Delton? This has been a family community for my family for so long and now, all of a sudden, there’s a force here.

There are also allegations of abuse of force.

“Where is the line between protection and harassment?” Tobias asked. “When we have teens being handcuffed and guns pulled on them, but not arrested, this seems more like harassment than protection.”Voicing her discontentment regarding the officers’ treatment of persons during non-criminal situations, Tobias then turned her comments towards Pierce, who continued to sit motionless for the majority of the public comments time frame.Recent arrests in Delton, including that of local business owner and county planning commission member Jack Nadwornik, had prompted many of the guests to the night’s meeting to share their own stories of their brush with the ‘law.’ Several residents stepped up to voice their concerns, each one telling of family or neighbors who had been stopped by the Delton police and subjected to what many called unwarranted and unnecessary treatments, statements made by officers to incite civil unrest, and implications of excessive force, with many of the comments eliciting applause from the bulk of the members of the audience.

That meeting of the Barry Township Board of Trustees was so heated and attracted such a large crowd that officials called a follow-up meeting in which the board forwarded a request to the Michigan State Police, asking that agency to investigate the township’s own police force.

A recurring theme here at The Watch is the way police militarization — in many cases driven by federal policies such as the donation of surplus military equipment — can affect the mentality of individual police officers, and on how police agencies and officers view their relationship with the community. The Barry County Sheriff’s Office (which serves all of Barry County, population: 58,900) is already under federal investigation. In March, an FBI raid on the department had the ancillary effect of drawing attention to the gear that the department had obtained from the Pentagon, including a Humvee and at least two tracked armored personnel carriers.

Of course, you can’t say for certain that the accumulation of war gear is why Barry County police seem to have such a confrontational relationship with the county’s residents. But it isn’t particularly surprising that both would be occurring in the same place.

One other observation: Most of the coverage linked above is from the Hastings Banner, the small paper that serves Barry County. It’s a little unusual to see a small-town newspaper report so skeptically on local law enforcement. There are lots of reasons for this. Beat reporters can be reluctant to upset the public officials from whom they need cooperation to do their jobs. Community leaders in small towns tend to know one another and to look out from one another — and that can include leaders like police chiefs and newspaper publishers. Finally, in this case, the story itself is about specific allegations of threat and harassment from local cops. So kudos to the Banner, to its editors and to reporters Constance Cheeseman and Julie Makarewicz for staying on this story.

Radley Balko blogs about criminal justice, the drug war and civil liberties for The Washington Post.
Give a kid a toy and he wants to use it. And then want bigger toys like he sees on TV
Odd that they use the word Posse in reference to this forces militarized training, equipment and preparation as it seems a eerie violation of pertinent Federal Law bearing that same name: The Posse Comitatus Act.

The Federal massacres of 1992 in Ruby Ridge, Idaho and of 1993 in Waco, Texas comes to mind. The Presidents presiding and their Attorney Generals came under a lot of fire for these massacres due to their questionably unlawful militarized response and outcomes. Yet just this year Obama/Holder sent out Federal militarized forced to enforce federal land management laws in Nevada. They literally setup snipers to kill civilians under the guise of protecting turtles, you just can't make that shit up! Is this their answer to the dangers posed and violation of law militarizing Federal law enforcement agencies pose, simply allow (fund & provide) the states and their localities to militarize and act? That simply manipulates liability/responsibility from Federal to State while still violating the exact same law: The Posse Comitatus Act.
The Govt here in Canada is not really much different than down there sadly . The Cabal behind it all is becoming more and more evident and the strings on their puppets are loosing strength
I've been having a lot of weird thoughts on the militarization of our local police forces.

the WORLD economy literally would crumble and a billion people would die within 30 days time if local authorities began mobilizing against american citizens. it would be a nightmare of epic proportions that no one wants to see.

we all talk about the illuminati or the 1% or the .001% or whatever you wanna call them, but whats in it for them to crash the whole worlds economy? they actually enjoy their day to days dont forget. these people can fly anywhere and do anything they want whenever they want too. why would they want to bring the world to a screeching halt filled with bloodshed and destruction? i dont think they would. no reason to at all.

