the attitude and credit cards

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Not saying it will happen, but the feds wouldn't need to check the order data on the UK server if they can just call up whichever US bank issued your VISA card and ask them to send details of all the payments made to that vendor in the last month. And if you think VISA or your bank would not comply with the feds' request, then you obviously have not been paying attention to the news recently.

Thanks to the PATRIOT ACT, any notion of "data privacy" is a just quaint and fading memory.
You can purchase debit credit cards with no ID-----Just get one of those and use a pre-paid international phone card-----you can also go to one of those small mom and pop mailing centers and set-up a mail box with no id... nothen to trace----just wear a baseball cap and sunglasses and park down the road then walk to get the mail. About as safe as you can get------It's medical marijuana anyway-whats the big deal!!!


Well-Known Member
You can purchase debit credit cards with no ID-----Just get one of those and use a pre-paid international phone card-----you can also go to one of those small mom and pop mailing centers and set-up a mail box with no id... nothen to trace----just wear a baseball cap and sunglasses and park down the road then walk to get the mail. About as safe as you can get------It's medical marijuana anyway-whats the big deal!!!

LOL...get a fake mustache too and a leather jacket an pop up your collar now your all set.:hump:

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
I didn't think of that but good point------the collar up might cause to much attention---maybe try going into a store next to the shop and buy something small---then go check your mail---you could also take a change of clothes and go into the bathroom and change.----lol


Well-Known Member
You can purchase debit credit cards with no ID-----Just get one of those and use a pre-paid international phone card-----you can also go to one of those small mom and pop mailing centers and set-up a mail box with no id... nothen to trace----just wear a baseball cap and sunglasses and park down the road then walk to get the mail. About as safe as you can get------It's medical marijuana anyway-whats the big deal!!!
Where specifically in the U.S. can you buy these cards that work overseas? I've been to Wal-mart and it seems like the debit cards (greendot) all require your social security number in order to have the card account opened.


Well-Known Member
Where specifically in the U.S. can you buy these cards that work overseas? I've been to Wal-mart and it seems like the debit cards (greendot) all require your social security number in order to have the card account opened.

thats what im saying i dont think you can... SUCKS!!!!

wasted fuckin loot on those damn cards!!!

think your "safest" is to send a money order but id make sure is converted in their currency cause im sure theres a fee for that and would suck for them to deny that shit cause its in american $$$.. an i mean safest as in no PAPER trail... pigs could always just see where the shits gets mailed to really but i doubt it either way..

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Still have not received package and their tracking only says: transferred to overseas postal carrier for delivery in the USA. Would not order from them again at this point----there are too many fast seed companies to waste your time on slow ones that want to fart around with your money-my time's too important to waste it on waiting for seeds and I even sent them the money express mail----my tracking shows it has been 11 days since they got my money----they state on there site----most receive in 5 and some 7 at the most. They have failed to deliver at this point.-------You can go to prepaid and they have a locator where you can pick up the cards----have someone get the card for you and just use the card as a gift card.


Well-Known Member
Dr.Von how long did it take them to actually send it? i thought it says 1-3 days to ship the order?

and for a money order id think they would want the cash to clear in their account then send it out no?

well ill see how long it took them to send it to me.. it says on the track its shipped today so we will see

and your making me NERVOUS!!!

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Shit-making myself nervous--they called me last Monday to tell me they received my order and to have a substitute for one of the strains I ordered--My tracking for the payment said they rec it on the 4th July. The tracking number they gave me said it wasn't shipped until the 10th-this fri will be 7 working days from the date of shipment----I really expected them to be a lot faster -today is day 16 since I shipped it, and I spent 50.00 to sent it express to them---not happy:evil:---I hope it's in the mail today.


Well-Known Member
those guys told me " we where waiting on one item that was out of stock and it should be posted today, Sorry for any inconvenience that this might have caused"

that was yestarday and today it got shipped. please dont tell me that thats what they said to you in an e-mail then called you.. i didnt give them my # and dont want to get any substitute!!!!

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
One of the strains I ordered---they no-longer carry the brand so they recommended another-----it's funny thou---they still have the strain and breeder on their site.
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DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
those guys told me " we where waiting on one item that was out of stock and it should be posted today, Sorry for any inconvenience that this might have caused"

that was yestarday and today it got shipped. please dont tell me that thats what they said to you in an e-mail then called you.. i didnt give them my # and dont want to get any substitute!!!!
Sounds like they use that as an excuse a lot to delay shipment.


Well-Known Member
Oh thank god!!

i ordered mine on last friday and was shipped today.. so far it seems really good... only thing i didnt like was they dont give you a e-mail copy of the billing info or delivery address.. my billing is different from the delivery and if it goes to the billing address ill flip out!.. and i knwo i gave a different delivery!!!

i droped 235 on this shit!


Well-Known Member
Roullette, I purchase the same green dot visa gift card from wally word and it said the same thing that you can't use it internationally, but it's a lil more technical than that. The temp card your not supposedly be able to use but you can. The money you put on it has a hold or pending status on it at first and will only except live, and realtime purchases whether you are at home or using overseas (that is permanent . I ran mine soon as I got home and got denied. (also I ran it as a gift no) Ran it the next day after I saw it was denied, as a visa card (it is a visa gift card) and went through fine. So don't get bummed yet, try running them again in this manner, if I understood you correctly, this should be of some help I hope


Well-Known Member
i didnt get the green dot cards:cry:... i got the vanilla cards which comes in 25, 50, and 100 dollar increments... thats where i messed up... ill have to do the green dots next time... TY for the heads up.

and ill keep you guys up to date on my delivery status... i hope Dr.Von gets his soon!!!!:roll:

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Oh thank god!!

i ordered mine on last friday and was shipped today.. so far it seems really good... only thing i didnt like was they dont give you a e-mail copy of the billing info or delivery address.. my billing is different from the delivery and if it goes to the billing address ill flip out!.. and i knwo i gave a different delivery!!!

i droped 235 on this shit!
The other thing you will not like is the fact in a day or so the tracking they gave you will say---transferred to postal carrier for delivery abroad---the tracking part ends there-----mine has said that since last Wednesday.


Well-Known Member
even for the ups? theres 2 different tracking companies.. ones UK and ones US

i got the trace and track descrete with a T-Shirt..what did u get?