DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

A proper relationship is always beneficial.

Not disputing that, even with salt-based hydroponics microbial life can be useful and beneficial. However sometimes it isn't desired or required. Car's can be faster with turbo's over high compression. Different performance characteristics though. This thread isn't about soil vs hydro, I'm not interested in which is 'better' since 'better' is a subjective term. Let's keep this conversation on COB's now.
Bicit, I am not trying to draw away from the topic at hand (chem ferts = petrochemically derived fertilizer) I am using those examples to try and demonstrate the mechanism and results of making this kind of mistake, misusing the power of science. And like FFH said, it is all tied together, Monsanto is an agrochemical company, pesticides, DDT, Agent Orange, growth hormones and ironically they once dabbled in LEDs! Now the are into GMO to make crops roundup (herbicide) resistant. Roundup is their cash cow, selling seeds that can withstand being doused in herbicide (glyphosate).

Daniel Vitalis proposed that animals are like plants, except we get to carry our soil around with us. The importance of gut health is becoming more clear. There is more microbial DNA in your body than human DNA. If we scrapped all that and fed you intravenously, would it change you? Not for the better I expect but like FFH said, I dont need a study to tell me that.

I am OK to agree to disagree. As you can imagine I am used to that :) My final paper for Biology of Ecosystems was on (the dangers of) GMO and everything was cited. I don't want you to think I am spreading misinformation.
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Hey Bueno, good idea on the runoff table. I like the Botanicare LowTide trays myself, but have recently gone to big pots on saucers. When I set up "for real" I may go back to drain-to-waste tables.

Just watch out if the shower curtain liner is PVC, it could have off-gassing. I bought a pond liner for my whole floor but returned it because of this. Or is that part not going to be in tent? I'm not great at visualizing stuff sometimes, haven't owned a tent yet.

Ahh good call didnt think of that. Ya it would be in the tent.

Bueno- What are you tapping? The COB to the heat sink?

Yeah tapping for screws for the COB holders. I just have my COBs kapton taped on right now on my two modules but want to do COB holders with new COBs.

Wouldn't it be easier to just us a shallow rubber maid container as a drain table? I think I'm having a hard time picturing your idea.

Not sure what you mean either haha. I dont want the grow bags sitting in their runoff and I hate having to pick the plant/pot up out of the saucer to dump any runoff out. With a short height-wise drain table I can just put a container to catch the runoff coming off the table when I water and let it drain for a bit into a shallow container I place on the floor just outside of the tent. Once its stopped draining I can take and dump the container of runoff and zip the tent back up.
Ahh good call didnt think of that. Ya it would be in the tent.
Man this thread is moving fast today. Here's an article about the evils of PVC, specifically shower curtains.

Don't feel bad Bueno, I had completely unrolled this massive PVC pond liner, then I realized, uh oh. I read a few articles, then hooked up my carbon filter again and blasted it for several hours. Luckily Home Depot took it back with no problem.

Supra, PEVA huh? I'm sure it's good to go, yeah right.
Hey Pet, I'll start a thread after I've at least attempted to do some cable management, and built and mounted some Orca panels.

For Bueno, I read an article where they specifically tested PVC shower curtains. Some of them had over 100 VOC's, and some of those volatile compounds lingered in the room for months afterwards. That's why I mentioned it.

Thats a bit off putting. Not sure what to use now, I was liking my free drain table idea.

Ive kept the old shower curtain around and use it for mixing soil with amendments or transplanting so I can work on the carpet inside and not make a mess, just fold the shower curtain up and take it outside and shake it out and fold it up for storage again. I was just going to take a piece off that for the drain table liner but probably not now.
Bueno- do you feel that the tapping is worth it vs. the tape? I guess you must. I had tapped my previous build (100 holes) and was thinking tape might be kinda quick and fast
Thats a bit off putting. Not sure what to use now, I was liking my free drain table idea.

