The farce behind liberal, "I'll tax you again" global warming bullshit - volcanoes!

Who has the most affect on global warming?

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Interesting you would cite an organization who doesn't understand or require the scientific method to demonstrate your point..

Truly interesting, indeed!
you mean just like the IPCC? it is a political organization, run by touts and alarmists, who IN THIER OWN WORDS were trying to exclude peer reviewed research, and qualified persons who doubted their stated agenda.

"34 National Science Academies" is your only real weapon, and you swing it randomly.
it is NOT that mighty a sword.

"The changes observed over the last several decades are likely mostly due to human activities, but we cannot rule out that some significant part of these changes is also a reflection of natural variability. Human-induced warming and associated sea level rises are expected to continue through the 21st century... The IPCC's conclusion that most of the observed warming of the last 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations accurately reflects the current thinking of the scientific community on this issue."
~ United States National Research Council

not a very ringing endorsement, but at least it's based on the scientific opinions of the members who are generally qualified to make such assessments.
read it yourself.
it relies on the ASSUMPTION that the IPCC's models are accurate, and that the IPCC's assumptions are correct, neither of these are in fact the case.

the National Academy didnt do it's own research, and may well come to regret endorsing the IPCC's perfidy.
you mean the "trap" where kynes purposely and fraudulently left out half the equation?


i knew some idiot would fall for that.
i left out nothing.
hyroot insisted that "human machines produce 90% of the co2 emitted" which was entirely untrue.
neither he nor i made any claim regarding co2's removal form the air.

and you didnt dispute the "removal" factor, you disputed THE NUMBERS, called it a Koch Brothers Plot and claimed the numbers were fraud.

but those numbers came direct from the IPCC, so you were forced to move some goalposts.
Assumptions are bad... like the assumptions on your echo box or your assumption that it was relevant or even you assuming your knowledgebase is great enough to comment on here without making yourself look a fool

Assumptions are bad keynes

i ASSUMED you were smart enough to use the quote feature, but i was wrong.

ohh, i dont even know where to begin to dispute that rambling incoherent comment.

if i argued that i grow 90% of the tomatoes produced in California, and somebody provided the ACTUAL number of California's tomatoe production and compared it to my own production numbers, that would be a similar argument

the number of tomatoes consumed in California is Irrelevant to this argument.
the number of tomatoes consumed world wide? still irrelevant
the number of onions used globally in hungarian cuisine on any given thursday in a month starting with the letter J? also irrelevant.

i find it hilarious that you couldnt follow this simple dispute and understand it's parameters.

bucky is making the "Natural Sinks" number an issue to move the goalposts, you are simply shitting in your bathwater.
***Snipped tldr bullshit***
bucky is making the "Natural Sinks" number an issue to move the goalposts,
Bucky is making you talk about red herrings like volcanoes, termites, water vapour? The big bad buck is forcing you to look like an idiot on this?

Man the fuck up and take responsibility for your arguments don't be a whiney little bitch and pretend the other guy is making you type those idiotic things
Bucky is making you talk about red herrings like volcanoes, termites, water vapour? The big bad buck is forcing you to look like an idiot on this?

Man the fuck up and take responsibility for your arguments don't be a whiney little bitch and pretend the other guy is making you type those idiotic things

1 : actually this ENTIRE THREAD is about volcanoes, you dolt. i am talking about the UNCERTAINTY due to Small Sample Size Statistics, and the wild variations in volcano emissions from one volcano to another, and some bad assumptions.

2 : BUCKY brought up the termite issue, and he scored some points off my bad math (which you failed to spot, lulz) but ultimately was forced to drop the issue.

3 : BUCKY actually asked that i examine Red's claim on water vapour's effect (red claimed 100X co2's power, turns out it's 500x co2's power, who knew?)

ohh wait...

YOU are the one looking like a fool.

once again, you ride into a thread like a Bold Caballero looking for some windmills to tilt at, and wind up with your dick in the dirt.
maybe you can take on Pada as your Sancho Panza.
i left out nothing.

you left out half of the natural CO2 emission/absorption equation, specifically absorption.

hyroot insisted that "human machines produce 90% of the co2 emitted" which was entirely untrue.

then tell us what percentage you have calculate don your eggo box.

the last time i ran your numbers, it came out to 4.22%, according to your "LOL IPCC TRAP!!1!!1!" numbers.

neither he nor i made any claim regarding co2's removal form the air.

exactly, you kft out half of the fucking equation on purpose. that's called fraud.
and you didnt dispute the "removal" factor, you disputed THE NUMBERS, called it a Koch Brothers Plot and claimed the numbers were fraud.

you didn;t remove anything, you omitted half. when you omitted half (the absorption half), the numbers came out within a percentage point of the CATO institute cited, koch borthers and exxonmobil funded, 3% number.

do math much?

those numbers came direct from the IPCC, so you were forced to move some goalposts.

take a look back at the posts you irksome blatherskite.

you said humans were responsible for 4.22% of emissions of CO2.

i proclaimed that your numbers coincided with the koch brothers paid for calculations, and then i pointed out why. it was because you left out half the fucking equation, like the fraudulent little parasite you are.

just another purposeful attempt from you to confuse the debate, like always.

the only other excuse you would have is that you are too fucking stupid to recognize things like exponents or graph axises or half of the natural CO2 emission/absorption cycle.

if you are too stupid to do exponents and read graphs, then shut the fuck up. if you are smart enough to do these things and depend on deception and fraud, then shut the fuck up.

whatever your malfunction is, shut the fuck up. you are an idiot.

you are doing yourself a disservice by continuing to disguise your lies as idiocy.
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Wow! Buck exposes the hypocrisy.

