Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

Atleast he made the experience easier to bare with bro ! Dude yeah i was just asking cause ive come across articles considering root canals and they can be dangerous, i had tiny mercury fillings & only got them out about 3 years ago, about the time i started waking up lol. Bro i wanted to ask what do you use for aeration in your mix btw ? Peace !
Funny as hell, the surgeon taught me new composting methods while working lol... The man is an artist though, this molar is in better condition than ever before. I think the worst part was the anesthetic really, injecting onto bone always makes a lump from hell.
We can use more composting canna loving surgeons around here ;)

i had dental work 2 weeks ago. I had a molar extracted and soon getting replaced with a venner. Ironically Yesterday I chipped the bottom of a front tooth while flossing.... I'm going in tomorrow to get it fixed. I feel like I'm falling apart. I agree with the lump from ansthetic. He had to shoot me up so many times. He was beginning to get frustrated. My jaw and gums were not numbing.. I told the dental surgeon prior that may happen.
Atleast he made the experience easier to bare with bro ! Dude yeah i was just asking cause ive come across articles considering root canals and they can be dangerous, i had tiny mercury fillings & only got them out about 3 years ago, about the time i started waking up lol. Bro i wanted to ask what do you use for aeration in your mix btw ? Peace !

I am reminded of when my Dentist pointed out, in regard to the materials
that traditional fillings are made of, that there were only two places that he
could legally place these was in my mouth, the other was an
official, designated toxic materials container that he was required to keep.

I had 3 wisdom and the second molar on the bottom jaw removed at the same time. My boss at the time cancelled our dental plan and we only had a couple weeks to do this, so my wife got put to sleep and her wisdom taken out. The dentist warned that the roots are straddling the nerve and there might be some numbness that wont go away. I asked snidely if she would still be able to talk hahaha. He looked at me like I was an idiot. I had to stay awake to drive us home afterward. 1 1/2 hours into the first extraction he said I should be asleep. Never again. My brother goes to Mexico, cheaper and lots of good drugs.
Holy Crap! My wisdom tooth and molars that were removed took all of a minute. SHLUNK! Pulled out. No pain afterwards. It was actually quite relieving. Actual surgery for that sound intense.

Never heard of dental work under general anesthetic. Only one friend with MS had to have all her teeth replaced, that was under general.
my wife got put to sleep and her wisdom taken out. The dentist warned that the roots are straddling the nerve and there might be some numbness that wont go away. I asked snidely if she would still be able to talk hahaha. He looked at me like I was an idiot.

LMAO!! Well played Steel! :clap:
I had surgery on my neck today, first time going under. Fucking weird times. Now I got a 2 foot tub hooked up to a vacuum pump hooked up to my neck until morning.

A year later I finally got this damn thing fixed.
All the best with that Mr Head! My thoughts are with you, that sounds pretty horrible.

Anyhow, something to torture you with Gandalf... We need to get you kickin'...


Golden Gage. Amazing girls.
im actually doing OK, thanks for the well wishes guys. Not nearly as beat up as I thought I'd be a little soarness but that's it.

Tube got taken out this morning so I'll be back to normal in no time. figured i'd be out for at least 3 weeks but I'll probably be back to normal in 1.

Just waiting on the pathologist now to tell me what the fuck this growth was I've been carrying around for over a year :)
That is FANTASTIC news. No matter how you cut it, still sounds pretty horrible from this end. I find there is enough prescription meds to deal with pain etc, it is how being sick messes with your head that sucks the most. Hope it is all forgotten soon enough...
Nice lookin plant Hamish. Hope it all works out well Mr. H. I had one wisdom out in my early twenties. No problem. Crunch, squeak squeak done. After chewing on them another 10 years they really set in and it's a different story. I need to go back in. Fuck that. Still trying to make progress on buying a house. 1 hour and 40 min each way to work and home is really getting old.
' Intrepid Traveler knows no bounds! The Intrepid Traveler travels at the speed of thought!'

Bet the Pranksters never had a commute like that when they dreamed that up lol
Just added another pump to my tea brew bucket. I have three 40 gallon whisper aquarium pumps, and one 20 gallon whisper aquarium pump.

That's not too much is it? It's really moving around the water now!

I just do 4 gallon brews at a time.
Jesus That's a lot of pumps for a 4 gallon mix :0 I was going to use one whisper 40 on a 5 gallon bucket and assumed that was enough, maybe someone can recommend a good quiet high power pump, I can't have a pump shaking my whole house like my last one ;)

I got all my soil and amendments tonight, soil starts getting mixed up as I start to feel a bit better. New pots going to use those clone trays. Got my drip system almost done, need some new aquarium 1/4" line to get it done. So in a month or two I'm going to be back up and going. Much higher quality soil this year I think, should be good.

The local big boxes are going hard for organics this year, got a organic flower box basically a bunch of ammendments, some foliar seaweed spray. I'm set for another year, the best damn part of doing this whole organic thing is I do this in the summer and bing bam boom I'm sorted for the year for soil. Just brew up some teas and I'm golden. I can even be lazy and do water only if I want :) Teas definitely help making the girls shine. Only thing that sucks is I thought this box had neem meal in it and it doesn't :( But bugs aren't really a problem for me so I should be good. *famous last words lol.

Learned a lot more over the course of this last year, time to apply it and see the benefits. Going hard this year got some pollen chucking plans and a tonne of seeds to burn through.
I can tell you how to make anything quiet... Sound proofing is not cheap but it is the only real solution. Made some good money consulting in the field, you need to quiet something down send me a PM. Rubber feet on vibrating appliances like pumps make a world of difference. You can also get acoustic isolation pads. They go under speakers in recording rooms to tame resonance, which is more your problem than actual volume or SPL.
I recently started making tea's thanks to this thread and others and all I have to say is this shit may be the best piece of info that I have stumbled upon. Huge buds and better yield after using the tea its insane