so then why all the rhetoric? why all the anti gun talks? why the militarization of our local police? why the fema camps? (they actually do exist)

what happened when we were in WW2 and right after? we locked up all the asians in concentration camps. then after that all the holocaust came to light and for america to even think about building concentration camps became a bad thing in the eyes of the world. we are the heroes why do we need concentration camps? well we have a very open border and a very very high % of possible enemy combatants on our soil already if things got sticky.

by things getting sticky i mean maybe a war in the latin states? cartel violence would incite others connected with other religious and idealistic values to stand up and do the same thing. no 2 ways about it, we go to war any harder then we are in the latin states the cartels are coming in hard. they got the gear and the people ready to roll.

soooo how do we defend against a possible explosion in homeland terrorism without enraging the world by looking like warmongering nazi germany tyrants? (any more then we already do lol)

step 1. arm up your local police forces with military gear and ex military personnel. CHECK
step 2. make everyone think they are coming for guns so we as a population arm up and prepare for the worst. CHECK
step 3. sit back and wait for the fire works.

i dont know what would be worse. a day to day like a game of CoD or having the american policed used against us? either way the world doesn't look the same in 30 years.

i hope I'm way off and we are all just a bunch paranoid stoners but you gotta give these guys more credit. if they were gonna come for guns.... we wouldn't be talking about it. they dont telegraph shit like that when its big. they misdirect tho... all the time.
It's a theory that those in power (government + business) whom crash the "system" will be the same power (government + business) that creates the "emergency" solution to "save" us all. It's a game of psychological warfare brother and the rules have been published and taught for many decades now following the reality and tragic collapse of Communism. Have you ever read Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals?

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i have not, and thats all well and good but using the "Fear" of such an event to control is much more feasible.

you used to be an operator, in your day would you of turned you gun on an innocent? even in radical times? take the bundy ranch for instance, if you were assigned guard out there could you of killed those people had it gotten heated? i dont think so. i dont think most people could do it. but the fear of this event could keep alot of people in check.

you lived through the end of the cold war stuff. remember the tension? my dad grew up all threw it and me and him have spoken at length about this topic. he's brought me around to the idea that the cold war was only ever going to be that, a cold war. from early on it was understood that it didnt need to ever become a bloody war to have the same effect. both russia and the US experienced alot of wartime economic benefits without the downside of a bloody war. they both had a population that couldnt even consider going against the flow cause they were to busy practicing kissing their asses good bye under theirs desks in school.

thats what we are in now. a new cold war. but its not agains the red army or communism. its a cold war with our own government and against the rich and the greedy and against the crash of the world really. the decision making process is influenced in the majority of people in this country by this cold war. because of that they are already winning. they use this cold war against the system just as another form of control.

the US is a super power beyond super powers at this point. I've talked with people who won't even give me full details but they assure me that whatever the US wants to do, we can do, and all this generation 6 fighter bomber shit thats out there right now is just for show. the capabilities of the US military is matched by NONE. even russia looks like kids in a sandbox in comparison. the US population in all our drunken overweight glory isnt a threat to the people in charge. they have us so locked down its not even funny. why give that up? why risk a roll of the dice?

there are obviously factors that are outside of the control of the people in charge like natural disasters. i mean big ones. coastal change. major volcanic winter. solar flare emp issues.

one good solar flare and the nuclear power plants start going hot... thats a bad day. this is the stuff they prepare for with DUMBS and other fun secret military stuff that everyone says is for the zombie apocalypse ZOMG!

ever check out the great catastrophe of 535-536 ad? the sun went dark for 2 years because of a giant volcanic eruption. just wake up to no sun.... for 2 years.... thats a bad day. this led to the what we all know as the great plague which "officially" ended in 542 ad. the holy catholic roman empire was built with the hands of the united leaders of this time. from the ashes of the catastrophe the current system we all live in today was built. the current muslim and asian paradigms were built from this time as well. its estimated in ancient chinese writings that 2/3's of their population starved to death in this time and most of the rest survived by resorting to cannibalism.

