
Well-Known Member
I love them!

The ones with low-budget that seem to all be a little too rapie in the 80's. The teen-whorrie genre with super hot actors from the 90's. The new ones with sweet special effects that have loads of jumpie scenes.

Saw one once at a midnight show form the 70's called "Zombie, or Zombie Acockalypse" or something - where a zombie kicked a Shark's ass underwater - that was the bomb!

So - my list, in no particular order:

- REC (Spanish Quarantine)
- Quarantine
- The Descent
- Army of Darkness
- Evil Dead (the new one is terrifying)
- Mirrors
- Slither (because it's hilarious)
- Critters 1 and 2
- Ghoulies (all of them)
- House (all of them))
- Creepshow
- In the Mouth of Madness
- Event Horizon
- April Fool's (Day? I haven't seen this one since I was wee)
- Sinister
- The Cabin in the Woods

Oh there are just soooo many - I can't write 'em all!

Anyone else like this genre? I'm always open to suggestions!


Well-Known Member
Wow - my parents let me watch a lot of scary movies between the ages of 6 and...well whenever your parents stop having a say in what you rent.

I turned out JUST FINE.

Muah ah ah haaaaaaaa


Well-Known Member
OH! First thing you should all know about horror movies is, that you know absolutely shit... Well, at least until you've eaten something hallucinogenic. That's just rule number the first.
I did it, once. Hilarity did NOT ensue


7 days? More like 7 YEARS, before I was even able to LOOK at the VHS tape that held my horror. Mushrooms + scary movie = agoraphobia.


Well-Known Member
I'm totally looking forward to The Strangers 2. Not sure when it's being released but the first one scared my pecker into a vagipenis for like 3 days.