someone tried to break into my house


Well-Known Member
On a seperate note somebody tried to break into one of my houses.. im not sure when it happened. But either today or yesterday.. i think it happened today..but tonight i was getting ready to feed the plants.. i went into the room and i noticed the panda film was flopping around i was like wtf so i check it and notice air was coming.. i started freaking out. My heart dropped into my stomach..

I went outside and someone threw a rock into the window and tried to pry it open. But i have lock on the slides too the couldnt open it.. what boggles my mind is that i also have bars on my windows.. looks like the tried to pull them off but fail.. but why break a window unlock it and then just give up? Ok nobody knows what i do in my neighborhood.. but i have a shit ton of zombie crack heads walking around this house is in the hood. Probably one of the worst in america.. i looked like a crack head attempt. What scares me that window was to a flowering room. What if a neighbor called the cops.. what if it was a cop? Will they be back again.. what the fuck am i suppose to do? Pack up and leave..I cant i have to much money invested..

Man this blows.. so tomorrow i am buying video cameras and boarding up all the windows from the inside.. i am about 100% sure they couldnt see anything because the panda film is blocking their view but absolutely sure they could smell it.. and now its leaking into the neighborhood.. fucking fuck..
Shit m8 it cud be kids dont think it would be cops as they would of put the door through dont know to say m8 tough 1
Wow that sucks. I don't believe the cops will show. If what you say is true about the neighbor hood then it was probably a neighbor ! Lol. Cameras aren't gonna do anything when it comes to your operation being stolen or discovered. All you can do it just button the bitch up like Fort Knox. Maybe put a dog in the house so next time it scares them away. Get that window sealed cause the smell alone will legally allow the police to check every house on the block. Maybe try some motion lights on the outside that send a paranoid crack head right off the property. Good luck.
Someone has wind of what's going on in there now. I would deff stick around the house for a few days or pay someone to stay there a few nights. I'm freaking out for you man!
Shit m8 it cud be kids dont think it would be cops as they would of put the door through dont know to say m8 tough 1

I dont think its kids.. i never see kids walking around.. its for sure a crack head..they are everywhere here.. i think it's one of the guys that mow my yard.. i pay a couple of the local zombies 30 bucks to mow the yard.. this window is in the back and nobody can see them.. i have a big yard.. fuck mowing i am to busy to mow..but maybe i have to figure something out..
Someone has wind of what's going on in there now. I would deff stick around the house for a few days or pay someone to stay there a few nights. I'm freaking out for you man!

Yeah im not huge but i am running over 6k of light and that room is one month into flower..

I have/had big plans for this house.. i just moved in a month ago.. i though this area was perfect because in the deep hood you dont see police, i think they just let people do whatever they want out.. plus why would the police be worried about a white boy in the hood.. i do not sell out of the house, nobody knows where i live but the zombies.. they see when i leave everyday to got to work but i do consultant and contract work so im never on a schedule..

Tomorrow i am parking my truck somewhere else and im going to see if they try to come back.. I keep guns on deck always
Have to becareful who you tell and who you get to do jobs for you even close freinds tell know 1 and as the otber bloke said stay at the house armed locked and loaded ready for sum fucker to come in hope all goes well
DTE="ODanksta, post: 10618497, member: 464712"]I dont think its kids.. i never see kids walking around.. its for sure a crack head..they are everywhere here.. i think it's one of the guys that mow my yard.. i pay a couple of the local zombies 30 bucks to mow the yard.. this window is in the back and nobody can see them.. i have a big yard.. fuck mowing i am to busy to mow..but maybe i have to figure something out..[/QUOTE]
Dont have anyone on your property doing anything for need to be that crazyass white boy that mows his grass in a damn viking helmet and cowboy boots and cut offs
Try it you'd be surprised at what kind of a deterrent that is !
Good luck..
I would replace the window with a plexiglass window. will help with any further breakage and cheaper than a glass install. also might wanna invest in some motion flood lights on all 4 corners of the house. so you will have some kind of perimeter protection. not that light would deter potential assholes form causing damage, but might startle them enough not to come back. then post a few bad dog warning signs as an extra deterrant.

good luck and fvck zombies.
If you do live in the ghetto, like you suggest, I wouldn't be scared of neighbors because most ghetto people hate to snitch.