...............Last edited by a moderator: Today at 5:36 AM

That is a slip slope. I have no idea, now, what Buck said, what was added, and what was deleted by one of you sick MODs around here.

Not you, Sunni, Rollie, or the Great White Bear.

I am talking to you other clowns.

- issue the warning and/or
- delete the post


You keep up this line item, word and pharse censorship and you turkeys will only be talking to yourselves.

What Canadian censured that post? Admit it!

I was an alcoholic for a long time. Part of my recovery was realizing that I had to let go of worrying about things beyond my control.

The global production of CO2 is beyond the control of America. We cannot reduce the output of other countries without nuclear war.

The global warming debate has been turned into a political tool and is being discredited by its use as such.

i learned the same after a million years of therapy..was the most helpful words.."it's beyond my control".
I'm afraid you just don't understand science. Everybody knows that carbon credits, setting arbitrary emission limits pulled out of someone's ass and wealth redistribution will heal the planet.

To be serious for a second, your theory comes down to an exploding human population as the cause of all our woes. The cure to everything is probably as simple as culling the herd. The problem is, until we're ready to go all carrousel, á la "Logan's Run", it ain't happening.

There is no Sanctuary.

They have these shows now on Science, that I am seeing in a different light. This one was called Evacuate Earth. (a pun, like To Serve Man) Earth cannot be Evacuated.

It can be vacuumed. Death Star approaches! A neutron star was spit out of binary star system (many are binary) The larger one goes Black Hole and the smaller one Neutrons.

The small one is spat like a bullet at maybe 5% c. And he will cue ball the solar system in just 75 years.

Panic in Detroit, doom doom. Humans act out shamelessly of course. Wars are stated as backfires, and moats of conflict protect StarShip City in Florida.

WHO CAN"T GO?..(everyone, more or less) consumes the world in Fear.

NO ONE GOES! becomes the aim of many.

I don't think it can be done. I think we are doomed to be here. And now I see these shows as analogy to get the kids/adults/their kids/those adults ready for some real shit in the next 100 years.
you left out half of the natural CO2 emission/absorption equation, specifically absorption.

then tell us what percentage you have calculate don your eggo box.

the last time i ran your numbers, it came out to 4.22%, according to your "LOL IPCC TRAP!!1!!1!" numbers.

exactly, you kft out half of the fucking equation on purpose. that's called fraud.

you didn;t remove anything, you omitted half. when you omitted half (the absorption half), the numbers came out within a percentage point of the CATO institute cited, koch borthers and exxonmobil funded, 3% number.

do math much?

take a look back at the posts you irksome blatherskite.

you said humans were responsible for 4.22% of emissions of CO2.

i proclaimed that your numbers coincided with the koch brothers paid for calculations, and then i pointed out why. it was because you left out half the fucking equation, like the fraudulent little parasite you are.

just another purposeful attempt from you to confuse the debate, like always.

the only other excuse you would have is that you are too fucking stupid to recognize things like exponents or graph axises or half of the natural CO2 emission/absorption cycle.

if you are too stupid to do exponents and read graphs, then shut the fuck up. if you are smart enough to do these things and depend on deception and fraud, then shut the fuck up.

whatever your malfunction is, shut the fuck up. you are an idiot.

you are doing yourself a disservice by continuing to disguise your lies as idiocy.
wow thats some mighty strong butthurt.

Primus: "human machines produce 90% of the co2 emitted"
Secundus: no, all human activity produces 34 gigatonnes of co2, the NATURAL emissions are ~771 gigatonnes, therefore the human emissions do NOT equal 90% of all emissions.
Tertius: Liar Fraud Bullshit!! Koch Brothers Big Oil Conspiracy! Heritage Institute! conspiracy! plotters! Denialists!!
Secundus: that number came from the IPCC
Tertius: backpedal, goalpost mobilization, declare fraud some more, claim shit was faked, rage, flail, scream, cry, but what about Natural Removal of co2!! see!!
Secundus: co2 sinks were not at issue.
Tertius: Liar! Liar! Liar! whatever i want to talk about is always at issue!! this entire forum is all about me!!
Secundus: no, neither primus nor secundus mentioned the mechanisms by which co2 is removed from the atmosphere
Tertius! No, you didnt remove anything! you omitted the other half of the equation!!
Secundus: Ha Ha Ha Ha

the fact that niether i nor hyroot made any reference to any mechanism for the removal of co2 from the atmosphere is NOT proof of some vast conspiracy by the Koch Brothers to conceal the Troof, you gibbering fool, it was Non Sequitur.

even in my first response to hyroot i made clear that the claim he THOUGHT he was making was about the emissions OVER THE BASELINE, go ahead, take a look, ill wait...

no i wont, cuz youre a moron.

the AGW relies on wildeyed screaming fanatics like you, and mushbrained acolytes like hyroot, and venomous toads like ginja to propagate the meme through exaggerations, nonsense statements based on an inability to read the material, and assumptions that whatever you heard from a guy who heard from a guy who saw on a show, that "humans are destroying the planet" is factual.

it's a giant game of Telephone that starts with a carefully worded, cautious statement by researchers and ends up in wailing poisonous withchunters like you, searching for heresy under every haystack and in every root cellar.

look at how insane you are getting over the IPCC's OWN NUMBERS for total c02 emitted from all sources.

it's the IPCC's OWN FUCKING NUMBERS and youre losing your damned mind.

i approve.