Pouring beer, how?

Are you trying to say that you've been using beer to water your plants for a few days and they are growing fast?

Are you trying to say that you've been using beer to water your plants for a few days and they are growing fast?

A week, they look, the leaves become more green.This is my grandfather told me, a lot of people in the Chinese beer gardening, flower more vivid, grow faster.
huh?? I'd imagen this may help with co2 ?? Seems alittle weird though . what kinda beer you using? Do you have a pic for proof?
Carbon dioxide is good for the leaves, not particularly for the roots. The yeast may be beneficial. If you do this you'd want to use a beer with a very low alcohol content. The alcohol is the only thing in the beer I can think of inherently toxic to (no good for) plants.
Beer is mostly water, some microbes, alcohol as a mild antiseptic, etc. I don't know about the validity of the claims, but I've read about this before