New Poll Is A Disaster For Obama


Well-Known Member

President Barack Obama has seen support for his foreign policy plummet to an all-time low, according to a new Wall Street Journal-NBC poll released Wednesday.

According to the poll, just 37% of respondents said they approved of Obama's handling of foreign-policy issues, an all-time low. Meanwhile, 57% said they disapproved, an all-time high.

And the foreign-policy approval rating for Obama might be artificially high. The poll was conducted before the crisis in Iraq — a situation for which Obama has been roundly criticized — bubbled up and grabbed international attention.

Obama's handling of international events have earned him criticism over the past few months — from the crisis in Ukraine to his administration's decision to execute a prisoner swap to free U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in exchange for five Taliban-affiliated prisoners from the Guantanamo Bay military prison.

According to the poll, 44% of respondents said the administration should not have made the exchange, compared with 30% who supported it.

Some other highlights from the poll:

  • Obama's overall approval rating sits at just 41%, tying an all-time low.
  • His approval rating on handling the economy also sits at 41%, down 1 percentage point from last month. It's the same number from March.
  • Obama's favorability rating is underwater — 41% said they view him positively, while 45% see him in a negative light.
  • When asked their predictions on the rest of Obama's term in office, 54% said they thought he "cannot lead and get the job done," compared with only 42% who said the opposite.
  • Over the last 12 months, 41% of respondents said their views of the Obama administration have "gotten worse." Only 15% said they have "gotten better."
Obama's declining popularity threatens to drag down Democrats in the 2014 midterm elections. By a 10-point margin, more people said their vote this November will be to "send a signal of opposition to Obama." (41% said their vote will not be a signal to Obama either way.) On the generic congressional ballot, 35% said they would vote for a Democratic candidate in their district, compared with 30% who chose a theoretical Republican candidate.


Well-Known Member

President Barack Obama has seen support for his foreign policy plummet to an all-time low, according to a new Wall Street Journal-NBC poll released Wednesday.

According to the poll, just 37% of respondents said they approved of Obama's handling of foreign-policy issues, an all-time low. Meanwhile, 57% said they disapproved, an all-time high.

And the foreign-policy approval rating for Obama might be artificially high. The poll was conducted before the crisis in Iraq — a situation for which Obama has been roundly criticized — bubbled up and grabbed international attention.

Obama's handling of international events have earned him criticism over the past few months — from the crisis in Ukraine to his administration's decision to execute a prisoner swap to free U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in exchange for five Taliban-affiliated prisoners from the Guantanamo Bay military prison.

According to the poll, 44% of respondents said the administration should not have made the exchange, compared with 30% who supported it.

Some other highlights from the poll:

  • Obama's overall approval rating sits at just 41%, tying an all-time low.
  • His approval rating on handling the economy also sits at 41%, down 1 percentage point from last month. It's the same number from March.
  • Obama's favorability rating is underwater — 41% said they view him positively, while 45% see him in a negative light.
  • When asked their predictions on the rest of Obama's term in office, 54% said they thought he "cannot lead and get the job done," compared with only 42% who said the opposite.
  • Over the last 12 months, 41% of respondents said their views of the Obama administration have "gotten worse." Only 15% said they have "gotten better."
Obama's declining popularity threatens to drag down Democrats in the 2014 midterm elections. By a 10-point margin, more people said their vote this November will be to "send a signal of opposition to Obama." (41% said their vote will not be a signal to Obama either way.) On the generic congressional ballot, 35% said they would vote for a Democratic candidate in their district, compared with 30% who chose a theoretical Republican candidate.
Did you people learn anything about polls. Ask Karl Rove what he learned.


Well-Known Member
Did you people learn anything about polls. Ask Karl Rove what he learned.
agreed. so easy to manipulate
Anyone who actually believes obh is doing a good job needs their head examined. Everything he touches turns to shit.
lol........its not him. its your gubberment. don't be hating the pinata.......Bush was one, Clinton, too. just different colors, so the plebs have something to cheer and rival over.


Well-Known Member
agreed. so easy to manipulate

lol........its not him. its your gubberment. don't be hating the pinata.......Bush was one, Clinton, too. just different colors, so the plebs have something to cheer and rival over.
While that is true, the post was meant for persons who believe he is doing a good job, not the pinata himself.


Well-Known Member
This couple looks like they are now embarrest to be in a the white house.. Two more years of this pos trying to be a leader of liberal democratic idiots is going to be tuff on this nation. He should consider stepping down for the good of the nation and let his side kick take over. I can't stand to look or listen to this uninformed pos much longer..
The entertainment value of Biden as president would be through the roof.


Well-Known Member
Did you see where Biden was supposedly in Central America talking with government heads there about all these illegal children showing up at the border? The next thing you know, he's yucking it up at the World Cup in Brazil. Brazil isn't in Central America and I'm pretty sure Brazilians aren't making the trek to South Texas.