The Smiling Nationalist


Well-Known Member
do you do something to him first that would warrant him to act out in that manner?

how did it occur?..if it's in a me.
I had the nerve to disagree with him.
what is 4chan?
crazy people.

They make buck look like a saint. I never followed through once I thought of the damage they do to people who post personal info. It's fun to them.

That's why I never followed through and sincerely apologized for even considering.

Are you paying attention to how he's acting today and still wonder why I think he would jump at the chance to cause personal harm?


Well-Known Member
did you? did you threaten?

EDIT: i'm NOT taking sides but someone (or both) needs to tell me the story as they saw it in order to render opinion and work this out.
With 4chan after the personal stuff was posted for which I apologized, several times now. I made no threats before then.

I got an email a week later from someone there wanting to know if I still wanted "that fucker's" life ruined. I never gave my email address there, scary dudes. That was a wake up call and made me realize what a bitch move it would have been.


Well-Known Member
With 4chan after the personal stuff was posted for which I apologized, several times now. I made no threats before then.

I got an email a week later from someone there wanting to know if I still wanted "that fucker's" life ruined. I never gave my email address there, scary dudes. That was a wake up call and made me realize what a bitch move it would have been.
you put out an internet hit...This shit funny. How would you go about the ruining


Well-Known Member
you put out an internet hit...This shit funny. How would you go about the ruining
No i did NOT put out the hit. I asked the crazy people how to stop internet stalkers, told them somebody posted personal info about me n a pot forum and got many volunteers. I refused to give up the forum or the person.

You are accusing me of putting out a hit, well done and very honest of you.


Well-Known Member
No i did NOT put out the hit. I asked the crazy people how to stop internet stalkers, told them somebody posted personal info about me n a pot forum and got many volunteers. I refused to give up the forum or the person.

You are accusing me of putting out a hit, well done and very honest of you.
oh you were about to put out a it wrong


Well-Known Member
oh you were about to put out a it wrong
I asked what to do and the hit was offered, that I turned down.

Honor is not your thing is it London.

What I did do was start a thread here and there asking for advice on how to handle a sociopath stalker, no more.

but you keep coming to his defense, I'm starting to get the picture


Well-Known Member
Hold up I'm just trying to understand what you are saying.
you contacted them for ?????? To do what ??? What were you expecting..???
Man you are giving me a lot of shit for trying to protect my self from a psycho.

Do you approve of Buck's actions? Is posting personal info on an illegal activity site cool to you?


Well-Known Member
Man you are giving me a lot of shit for trying to protect my self from a psycho.

Do you approve of Buck's actions? Is posting personal info on an illegal activity site cool to you?
I'm not stupid enough to leave a trail like that...just saying
I mean you even used the same avatar and name. How hard is it for someone to find you. Did you not tell me Google was my friend. You actually snitch on yourself..just saying


Well-Known Member
I'm not stupid enough to leave a trail like that...just saying
I mean you even used the same avatar and name. How hard is it for someone to find you. Did you not tell me Google was my friend. You actually snitch on yourself..just saying
How much of a trail is a poker site ffs? I have almost no info about me under this name but what he could find he used. Am I to believe he wouldn't have used more if there was more?

You are giving me shit about it, but defending him. I see who you are now. This politic shit is serious business to you folks isn't it.


Well-Known Member
How much of a trail is a poker site ffs? I have almost no info about me under this name but what he could find he used. Am I to believe he wouldn't have used more if there was more?

You are giving me shit about it, but defending him. I see who you are now. This politic shit is serious business to you folks isn't it.
ummmm. you are the one that seems a wee bit worked up.


Well-Known Member
ummmm. you are the one that seems a wee bit worked up.
yeah, i'm crying in my soup over it now

not worked up, just getting a clearer picture

I'll ask you yet again since you keep avoiding it. Is it cool to post personal info here against people's will? Bear in mind, I had a man email me and I have no clue how he got that, so there is no telling what people are capable of. If the person in question was able to glean that info during his stalking, is there anything in his behavior toward me that would suggest he wouldn't post that too?


Well-Known Member
yeah, i'm crying in my soup over it now

not worked up, just getting a clearer picture

I'll ask you yet again since you keep avoiding it. Is it cool to post personal info here against people's will? Bear in mind, I had a man email me and I have no clue how he got that, so there is no telling what people are capable of. If the person in question was able to glean that info during his stalking, is there anything in his behavior toward me that would suggest he wouldn't post that too?
I wouldn't post personal info, nor would I have personal info online like that. If you don't want people to see it don't put it on the internetz. Don't go all sorry puss on me ...just advice


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't post personal info, nor would I have personal info online like that. If you don't want people to see it don't put it on the internetz. Don't go all sorry puss on me ...just advice
TBH it isn't much info, but being familiar with the 4chan people, I had no idea just how far he would go. There are people out there that could who can do real damage if their vendetta is strong enough. He made me suspect he might be one of those people.

Advice taken. Don't wear that short skirt if you don't wanna get raped. I wouldn't rape anybody, but that skirt is pretty short. Extreme I know, but as the victim I must bear some responsibility. I should never disagree with people in politics. The blame is mine.


Well-Known Member
TBH it isn't much info, but being familiar with the 4chan people, I had no idea just how far he would go. There are people out there that could who can do real damage if their vendetta is strong enough. He made me suspect he might be one of those people.

Advice taken. Don't wear that short skirt if you don't wanna get raped. I wouldn't rape anybody, but that skirt is pretty short. Extreme I know, but as the victim I must bear some responsibility. I should never disagree with people in politics. The blame is mine.
I do tell my daughter not to wear her skirt too short. You most be responsible as well. I also tell her not to put a drink down and come back to it. Once down it's gone.


Well-Known Member
I do tell my daughter not to wear her skirt too short. You most be responsible as well. I also tell her not to put a drink down and come back to it. Once down it's gone.
LOL the drink thing was my house growing up. I set it down and it was in the sink before I knew what happened.

I agree that you don't put info out there that psychos can easily get, that's why there isn't much. I'm just so glad to see you giving me such a hard time over somebody else posting personal info here though. I noticed how much shit you gave him over it, I thank you for that.


Well-Known Member
LOL the drink thing was my house growing up. I set it down and it was in the sink before I knew what happened.

I agree that you don't put info out there that psychos can easily get, that's why there isn't much. I'm just so glad to see you giving me such a hard time over somebody else posting personal info here though. I noticed how much shit you gave him over it, I thank you for that.
I guess it's the same way you defend. Sheskuck, Red, Desert Dude. I thank you for that


Well-Known Member
I guess it's the same way you defend. Sheskuck, Red, Desert Dude. I thank you for that
uh huh, my defense of sheskunk was "hey man, she said she's trolling to get a rise, ignore her" was actually in defense of your sanity, you were letting her get to you. I won't do that again, my bad. My defense of Red was not believing it was a real account from stormfront and we all remember DEA dude. Nice try. Neither one of the guys deserved that, but your silence about that part rings hollow.

Just swing from his nuts man, I don't care anymore. I was wrong about you and that's on me. You keep on keeping on.


Well-Known Member
uh huh, my defense of sheskunk was "hey man, she said she's trolling to get a rise, ignore her" was actually in defense of your sanity, you were letting her get to you. I won't do that again, my bad. My defense of Red was not believing it was a real account from stormfront and we all remember DEA dude. Nice try. Neither one of the guys deserved that, but your silence about that part rings hollow.

Just swing from his nuts man, I don't care anymore. I was wrong about you and that's on me. You keep on keeping on.
You see what you want to see.