Why cause world wide chaos and destruction when its very very possible for it to happen all on its own?

the people in power know allllll about the possibilities and i highly doubt they plan on doing anything world shaking on purpose.

its more likely that they are going to continue to stack their chips as high and thick as possible waiting for an event like this. collect as many resources from around the globe as possible and get your population as high as possible. thats the game. not who can be the bigger dick cheese in power.

if we all are preparing for the end and chaos and destruction.... if it ever really does happen then damn..... we are prepared... just my 2 cents.
id like to add that my scenario doesn't have any higher chance at happening then yours. in my mind i doubt anyone has any idea whats really going on. too many layers of lies at this point and its just a giant clusterfuk lol.

my hope is that someone hasn't got the idea that they can get "new power" and cause something drastic to happen to try and take power themselves.... like i said the clusterfuk scenario... our government is a very divided one i just hope its not divided with a portion wanting to tyrannically take over for whatever short sighted reasons.

ahh global politics... great with your morning coffee!
I trained just before the end of the Cold War. I watched the Berlin Wall fall and then moved to the Middle-east for Desert Shield and Storm. I retired from active duty following a few years of un-retaliated acts of war by Al-qaeda. Mogadishu (93) was my final to be exact. I worked on and off in a reserve type status for a few years following, but threw in the towel prior to the foreseeable Sept 11 attacks.

I've witnessed the game of Marshal Law and civil unrest around this world, but nothing a book taught me ever explained or prepared me for the unique response by each civilization. Honestly I don't think that in this country Marshal Law tactics of power/force would last long. Those in their ivory towers have no books to deal with the reality they'd find on the other side of that decision/mistake ;-)
I trained just before the end of the Cold War. I watched the Berlin Wall fall and then moved to the Middle-east for Desert Shield and Storm. I retired from active duty following a few years of un-retaliated acts of war by Al-qaeda. Mogadishu (93) was my final to be exact. I worked on and off in a reserve type status for a few years following, but threw in the towel prior to the foreseeable Sept 11 attacks.

I've witnessed the game of Marshal Law and civil unrest around this world, but nothing a book taught me ever explained or prepared me for the unique response by each civilization. Honestly I don't think that in this country Marshal Law tactics of power/force would last long. Those in their ivory towers have no books to deal with the reality they'd find on the other side of that decision/mistake ;-)

exactly and i think they know that. marshall law in the united states would crumble the world. but fear of marshall keeps most us in line. slowly but surely they will erode away at nationalism. look at todays youth. they would spit on a flag. in 50 years its not gonna be anything to them when the world unites under whatever new leader has power then. hopefully..

you guys ever hear of a dyson sphere?

Dyson Sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that completely encompasses a star and hence captures most or all of its power output. It was first described by Freeman Dyson. Dyson speculated that such structures would be the logical consequence of the long-term survival and escalating energy needs of a technological civilization, and proposed that searching for evidence of the existence of such structures might lead to the detection of advanced intelligent extraterrestrial life.

thats the future I'm going to work and believe towards. I'm thinking its the one that the people in power are working towards too. remember they've been staring at that sun for 30,000 years of various civilizations you know they've dreamed of controlling it.

if and when we build a dyson sphere it won't be Made in the USA. or an "international project" like the ISS. it will be built by the people of EARTH.

thats the future I'm reallllly crossing my fingers for.

the pessimist in me thinks we've bout come to the end of this act and after a bumpy intermission the final act of the play that is earth will be allowed to play out. lets just hope its not toooo bumpy of an intermission..
The ACLU just released a report on the over-militarization and wrongful use of SWAT teams in the US. 80% of SWAT team usage nationally is handling drug warrants (criminal prohibition), not violent crime like active shooters, armed robberies and/or terrorism :eyesmoke:

ya i just saw this pop up, something else about swat teams are able to be classified as private corporations too or something? havent had a chance to sit down with it all yet, il dig in tonight.

80% drug busts is expected with the way seizure laws are up, whats worth money in a crazy murderers house that they can seize cause he bought it with his murdering profits??? nodda...

IMO thats our number one target is seizure laws. Many of your posts have leaned me this way theman13. take away the carrot and maybe the donkey will look around for other more immediate dangers?

will this new banning of federal support in medical states count? if they raid a medical caregiver will the feds still match dollar for dollar everything seized? the good ole boy bonus so to say. take that shit out of medical marijuana and maybe they will go back after some of the harder guys that IMO have wayyyyyy more $$ laying around, much less equipment costs in the crack game lol. they are just way crazier and ready to fight so thats not an EZ score.

maybe they can use these new tanks to go take out the hard drug game? i know if i looked out the front window of my trap house and saw


i might think twice about going hot..