Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.

exactly. it became so lucrative to grow wheat, that small land-holders were bought out, or coerced out, to be replaced by huge slave-farms. this loosened the yeoman's ties to the land, and reduced his willingness to serve in a citizen army, increasing the need for mercenary troops with loyalty to charismatic commanders, and not the state, SPQR.
Rome went out of her way, to bring Northern blood into the Empire. Adrianople resulted from mismanagement of an established practice of admitting Germanics. the Barbarian Invasions are mostly myth.
the cimbrian war is a myth, the invasion by the alemenni is a myth, the tuetones are a myth, the visigoths and the vandals are a myth...

i dont know where you read your history but youre 100% wrong.

was the invasion by brennus also a myth? if so, then where did the gold of tolosa come from?
or was that a myth too?

if so, caepio got a bum rap.
the cimbrian war is a myth, the invasion by the alemenni is a myth, the tuetones are a myth, the visigoths and the vandals are a myth...

i dont know where you read your history but youre 100% wrong.

was the invasion by brennus also a myth? if so, then where did the gold of tolosa come from?
or was that a myth too?

if so, caepio got a bum rap.
all those mentioned were either absorbed into the Empire, or confined east of the Elbe. Brennus is Republican Rome, and can be omitted. so where are these Empire destroyers? one might say these Germanics sustained Rome, well past her prime. Goths in Africa, Cimbri in Britain. all under the Eagle. no. we must look to the state, itself, and its interactions with everyday Romans to find the seeds of the fall.
all those mentioned were either absorbed into the Empire, or confined east of the Elbe. Brennus is Republican Rome, and can be omitted. so where are these Empire destroyers? one might say these Germanics sustained Rome, well past her prime. Goths in Africa, Cimbri in Britain. all under the Eagle. no. we must look to the state, itself, and its interactions with everyday Romans to find the seeds of the fall.
rome didnt fall from a mighty assault by outside forces, it crumbled from within while it was battered from without

the visigots, the vandals, the teutones, they all ate away at the walls while the palanquin liberals inside hacked away at the foundations

without the brothers gracchi, rome would still be a republic today, it would never have fallen, and the world would be very different .

i dare to imagine it would be better, or at least more orderly.
im not a huge bush booster either.

he did a lot of boneheaded shit, but he didnt pretend he only did it cuz clinton did it too, or that his own fuckups were clinton's fault.


They looked at our response after the hostage crisis in Iran, the bombings of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the first World Trade Center attack, the killing of American soldiers in Somalia, the destruction of two U.S. embassies in Africa, and the attack on the USS Cole. They concluded that free societies lacked the courage and character to defend themselves against a determined enemy
August 21, 2013

Louisiana GOP Blame Obama More for Katrina Response[/paste:font]A new Public Policy Polling survey finds that Louisiana Republicans aren't sure whether President Obama or George W. Bush was responsible for the federal government's "poor" response when levees broke after Hurricane Katrina.

Key finding: 29% of Republican primary voters in Louisiana blamed Obama, who took office in 2009, and 28% blamed Bush, whose term lasted through 2008.

Hurricane Katrina hit on Aug. 29, 2005.
Lets regress to talking about guns. Killary said today on national TV the supporters of the 2nd Amendment are terrorists. No shit, that crazy bitch actually said that, right after saying the little illegal children showing up at our southern border should be reunited with their familes in Central America. Guess this bitch just wants to piss off everyone.

yeah, i'm sure she said that. let's have the actual quotes please, you piece of shit.
i'd still hit it.

August 21, 2013

Louisiana GOP Blame Obama More for Katrina Response[/paste:font]A new Public Policy Polling survey finds that Louisiana Republicans aren't sure whether President Obama or George W. Bush was responsible for the federal government's "poor" response when levees broke after Hurricane Katrina.

Key finding: 29% of Republican primary voters in Louisiana blamed Obama, who took office in 2009, and 28% blamed Bush, whose term lasted through 2008.

Hurricane Katrina hit on Aug. 29, 2005.
now I see how stupid they really can be.
Witness the news sources and polling information Bucky provides

PPP is a "Democratic-leaning"[5] polling company because it polls only for Democratic and progressive campaigns and organizations on a private basis.

In addition to political issues, the company has polled the public on such diverse topics as the approval rating of God,[6] whether Republican voters believe President Obama would be eligible to enter heaven in the event of the Rapture[7] and whether hipsters should be subjected to a special tax for being annoying.[8]
Witness the news sources and polling information Bucky provides

PPP is a "Democratic-leaning"[5] polling company because it polls only for Democratic and progressive campaigns and organizations on a private basis.

In addition to political issues, the company has polled the public on such diverse topics as the approval rating of God,[6] whether Republican voters believe President Obama would be eligible to enter heaven in the event of the Rapture[7] and whether hipsters should be subjected to a special tax for being annoying.[8]

you are a retarded fucking idiot.

you are a retarded fucking idiot.


How does this make the pollster a non bias democrat leaning research group with redicoulous polls? Publishing statistics that have nothing to so with your current poll doesn’t do you any favors. Whats the accuracy on these polls they conducted? Approval rating of God, Republican voters believe President Obama would be eligible to enter heaven in the event of the Rapture, and whether hipsters should be subjected to a special tax for being annoying LAWL
How does this make the pollster a non bias democrat leaning research group with redicoulous polls?

did you notice they were more accurate than rasmussen and gallup and had a 1.6% REPUBLICAN lean, you fucking retard?

Whats the accuracy on these polls they conducted?

they release methodology and margin of error with each poll. go answer your own question, retard.

Approval rating of God, Republican voters believe President Obama would be eligible to enter heaven in the event of the Rapture, and whether hipsters should be subjected to a special tax for being annoying LAWL

is it not possible to collect public opinion about these questions? is that what you're saying?

are you literally retarded?