Status of Attitude Seed Orders

Well my package updated and it's on the way .
Good luck! Loaded my prepaid card for a SMALL purchase...only 100 bucks :( Figured since I just bought seeds, I don't NEED 2 packs on this order, and if I buy Bodhi beans, I'll get ANOTHER 5 pack of the Synergy...making it 3 free 5 packs all together so far.

Trying to save money for a vacation.
I just signed for a package...No fear whatsoever of someone pounding down my door and taking me

i agree, i'll sign for anything that gets dropped off here.. i've never heard of anyone getting cop sent to their home, and then them waiting for the second you sign for a package, and arresting you directly afterwards.. it's a few cannabis seeds, not a pound of crack after all.
the worst thing that'll happen is that customs takes your gear, and in their place, they put a letter in the package telling you you've been a bad, bad, bad boy, and that someone tried to send you a form on contraband.. then they list like 5 forms of contraband, from fireworks, to steroids, to drugs.. on my one letter, the drug box was checked, and hand written next to it in red ink, it said, cannabis seeds..
the very last line of the letter said something like no further actions will be taken... this was years ago, and i've since gotten plenty of other seed orders sent to the same addy without a hitch, knock on wood of course..
On an unrelated note....My friend is super into nail polish and stuff like that...She has this PenPal in Ohio that she sends packages of polish to, and in return she recieves packages of polish and snacks and stuff...I like packages and snacks and stuff!

I'm jealous of her, I want a stoner PenPal!! You know, put like a 40 dollar limit on it, and once a month, pack up a goodie box with all kinds of stuff in it...snacks, blunt wraps, stoner gadgets, maybe the odd pipe or piece of glass here and there(unused new of course ;) ;) )

I dunno, I've been dabbing all day, I'm stoned and wanna open
On an unrelated note....My friend is super into nail polish and stuff like that...She has this PenPal in Ohio that she sends packages of polish to, and in return she recieves packages of polish and snacks and stuff...I like packages and snacks and stuff!

I'm jealous of her, I want a stoner PenPal!! You know, put like a 40 dollar limit on it, and once a month, pack up a goodie box with all kinds of stuff in it...snacks, blunt wraps, stoner gadgets, maybe the odd pipe or piece of glass here and there(unused new of course ;) ;) )

I dunno, I've been dabbing all day, I'm stoned and wanna open

that sounds awesome meta, i'd totally be down for something like this.. :D
Good luck! Loaded my prepaid card for a SMALL purchase...only 100 bucks :( Figured since I just bought seeds, I don't NEED 2 packs on this order, and if I buy Bodhi beans, I'll get ANOTHER 5 pack of the Synergy...making it 3 free 5 packs all together so far.

Trying to save money for a vacation.
Heck yeah I want to wait till I receive this order then gonna place a 4 pack order
Heck yeah I want to wait till I receive this order then gonna place a 4 pack order
Hell yeah bro! Haha...20 free synergy?! Sweeeet! I figure she's half appy, and I hear good things about Appalachian crosses, so it can't be all bad, right? I think I'm gonna go with the Goji this order...I dunno, so torn......
On an unrelated note....My friend is super into nail polish and stuff like that...She has this PenPal in Ohio that she sends packages of polish to, and in return she recieves packages of polish and snacks and stuff...I like packages and snacks and stuff!

I'm jealous of her, I want a stoner PenPal!! You know, put like a 40 dollar limit on it, and once a month, pack up a goodie box with all kinds of stuff in it...snacks, blunt wraps, stoner gadgets, maybe the odd pipe or piece of glass here and there(unused new of course ;) ;) )

I dunno, I've been dabbing all day, I'm stoned and wanna open
back when doc chronic had his site there was several of us that would gift beans to each other when ever when made a new cross or just wanted our circle of guys and gals to test. lol.. we always had new gear showing up . it was like getting a present from grandma all the time in the mail .lol....
Good luck! Loaded my prepaid card for a SMALL purchase...only 100 bucks :( Figured since I just bought seeds, I don't NEED 2 packs on this order, and if I buy Bodhi beans, I'll get ANOTHER 5 pack of the Synergy...making it 3 free 5 packs all together so far.

Trying to save money for a vacation.
May I ask what pre paid card you are using?
May I ask what pre paid card you are using?
It's a "Netspend" Visa, you pick them up in 7-11, then send in a form with your name and ADDY on it, and they send you a personalized card in the mail. I'm pretty sure you can sign up online too, and they'll send you a personalized card in the mail. Yeah, second thought, just sign up online. It's a 5 dollar a month service fee while there's money in the account, and it costs 4 bucks to load money on the card at any 7-11.