Feminizing seeds?


Active Member
Hi all, I already know about the breeding method used to create all female seeds but i have also read that there are way to "treat" the seeds to produce more females.
Ive read the method that says if you keep rippening banana peels around the seeds for 14 days the cances of more females goes up 10%-25%
But what are some different methods besides this???


Well-Known Member
You have to take some really spermed up jackoff socks and drape them over the buds, this can increase fem seeds 2x more then the banana peel method.:shock:


Well-Known Member
haha if that banana peel thing worked wouldn't you see everyone doing it

come on, think about it for a bit :P


Active Member
haha if that banana peel thing worked wouldn't you see everyone doing it

come on, think about it for a bit :P
no dude im fucking serious!:roll:
it says so in that book "Cannabis Cultivation" by mel tohmas
because the rippining peels put off a gas known as Ethylene i think its called and the gas influences an 10%-25% increes in females
Think about it!


Active Member
I heard some growers use hormones on them...
Im just wondering if anyone knows of any besides the crusty old come on there socks lol


Well-Known Member
BAHAHA, you are funny as hell kid. how the hell would you tell a diff in a 10% change anyway??? LOL

drop it man



Well-Known Member
there is a book called gm logic, published by ted hunter corporation ,takes a bit of reading but in there somewhere is a chapter on how to manipulate plant genetics with the view to altering sex of plants.the only reason i know this is that i went to spain 2 years ago and met some growers who use this method and get 100 percent female.
95 percent of herm is reversable 2. if you want a copy of the book then you may be interested to know im talking total and utter babble.


Well-Known Member
really? i have pharmacutical grade biological estrogen (not chemicals). does that work? i know i am going to try it on my next germinating seed no matter what.

i don't think it will do anything but actually i might try it on 2 seeds and if both come up female i will try it on two more and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
pretty much everything i have read points to the sex of the plant being determined in the 3rd-4th week of veg.. 18/6 lighting opposed to 20/4 24/0 produces more females.. Keeping the heat range from like 70-75 (during light)helps the female numbers, 80+ the hotter it gets the more males.. the higher (safely) you can keep the humidity during veg = better female chances.. i got this from a guide i read a while back and the guy constantly got 85-90% females from regular seeds..


Well-Known Member
that 'banana thing' has some truth in it.

certain gasses similar to that produced by the decomposition of bananas, are known to increase female # .

in theory it would work, i remember seeing a thread on icmag about it. have a look.

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
I have tried the banana peel thing, It did not work. I put the seeds in with banana peels for 2 weeks before germination and my results actually had 55% MALES.


Well-Known Member
there is a book called gm logic, published by ted hunter corporation ,takes a bit of reading but in there somewhere is a chapter on how to manipulate plant genetics with the view to altering sex of plants.the only reason i know this is that i went to spain 2 years ago and met some growers who use this method and get 100 percent female.
95 percent of herm is reversable 2. if you want a copy of the book may be interested to know im talking total and utter babble.
Reverse a hermie? ( NOT to sound like a dick, but I know its gonna come out that way) but put up or shut up.

Ok, attitude side now (cut me a break, I'm an ex-NY'er), to toss out there that there is a way to reverse a hermie and not follow through is just *wrong*.

Me? I can deal with a hermie, its a small grow. I just love the tech and science behind the stuff.


Well-Known Member
i did mention at end that i was talking babble or crap,soz brits have srange humour or mayb just me.wish icould reverse hermie i got bag full, hey a reverse hermie would be a hermie wouldnt it?


Well-Known Member
i did mention at end that i was talking babble or crap,soz brits have srange humour......?
with u there geezer lol...:bigjoint:

i've read this banana thing b4 and they make me chuck up cos i'm allergic to em...THERY ARE THE DEVIL'S WORK!! Ban the banana!! BAN IT NOW!! :lol:

try ur mother's milk to feed em with..see if that works lmfao


Well-Known Member
feminized seeds are great but if i had 10 seeds i know its probable 1/2 will be female, so i toss the males quickly or let the 1st batch pollinate.. to me its easy to sex them and toss.. also, after i grow that 1st batch i always clone.. its so simple and less hassel....

so to me, is it really worth the trouble in trying to create fem seeds????? or is it worth the additional cost of fem seeds?????

maybe i am missing something here but it just doesnt seem worth the trouble...

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
feminized seeds are great but if i had 10 seeds i know its probable 1/2 will be female, so i toss the males quickly or let the 1st batch pollinate.. to me its easy to sex them and toss.. also, after i grow that 1st batch i always clone.. its so simple and less hassel....

so to me, is it really worth the trouble in trying to create fem seeds????? or is it worth the additional cost of fem seeds?????

maybe i am missing something here but it just doesnt seem worth the trouble...

I totaly agree with this statement:hump:


Well-Known Member
concur with that but i also i disagree lol

fem seeds means u should get all girls but they may go hermie. and don't let em shag!! lol

cloning's top!!!!!! how clever is that!!!!?howcum we can't grow new arms and stuff yet???? medical science MY ARSE!!
sorry...bit twatted! :lol: