Second water after transplant.


Well-Known Member
First...I have never been neurotic before this endeavor. :???: (as far as you know)

After transplanting to 3 gallon bags and doing a drenching, first, water; I loaded an empty bag up with dry soil and weighed it... knowing that I wanted to wait until the others reduced in weight to about the empty one before watering again...but then I started thinking (over-thinking?) that most of the water weight is going to be at the bottom where there are no roots yet ...thus...I wondered whether one might want to water a bit more frequently after the transplant.

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Well-Known Member
Ok...never mind. Did another test where I drenched things in my non-planted test bag above and then scooped out half the soil 12 hours later after having it sit under the lights and it was about 60-40 in weight difference between the bottom and the top half respectively. The wetting agent in my soil is doing a nice job so I will just let it be and water again when I am a lb or so above the dry weight.


Well-Known Member
So...if a 3 gal poly grow bag dry filled is 6 lbs prior to first water and was given approx. 6lbs of what weight should the second water be suggested at?????? And is there a way to ping specific people to get there attention on a post?


Well-Known Member
Dang, that would have been too easy. The soil still seems a bit moist under the surface and no drooping yet. Its been since Sunday afternoon and was wondering why I was not seeing more weight reduction. Has not been extremely humid either but hanging around 65 with an avg. temp around 77. Will just be vigilant then. Thanks for taking the time.


Well-Known Member
How much does the plant weigh and will you compensate for that lolol. If youre worried about this so much I hate to see ya when you get a leaf blemish. hahaha


Well-Known Member
You don't need to go as crazy as weighing your contianers. Just feel how heavy they are after a good watering and you will know when they feel light, if your plants start to wilt a tiny bit it's not the end of the world-cannabis would rather be under watered then over watered. Keep it simple-when your containers feel light and the top inch or two is dry then its time to water. You will get the hang of it and soon it will be second nature to you.


Well-Known Member
Dang, that would have been too easy. The soil still seems a bit moist under the surface and no drooping yet. Its been since Sunday afternoon and was wondering why I was not seeing more weight reduction. Has not been extremely humid either but hanging around 65 with an avg. temp around 77. Will just be vigilant then. Thanks for taking the time.
Sometimes after a transplant(especially in soil) they take a while to dry out because the roots aren't filling the container yet. The more the roots grow the faster they will dry out, just make sure to not be impatient and overwater! Wait until the top inch or two of soil is dry and the pot feels light-you want the roots to 'search' for water and expand into the home you just transplanted them into.


Well-Known Member
How much does the plant weigh and will you compensate for that lolol. If youre worried about this so much I hate to see ya when you get a leaf blemish. hahaha
OMG!!! They might BLEMISH!?!?? :shock:
Actually, I was kind of factoring in plant weight. Ha!


Well-Known Member
First...I have never been neurotic before this endeavor. :???: (as far as you know)

After transplanting to 3 gallon bags and doing a drenching, first, water; I loaded an empty bag up with dry soil and weighed it... knowing that I wanted to wait until the others reduced in weight to about the empty one before watering again...but then I started thinking (over-thinking?) that most of the water weight is going to be at the bottom where there are no roots yet ...thus...I wondered whether one might want to water a bit more frequently after the transplant.

first off i do something most of the ppl here do not think about

u get a bucket (brewers bucket from local beer making store) it has a spigot .............fill with your water 6 gallons and then u add a air stone so the water is getting Oxygen ..........aftter about 1 hour the water is holding as much oxygen as it can

from there u take a water jug and fill it up with the water u have the oxygen
i use .......rooting........branching (seaweed weak stuff)......and a tiny bit of grow ............all of it organic

once u have the plant in the dirt i would water it down so water would drip out of the bottom ..............let it sit for about 40 mins and then move it under the light for 3 days before it would get water again

the oxygen in the water keeps the plant grow down in the ground with out drowning it (u get all the soil wet so the plants roots know where it can go too)..........the rooting and other stuff is just to help the plant get in there and set up faster (the food is already in a form the roots can intake with out need of breaking down/out of the soil itself)


Well-Known Member
BUMP becasue I believe my Leaves are clawing or folding down a bit from uneven moisture available
after waiting too long after the first transplant watering in a 5 gallon Fabric Pot from a 1 Gallon fabric pot. IF the one gallon root ball is used to being sasturated the plant may ot be able to get enough moisture to itself from the surrounding area even if there is good moisture left. Espcially in a Lighter mix in fabric pots like Pro Mix BX etc... That set up is almost impossible to over water anyway. I should not have waited a week. I should have re-watered maybe 3-4 days later...


Well-Known Member
Overall... I prefer pots with perlite for moisture retension and aeration. bottom feed sparingly with light. Reduces chances of mites and fungus. Easier to clean. I only use burlap for large transplants, if transplanting at all.