trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
I guess what it comes down to is, I don't understand why people need to drudge on and on through something that cannot be changed.
yeah, i really don't get why you drudge on and on about getting people to leave a topic that they clearly still feel like talking about.

it's kinda sad that you feel the need to stick your fat face in here and tell everyone to move on when they clearly still feel like posting about it.

I came clean and set the record straight.
so you were lying before, but you;re totally not lying now, so we should believe an admitted liar whose lies are changing?

yeah, nice try stay-puft marshmallow lady.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i really don't get why you drudge on and on about getting people to leave a topic that they clearly still feel like talking about.

it's kinda sad that you feel the need to stick your fat face in here and tell everyone to move on when they clearly still feel like posting about it.

so you were lying before, but you;re totally not lying now, so we should believe an admitted liar whose lies are changing?

yeah, nice try stay-puft marshmallow lady.

I'm just concerned for your well being. You seem to get worked up over all this. I think it could be bad for your blood pressure. I'm just expressing my concern for your health. It's a good thing.


Well-Known Member
I'm just concerned for your well being. You seem to get worked up over all this. I think it could be bad for your blood pressure. I'm just expressing my concern for your health. It's a good thing.
you should worry about your own health first, before the fat clots and diabetes does its thing.


Well-Known Member
It's like we are watching a meltdown live. It's uncomfortable.

The more concern I show for him the more hatred he projections towards me. It reminds me of my children when they were young. I used to hold them and just let them cry it out. It usually worked. I wish I could reach through the screen and hug this man.


Well-Known Member
The more concern I show for him the more hatred he projections towards me. It reminds me of my children when they were young. I used to hold them and just let them cry it out. It usually worked. I wish I could reach through the screen and hug this man.
pretty sure i was more hateful to you during your previous lie/farce of a persona.


Well-Known Member
pretty sure i was more hateful to you during your previous lie/farce of a persona.

I deserved it then. Today I have done nothing to cause you any hatred. I have been trying to help you work through your pain and all you can do is lash out at me. I'm here to help you. Try to let it all go. You'll feel much better, in the long run.


Well-Known Member
I deserved it then. Today I have done nothing to cause you any hatred. I have been trying to help you work through your pain and all you can do is lash out at me. I'm here to help you. Try to let it all go. You'll feel much better, in the long run.
so you want us to believe your latest set of lies, when you have told us from the beginning that you were here to lie?

which lies of yours should we believe?


Well-Known Member
so you want us to believe your latest set of lies, when you have told us from the beginning that you were here to lie?

which lies of yours should we believe?

Right now, in this thread, I am here for you. It's not about me. I want to help you through all this.


Well-Known Member
are you still doing this mother teresa act?

you need to lose about 480 pounds first.

At least I got your mind off of Treyvon for a minute. By focusing on other things you should be able to put it all behind you. I think you're going to be okay.


Well-Known Member
At least I got your mind off of Treyvon for a minute. By focusing on other things you should be able to put it all behind you. I think you're going to be okay.
who's this bitch think she is we will never forgive trayvan for what he did. this is r/ politics #1 thread of all time bizzle so i'll make sure it stays that way.


Well-Known Member
but since you're back tracking so hard about not being a fatty because it hurts your fee fees Ima have to point that out as much as possible.

Call me fat all you want. It's more of a reflection of who you are then who I am. Since it is you who is making the statement. Enjoy yourself. Let your hatred flow. Get it all out.