Picture of your pet thread !!!

I think that it is performed on dogs that fight.. Less to grab onto during a fight maybe? Unnecessary surgery is cruel in my book.
While I agree that clicker training and other methods work well, some dogs need a "come to jesus meeting". "The touch" LOL

Some dogs are so easy to train and some are a PITA.
The DK I have now is a dream come true. Very mellow in the home. NEVER chewed on anything even when left lose in the house @ 11 months old.
Now in the field after birds he's a beast, tons of drive and no quit.
The wife is a bit of a push over and the dog has her number if you know what I mean. :lol:

The only bad thing about him is he loves everyone and he would not protect the home at all.:)
There are a lot of studies arguing against this, but I am a full supporter of Cesar - not necessarily all of his tactics/ideas/views, but I certainly think he gets results for a reason. I have trained dozens of dogs and use methods similar to him - dominating the dog is the wrong term, you want to show that in a dominance/power display, you will come out on top over the dog and he will back down. Not every dog is the same, and not every dog responds to this kind of training. Just kinda got to get a feel for the dogs personality. Some dogs are naturally VERY submissive (dogs that show you their belly aren't doing it because they want you to pet them, they're saying "Hey! I like you and trust you!" - it's submissive behavior), or if you have a dog that cowers down a little when you go to pet them. Those kinds of dogs would not respond well to Cesar's methods. But with aggressive-dominant dogs, you NEED them to feel subordinate to you to avoid disrespectful behavior. Dogs aren't smart enough to know that communication is different between a dog, cat, or human. Hence why a lot of dogs and cats have a hard time getting along because their body language totally clashes.

Sorry sunni, that's not necessarily a response to you.. just ranting to the general public lol. I'm a dog & horse trainer in my spare time!

i could go on and on about why ceasers methods are terrible and bad,outdated, and down right wrong.. and everyone knows i have a breed that is "dominant" "agressive" and "non submissive"
but i would be beating a dead horse.

edit: like is aid train your dog how you want lol up to the individual person
My parents used to raise German Shepards, and when they wanted their ears to stand they didn't have them cut. They put those soft pink rollers at the tip, and used that soft medical tape around it, left it on for 3 days, and when it came off their ears just stood like that. Muscle training, not cutting. If that's what you really want. Personally, Tuckies ears stand and then flop at the tips, and I think it's cute as hell that way. That must be the way they're supposed to be, that's how he was born lol.
Thor has floppy ears , they look ridiculous and i love them i was going to do the rollers to stand em up but he is who he is :p now of course if he told me he feels deep down in his heart his ears should be up than id do it :p
ha looks exactly like my dog
since we chatted about funny looking ears

i got a few
This is what Thor does when im in the kitchen ....I dont like him in the kitchen cause he counter surfs and i use alot of garlic i just dont take the risk but he watches
....and waits
i give him veggies though

although blurry this one is my fav LOL
ha looks exactly like my dog
since we chatted about funny looking ears

i got a few
This is what Thor does when im in the kitchen ....I dont like him in the kitchen cause he counter surfs and i use alot of garlic i just dont take the risk but he watches
....and waits
i give him veggies though

although blurry this one is my fav LOL
D'awwmygods!!! Adorables.!
ha looks exactly like my dog
since we chatted about funny looking ears

i got a few
This is what Thor does when im in the kitchen ....I dont like him in the kitchen cause he counter surfs and i use alot of garlic i just dont take the risk but he watches
....and waits
i give him veggies though

although blurry this one is my fav LOL

I watched that like 4 times! Is that your dog you posted the pic of in the mud earlier? Too funny! Our dog used to frap like that for no reason. I didn't even know it had a name:

Dogs experiencing sudden and frenetic energy bursts are common enough that there’s a name for the phenomenon: FRAP, or frenetic random activity period. If your dog launches himself over the couch, rolls all over the ground and starts throwing play bows your way, he’s probably experiencing a FRAP. When managed correctly, FRAPs can be an exciting and fun period for you and your dog to bond. If unsupervised, however, a dog may get into trouble during his FRAPS by finding his own activities.
I watched that like 4 times! Is that your dog you posted the pic of in the mud earlier? Too funny! Our dog used to frap like that for no reason. I didn't even know it had a name:

Dogs experiencing sudden and frenetic energy bursts are common enough that there’s a name for the phenomenon: FRAP, or frenetic random activity period. If your dog launches himself over the couch, rolls all over the ground and starts throwing play bows your way, he’s probably experiencing a FRAP. When managed correctly, FRAPs can be an exciting and fun period for you and your dog to bond. If unsupervised, however, a dog may get into trouble during his FRAPS by finding his own activities.
Charlotte has gotten into the habit of jumping and spinning around when I get home from work. I'll try to get it on video and post it, quite priceless...

She's so fuckin cute, all these pets are. You all should be proud of yourselves !
I watched that like 4 times! Is that your dog you posted the pic of in the mud earlier? Too funny! Our dog used to frap like that for no reason. I didn't even know it had a name:

Dogs experiencing sudden and frenetic energy bursts are common enough that there’s a name for the phenomenon: FRAP, or frenetic random activity period. If your dog launches himself over the couch, rolls all over the ground and starts throwing play bows your way, he’s probably experiencing a FRAP. When managed correctly, FRAPs can be an exciting and fun period for you and your dog to bond. If unsupervised, however, a dog may get into trouble during his FRAPS by finding his own activities.

I've caught him frapping, before, but ignored it. it was uncomfortable..........