Colloidal Silver Help


Well-Known Member
i want to try this method to create fem seeds, but the only silver i can find is two silver coins, will this suffice?
i heard of several methods, and im not sure wich is best. please explain to me the basic steps.
also the coins are not pure silver.
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If the coins aren't pure silver you probably wont have too much luck. You can pick up some .999 silver strips from a jeweler's supply company online. I used Rio Grand and the silver strip was very reasonably priced.

As far a instructions go just google up colloidal silver generator. there are many good tutorials already out there.

Making CS is easy and works well for fem seeds. I just made my first batch a few months back.
If the coins aren't pure silver you probably wont have too much luck. You can pick up some .999 silver strips from a jeweler's supply company online. I used Rio Grand and the silver strip was very reasonably priced.

As far a instructions go just google up colloidal silver generator. there are many good tutorials already out there.

Making CS is easy and works well for fem seeds. I just made my first batch a few months back.

even if they are mostly silver? like 80%
oh that makes sense, thanks all of you, well that wraps up all my questions for a while.
Learned soo much on this site!
You can order 10,000 ppm liquid CS spray from Rite Aid at reasonable prices , when i was released from the burn unit i was a bacon crisp & while waiting for my Oxycontin & Fentynal scripts to be filled the pharmasist turned me on to a bottle , fukin shit works wonders for burns & femming seeds .
10,000 ppm cs isn't real colloidal silver spray. It would have to be a paste or something and that isn't what you want. You only need like 15-20 ppm (up to 50 is ok but there is no need for that concentration sine the plant will respond perfectly without any damage to less). True colloidal silver shouldn't burn your plants at all, and can be sprayed all overt he leaves and everything. It is also supposed to be clear (sometimes amber like apple juice) and should show the beam of a laser if you shine it through while it's in a clear smooth glass.

This is what it is supposed to look like.

10,000 ppm cs isn't real colloidal silver spray. It would have to be a paste or something and that isn't what you want. You only need like 15-20 ppm (up to 50 is ok but there is no need for that concentration sine the plant will respond perfectly without any damage to less). True colloidal silver shouldn't burn your plants at all, and can be sprayed all overt he leaves and everything. It is also supposed to be clear (sometimes amber like apple juice) and should show the beam of a laser if you shine it through while it's in a clear smooth glass.

This is what it is supposed to look like.


So you just mix your colloidal silver with water? What are your ratios?
So you just mix your colloidal silver with water? What are your ratios?
I make my own. I use a generator I bought, (really just the same as a homemade one but put together in a plastic box lol). I use 15-35ppm cs. If you need to dilute it, use bottle DISTILLED water. And while making it, use that too. Anything else will cause big unwanted particles that don't work the way they should and they can actually be a health hazard if you decide to use it on yourself (drinking it which I don't recommend anyway since it becomes useless once it hits your stomach.) the premade stuff I bought never worked and wasted like 4 perfectly good auto fem seeds and like 6 months waiting and trying it over and over. Homemade stuff worked first try.