Your First Time ...


Well-Known Member
I was in the backseat of Carolyn's 1966 Mustang, we picked up Art Romero and were driving down the road and I smelled what I thought was burning leaves, I yell at Carolyn that the car is ON FIRE and she and Art started laughing and handed me a joint. Art told me what to do and I coughed my way through that joint. I wasn't sure if I got high because I didn't know what to Looking back, it was actually some pretty good pot. Back then a lid, 1oz, was $10 bux and a lb was $80-90 bux.
Pot is so much better now. :-D


Well-Known Member
I thought the same thing, was getting ready to toss my 2 cents worth. Can't remember my first time getting high, I'm sure it wasn't that great though.


Well-Known Member
Got high for the first time inbetween some bushes
and got lucky for the first time on the school roof.



Well-Known Member
Hey I got baked in the bushes too. 8th grade, Jr. High went to class (stupid) but got 100% on my spelling vocab. test, (even if I did write unnecessarily HUGE on the paper):bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Lol.....sorry sunni and greenlikemoney I only sort of misled you on purpose.
Also, a correction, it wasn't a lb that was $80-90 bux, it was a kilo that was $80-90 bux. :-D
The first time I had sex was on my wedding night...


Well-Known Member
ohi thought this was a sex thread. LOL and i was like wow this guy had a threesome.
my first time for that was two chicks.. was at the beach and shit got interesting.. but for herb, i bought an 8th to see what the hype was about and never stopped since.


Well-Known Member
First time smoking pot... well the first time I count since I wasn't pressured into and actually felt high...

I was in the psyche ward in Texas and I met this guy named Tyler. Guy was cool as shit and we became friends pretty quickly. Once I got out I called him and he came and picked me up. We drove off to his place and parked in his drive way (out in the sticks somewhere). He hands me a bong and a dime bag of uber bud and told me "Do not give the bong back until you've smoked all that".

Well after draining 2 or three bowls by myself I gave the bong back (mind you we were hotboxing in his car as well). I was so fucked up I had to get some fresh air. I remember opening the door, Grabbing one leg and putting it out of the car. Then the other. Grabbing the car frame and hoisting myself up about 3 inches saying "fuck it" falling back down and just fading out on the guys shoulder while he was taking bong rips.

The actual first time was with this girl I used to date and one of her friends. They would just not leave me the fuck alone about and finally I took a few small tokes just to shut them up. Didn't feel a thing from it.

The first time I had sex... It was a pity fuck from a friend in the kitchen of an abandon house. Also I tried to make out with her nose.


Well-Known Member
First time getting stoned was Jan 28th, 1982 at Crystal Lake near Azusa canyon in SoCal. 18th B-day, 1st semester my senior year just ended, all my required classes done. I told myself I wouldn't start partying until the 2nd semester of my senior year (class of 1982) and I haven't stopped.

First time getting laid was Oct 21st, 1978 (14 y.o.) on the couch at my G-friends grandma's house. We knew she was going to be gone for a while so we took advantage of the "alone time". Damn I miss those days.


Well-Known Member
This first time I smoked was the summer before I started the 5th grade, I think I was like 10. I bought a nickel bag and smoked out of a beer can because I couldn't figure out how to roll a J. Good times.
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Well-Known Member
I was around 13 in barn in the middle of no where with it full plants. It was with my uncle and my grandfather (no shit) was moving some weigh back then, I was too young and naive I didn't know how much of a big deal it was (was raised by hippies). Ironically enough I didn't like it at first, it was early 30s before I started smoking regularly. The land and the barn is still in the family...:bigjoint:

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
John lived in the same apartment complex and was the landlords son. Then he wanted to play the game where one guy holds his hands out and the other guy trys to slap them. I lost.
Then I went home and told my mother I was stoned and was going to bed.


Well-Known Member
My first time was in 1974 @ a doobie brothers concert
And consequently my 2nd first time happened shortly thereafter I'll leave it up to you to figure which was which..........and on a related note I'm still with both my first times 40 years and still going strong ain't life grand !
I saw the Doobies many years ago. Great show. That's a sweet story old-timer! 40 years???? I am half way there and still in love.


Well-Known Member
When I found Mary Jane I was 19 & standing in a rice paddy in Vietnam & and I had just zipped what was left of my best friend into a body bag.....I was looking for my .45.....Mary saved my life....many times


Well-Known Member
I was 25 and cried the whole time. Then I twitched, panicked, couldn't tell time, got paranoid, saw demons, and fell asleep.