miracle gro

The Unknown

Active Member
Hmm i've never used that stuff before. I use the regular powder mix miracle gro all the time and it works well for me. I say try it out and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
id wait around and do some research before testing out a new soil. ive heard of people getting totally f'd because of terrible soil


Well-Known Member
if u are going to use MG nutes, use 1/4 strength of the stated dose.
ull burn the fuck outta ur plants otherwise.


Well-Known Member
the ferts are worse than the soil to use.
no there not.

mg food can work. the soil is the worst thing u can fuck up on. your soil should be perfect, if not then ur seed isnt going to make it.

plants can feed on MG stuff but u just have to be careful


Active Member
Im ussing the soils at the moment and all is ok! The PH was a bit high but i have manged to lower that! I do find it holds water too well, hence i killed one of my babies from over watering! :(

Not trying to hijack the thread but what is a good soil base?


Well-Known Member
no there not.

mg food can work. the soil is the worst thing u can fuck up on. your soil should be perfect, if not then ur seed isnt going to make it.

plants can feed on MG stuff but u just have to be careful
yes, they are.... notice this answer is relative.

the soil works at full strength ;)

the ferts should be cut if used.

so, i repeat, the MG ferts are worse than the soil.

i do agree that better soil should be used but better ferts too.

all that said, our favorite herb will grow fine with either.


Well-Known Member
i use mg all the time and at full strength after the first dose or two and I have never had any real nute burning problems, but I know if you over feed them at all or too often you can fry them quick. I feed them every 10 days roughly every third water and that works fine for me. I would stay away from the tablets personally I don't like anything time release its just to hard to judge when to add more.


I'm using this stuff on my plant. First timer here. 4 weeks veg, idk if it's doing anything to the growth, it seems very responsive to training though.100_1899.jpg100_1896.jpg