Fox farm cannabis questions

I'm new to growing and i was wondering if i should use fox farms products more specifically grow big, tiger bloom, big bloom. Should i use these products? If so is there anything i need to be worried on?:confused: Oh and i'm going to be growing auto strains outdoors in pots, buckets if that helps.
Those nutes seem to work fine for my girl ;) I have not used any other brand though, so I cant give you any opinions on who might have the 'best' nutrient solution.


Whatever you do though, try to stick with the same brand. I use Fox Farms soil *and* nutrients. Sometimes people get problems when they use a bunch of different companies products in one grow, and it can be hard to diagnose the issue. Keep it simple and run the same company until you're comfortable
I agree with rentaldog 100%. I"ve been using FF nutes so far too and they are not bad, but the best grower I know suggested using botannicare and i've read better things about them than FF nutes, so i'll be doing a side by side run of FF & botanicare nutes soon to see which my girls like best.

Just something to keep in mind, but the FF nutes should work great.
Do you have their feeding schedule? Probably best to go off this as opposed to the bottle directions
I don't use fox farm but whne I purchased the roots organic that I do use. The hydro shop owner told me to go with that instead of fox farm because fox farm tends to build up salts that can affect the roots.I don't know this as a fact but just something to think about or ask someone who may actually know.
There has been a very thorough non-biased study done on another site comparing the major nutrients available...

The results are:
1- earth juice
2- bio canna
3- advanced nutrients
4- general organics
5- fox farm
6 dyna grow

I've used earth juice for years and strongly recommend it if you are growing in soil. Most of the guys growing monsters use this nute combined with a "super" soil. Which requires no additional nutes added to the soil until flower at which time earth juice bloom formula is added... (This is how the biggest, healthiest plants are grown 8lb-ers in 300 gallon pots) with a very similar simple method...
I use fox farm soil and nutes and I get amazing results. mudhead is correct about the nutes causing salt buildup, you will have to flush every 3-4 weeks, but the end result is worth it. If you are only growing fast finishing autos and using FFOF soil you wont need the grow big. The soil alone will take it a few weeks then start tiger bloom. feed big bloom from seed to finish.
One other thing If you are growing in soil I strongly recommend going the organic route, it is much easier, as big if not bigger yeilds, much more cost effective, no need to worry about salt buildup or ph-ing or ph lock out and all the other problems with synthetic nutes...
I don't use fox farm but whne I purchased the roots organic that I do use. The hydro shop owner told me to go with that instead of fox farm because fox farm tends to build up salts that can affect the roots.I don't know this as a fact but just something to think about or ask someone who may actually know.
Ok i think i'm going to go with roots organic. Do you know if the 707 is good in nitrogen? i want my plants to do good in vegging. If not maybe i can add some blood meal to the 707.
One other thing If you are growing in soil I strongly recommend going the organic route, it is much easier, as big if not bigger yeilds, much more cost effective, no need to worry about salt buildup or ph-ing or ph lock out and all the other problems with synthetic nutes...
Agreed, I think organic is probably better, except when it comes to yield. A propper synthetic nute schedule, and the ability to fine tune the nutes throughout the grow give us a way to create freakishly large flowers.
I don't have experience with 707 but have heard it's ok stuff... I'm not sure of the NPK ratio or how consistent it is... I personally would make my own "super" soil using black and gold potting soil or canna terra professional with chicken manure, bone meal, gypsum, high nitrogen bat guano and earth worm castings added... This mix will require no additional nutes until flower at which time a decent bloom formula can be added and that's all that is needed.... This mix needs to cool for 4-6 weeks before planting as it's far to hot... If you decide on this route and want the detailed mix recipe yell out...
Acording to aurora it is amended but not as heavily as some of their other soils so It says to feed them as well.I haven't used it but have one of their catalogs right here.It has these amendments in it out of the bag;perlite,pumice,virgin forest material,worm castings,bat guano,fish bone meal,no gmo soy meal,green sand,compostedvirgin forest material,rock dust,rock phosphate,calcareous lime, dolomitic lime,gypsum,feather meal,kelp meal,and michorrhizae. Sounds pretty complete to me but says to feed with a light nutrient solution.It doesn't list the NPK in catalog.
I use fox farm soil and nutes and I get amazing results. mudhead is correct about the nutes causing salt buildup, you will have to flush every 3-4 weeks, but the end result is worth it. If you are only growing fast finishing autos and using FFOF soil you wont need the grow big. The soil alone will take it a few weeks then start tiger bloom. feed big bloom from seed to finish.
I'm just going to go with roots organic since it's good for seedlings. i'm going to be adding blood meal hopefully get some good nitrogen off of that. Then i'll buy a fast auto and use fox farms, flushing every 3-4 weeks.
Agreed, I think organic is probably better, except when it comes to yield. A propper synthetic nute schedule, and the ability to fine tune the nutes throughout the grow give us a way to create freakishly large flowers.

Agree with this completely in the case of experienced growers who can read there plants needs very well and will pull much more with synthetics however inexperienced growers will always pull more in organics where it is much more forgiving with burning plants, ph, salts ect...

Wow mud head that does sound like some crazy soil didn't realise how much stuff it had in it... I'm curious as to how they keep the ph and NPK ratio Consistent with that amount of different organic material that would be sourced from all different places at all different times???
Sounds good but you can buy the same amensments through them in bagged form and apply them to promix yourself wich is what I do.They are all precombined for different stages veg,bloom,and one called foundation.I have had great luck combining these with the roots organic liquids and have had very little trouble from my first grow on.
This is my preferred soil mix and what I've found to be the most successful...

This is per 100 gallon smart pot so you will have to scale up or down depending on your pot size...

Per 100 gallon smart pot:
- 6x 50l bags canna terra professional or equivalent in black and gold potting soil
- 25lbs or 30l chicken manure (approximate)
- 16lbs Bone meal
- 6lbs of gypsum
- high nitrogen bat guano
- earth worm castings

Left to cool for at least 4-6 weeks before use. This mix will require no additional nutes till flower... At which time I like to use earth juice bloom formula.
This is my preferred soil mix and what I've found to be the most successful...

This is per 100 gallon smart pot so you will have to scale up or down depending on your pot size...

Per 100 gallon smart pot:
- 6x 50l bags canna terra professional or equivalent in black and gold potting soil
- 25lbs or 30l chicken manure (approximate)
- 16lbs Bone meal
- 6lbs of gypsum
- high nitrogen bat guano
- earth worm castings

Left to cool for at least 4-6 weeks before use. This mix will require no additional nutes till flower... At which time I like to use earth juice bloom formula.
damn, are you using 1 100 gal pot to grow "trees" outdoors?
Agreed, I think organic is probably better, except when it comes to yield. A propper synthetic nute schedule, and the ability to fine tune the nutes throughout the grow give us a way to create freakishly large flowers.
Do i have to worry about pH when using fox farms. If so is it a good idea to buy the pH control kit like this one
I'll be doing fox farms for my next auto fast grow