Board it up like you said, can't really do anything else.
Scary stuff keep your gun with you at all times! Don't let tweekers mow the gotta move and stay out of the ghetto if possible.
Ok so this is the deal.. i went and talked to my neighbor today.. he is a 70+ year old black man that is retired with no kids and a deceased wife. He sits on his porch drinking beer all day. So last thursday a fucking a week ago is when they attemped to break in. He caught them, he said it was mid-day. He was in his bedroom and he could hear them trying to break the bars. He said he grabbed his gun and walked around the back of his yard and fired 3 shots into the air. And confronted them and he said they ran for their lives.. i thanked him dearly and bought him a 30 pack of beer.. i asked him why he didnt call the cops he said he doesnt fuck with cops.. i told him neither do I. He was cool as shit for 70 year old man. But i guess living in hood your whole life brings hated to LEO as most of feel the same..
So i ordered the nicest 8 infra red video camera system I could find on amazon and had them over night it. It should be here tomorrow and will be installed by sunset.. i am not leaving the house for the next week.. staying on gaurd with a pistol on me 24/7..

For those of you that said i guess your not in a med or rec state because you didnt call the cops. WTF legal or not.. NEVER CALL THE COPS! I dont know what imaginary world you fucking live in. Have any of you ever tried to report a break in or tried to report something that has been stolen? You know what the fuck happens NOT A GOD DAMN THING! Maybe i need to brush you up on something here in good ol Merica the police are here to fuck you any means possible..

Golden rule DONT TALK TO COPS! Do you really think the cops care if someone is breaking into grow house even if your in rec state or .. FUCK NO! you are a criminal.

Btw im using 3/4 osb board on every window but the front windows..

Regardless im not shutting down this grow i have 10k invested.. fuck that noise

And yes i am legal..
hunt whatever is in season and skin it and butcher it in the front yard. wave to all passerby. deer work wonderfully...

Thats the shit im talking about.. im a fucking red neck too. My user name on breedbay is oilfield white trash.. i have been on there in years..

Lol, THCFarmer kicked me for saying Jew..

Rollitup banned me for giving out free seeds, but before anyone flags this they allowed me to come back a long time ago.. i promised i would never do it again my old user name was masterofgenetics... blah blah

Ive been on this site since the beginning

Im about to take a fat dab of some chocolate thia shatter and eat a edible and go board up the house...

Ok so this is the deal.. i went and talked to my neighbor today.. he is a 70+ year old black man that is retired with no kids and a deceased wife. He sits on his porch drinking beer all day. So last thursday a fucking a week ago is when they attemped to break in. He caught them, he said it was mid-day. He was in his bedroom and he could hear them trying to break the bars. He said he grabbed his gun and walked around the back of his yard and fired 3 shots into the air. And confronted them and he said they ran for their lives.. i thanked him dearly and bought him a 30 pack of beer.. i asked him why he didnt call the cops he said he doesnt fuck with cops.. i told him neither do I. He was cool as shit for 70 year old man. But i guess living in hood your whole life brings hated to LEO as most of feel the same..
So i ordered the nicest 8 infra red video camera system I could find on amazon and had them over night it. It should be here tomorrow and will be installed by sunset.. i am not leaving the house for the next week.. staying on gaurd with a pistol on me 24/7..

For those of you that said i guess your not in a med or rec state because you didnt call the cops. WTF legal or not.. NEVER CALL THE COPS! I dont know what imaginary world you fucking live in. Have any of you ever tried to report a break in or tried to report something that has been stolen? You know what the fuck happens NOT A GOD DAMN THING! Maybe i need to brush you up on something here in good ol Merica the police are here to fuck you any means possible..

Golden rule DONT TALK TO COPS! Do you really think the cops care if someone is breaking into grow house even if your in rec state or .. FUCK NO! you are a criminal.

Btw im using 3/4 osb board on every window but the front windows..

Regardless im not shutting down this grow i have 10k invested.. fuck that noise

And yes i am legal..
Man, america changes so much just depending on where you go. You can go to the nicest place in the world in one state and the next you got people shooting guns in the neighborhood, and no one calls the cops (not saying I would) in the north one shot and the cops come raining down like crazy here, ghetto or not.

Imagine what your country is going Tobe like in 500 years lol. Or even 150. Mad Max post apocalyptic wasteland most likly hahaha.