Club 600


Well-Known Member
i want a shirt too. mo i f'ed up and forgot to take in to account the tote had rounded corners and my tray i made for the rooting cubes to sit in don't fit. i may bob the corners and i may just build a new one and use it some where. the spray bed line did the job though.


Well-Known Member
Very nice fp, very nice indeed.

Will there be any harm in switching my lights down from 600 to 400for the heat as it's been 30 past couple days and a don't no if that's making the caramel foxtail a bit


Well-Known Member
Look at the " Foxtail's " on the Cheisel in my Avi Bud, its no such a bad thing, your girl's are looking dandy mate!

That bleeseberry is looking quite cheese like doob's! Tasty ?

I got some SLH yesterday from a guy who i gave a cut of the Las Fingerez pheno, was too busy cutting grass all day so just going to give it a blast, not saw her for almost a full year ! Could have been dried better but still nice smoke!


Just when the sun goes away and im off, was looking forward to sitting up park taking in the view's for a change. Oh well, another day, prob be another year until we get weather like those few day's!


Well-Known Member
I was getting worried it was the sign of stress them starting to burst out like that haha, the snow buds are coming down this weekend and caramels the one after....
I still raised light and nocked them down to 400 as 31c again that's all weekend it's been getting to that that's what I tho was making them burst out
Here's a lights out with caramel IMG_20140624_075526.jpg