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That is kind of you. Good thing he ripped those herms though lol. Also now you guys can look out for each other make sure that neither of you get ripped. That sucks. He is a young grower and was probably excited to show his "friend(s)" how good his plants are doing. Never a good idea. Even the best of friends will get greedy when needy.
Even thebest of friends will get greedy when needy THATS FOR SHURE ran some test runs with three of my best friends from Kindergarten, each one new of aplant to them self and they all got ripped id say they ripped them for there full benefit, all was ok cause I told them they just need water to live in the first place they dont no shit about growing, a month after harvest shared a joint with them and asked how was there harvest each one looked like does he no I took his plant, one friend came forward later and said he stole my plant and it went yellow & brown then died same as other friend theytried watering them and watering them and other friend showed to much people that he got ripped 2 weeks after he ripped it, after all that I said no more chillin sessions with you so called friends, hard to look for help even with friends these days
IMO thieves are not friends. Friends would not steal from you. Friends would know that you would undoubtedly share the harvest when done.
that was the plan, when i showed each person a different plant at different times i told them all the same thing 50/50 down the line halfers but NO i just say hello or hi when i see them now mainly it was about finding some one to help
snow whites think i have one male in the five smaller one


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Checked upon my promo plant in pots and saw them infested with small grasshoppers getting chomped up, will justput them with other grow, I ended up just puting them in a ditch along an abandoned road with three ft grass any one now what to use for grasshoppers asap
Decided to bring my babies home, dam murderous grasshopper ate em up


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In the past week I noticed my super skunk flowering its the first pic on top will get better pics tomorrow
diazanon I heard works. I just fill a spray with a solution of 4 tbsps molasses to one liter of wate3. I smack them with a tennis racket when I see them and the blast them witht the spray while they are on the ground.
Anyone know about dehumidifiers mine is a 30 pint and the water is ph 6.5, itfills up in one day I think its ok to water plants with the water its like a rain cloud sucks it up from the air and puts it in a bucket cool
my sensi super skunk in flower mybe its super skunk auto and 2 pf these little fuckers were still going to town on my girls killing a leaf blade rolling up in it making a home fuck that opend up the leaf blade found them then crunch they fucked with the wrong plants shit my girls look badly eatin :( but they will survive :)


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Bt a soil dwelling bacterium. You can find it on amazon or at a local nursery. Stores like walmart and home depot dont usually carry it.
Shit woke up to a storm 5 in the morning then 5:20 hydro goes out just turned on 12:02 six clones in the closet checked on my girls out side critical hog was toped by the wind 3 node's from the top and tangielope super cropped just over last node hope she survives heres pics trying to save the hog and clone her all the pics are hog last pic is shown to ask if I should just cut last nodes off and trim leafs or just leave and clone asap thanks


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Maybe I missed something? Why are they in a pool?
(Grasshoppers) there small but nonetheless hungry lill fuckers, keep Pekin them off my girls so put them in the pool it has a 6" cut on seem so its no good tried the old red green show trick duck tape (iff they dont find u handsome they should find u handy ) shit didn't work tho lol
Well my bubblicious, papaya, snow whites r all laying down 2ft from ground from last weekends storm was planing on tieing and staking down but mother nature took care of that for me as watering to just watered once when they were younger, so just tied and staked down so that they won't stand up but bush out and grow more tops and spread the auxines wil, have pics this week, gotta learn to love and hate mother nature but this year im on the love side as she's one step ahead in watering and now lst
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