Ive kept the old shower curtain around and use it for mixing soil with amendments or transplanting so I can work on the carpet inside and not make a mess, just fold the shower curtain up and take it outside and shake it out and fold it up for storage again. I was just going to take a piece off that for the drain table liner but probably not now.
I'm sorry. I was honestly thinking earlier, if it's an old shower curtain, it's probably about done off-gassing. Plus it's going to be at the bottom of the tent, and wet. I think it will probably be just fine. ;)
Bueno- do you feel that the tapping is worth it vs. the tape? I guess you must. I had tapped my previous build (100 holes) and was thinking tape might be kinda quick and fast

I like the cleaner look of the modules with the holders and it just seems more "properly" done when using the COB holders. Also if I were ever to sell the used COBs when something new and drastically better comes out, they would be in nicer condition if I dont solder wires to the contact pads. Or if I wanted to sell the complete modules, COB/heatsink/driver, ready to plug and play I would be best off with the COB holders, not many people would want to buy an LED light with taped on LEDs I dont think.

Mainly for doing it because its more of a clean and proper way to do it, the whole selling thing is just an added benefit IMO if it ever came time to sell them to upgrade or whatever.

The tape has been working fine for me though, the COBs are still stuck down to the heatsinks well with the thermal paste vacuum and havent moved with just the tape keeping them stationary.
Just wanted to say even tho this thread is called DIY Led, doesnt mean thats all we can discuss/debate. This is supras thread and obviously we can read the passion he has about organics and sustainabilty. Although we might loose one or two DIYers over the organic discussion, i know we will gain more followers thru this sustainable ideology. Organics and LED! My fav thread thus far!
Bueno- do you feel that the tapping is worth it vs. the tape? I guess you must. I had tapped my previous build (100 holes) and was thinking tape might be kinda quick and fast

I've been tapping with a hand held drill, hand tap, and a punch to start the hole. Really really fast and easy!

Drill press and all that is totally unnecessary

Sorry for butting in but I had big worries about tapping when I started...turned out to be one of the easiest things to do. Hate to see anyone get discouraged thinking that it's hard or slow to do

Last tap I did I did with the star in place...just center punched it where I wanted it...drilled and tapped...screwed it down. Literally one minute..
Sucks if the hole isn't drilled deep enough you can shear the head off the screw...

I ran into that problem..

Cut the screw down with a Dremel or something...sink is back flat again.

To solve the not deep enough thing. Put the drill back in the hole...go a little deeper...tap again. Doesn't hurt the threads at all

I just go right through...
I would agree on the heat transfer. Plus there's really hardly any tapping to do with the COB. Not compared to all those little stars
Love you bro- but that comment simply tells me you haven't seen the bigger picture. I won't debate it, 'cause it'll get all rude and nasty and this is a spectacular thread, so I'll bow out of the organic talk now.

Deleted my reply, if anyone wants to talk about it further we can do it over messaging. I'm being one of those douche bags that makes compiling info about LED's difficult for newbies. Sorry...
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I've been tapping with a hand held drill, hand tap, and a punch to start the hole. Really really fast and easy!

Drill press and all that is totally unnecessary

Sorry for butting in but I had big worries about tapping when I started...turned out to be one of the easiest things to do. Hate to see anyone get discouraged thinking that it's hard or slow to do

Last tap I did I did with the star in place...just center punched it where I wanted it...drilled and tapped...screwed it down. Literally one minute..

I dont have a drill press so that is what I was going to do too. Mark holes and center punch then drill.

I found a nice little tip on for drilling closer to a 90 degree angle without a drill press. Making a "tool" by taking two pieces of wood and gluing at a 90 degree angle so you then have a reference point for perpendicular by going off the right angle created by the two pieces of wood and also by how it sits on the surface. Hard to explain and its not perfect but should help give a reference point while doing the drilling.

Im going to try it out when I drill my holes.

Organic chemistry has absolutely nothing to do with whether something is synthetic or naturally found.

Generally people fear what they can not understand... but the answers are there... in a chemistry book...

Organic Science was around before bros. Before Monsanto and Dow also.