What kind of sex is this?


New Member
it looks a little too young to determine the sex in my opinion. i believe you usually need to wait till around a couple weeks into flowering. then you'll be able to see either the pistils or pollen sacks.


Well-Known Member
The nasty asian kind of sex.

Too soon to tell what sex your plant is. It's not mature enough nor flowering.

Is this from your aquarium grow? You need to raise the plant or lower the light, it's stretching too much.
The nasty asian kind of sex.

Too soon to tell what sex your plant is. It's not mature enough nor flowering.

Is this from your aquarium grow? You need to raise the plant or lower the light, it's stretching too much.
Yeah I am trying to raise the plant as close it will go. But what is the thing/leaves comming up in between the stems? I though that was showing the sex?


Well-Known Member
Those are new branches, 'lateral shoots' ('veg branch in pic below). As long as it is in vegging, that's the spot where new branches will grow, once you switch the light to 12/12, they will branch out even more for about two weeks, and then instead of branches it creates 'axillary buds'. It's how angiosperms (flowering plants) develop:



Well-Known Member
And you will definitely won't forget how to spell definitely anymore. Plus, everytime you will write it, you will think of me. :P
To be honest, half the time when I type it out, I realize it's misspelled and go back and change it, but when I'm in a hurry and don't proofread my shit, it slips through.