Picture of your pet thread !!!

These are my Chinchilla's. Phineas and Ferb (brothers). They are the nocturnal so there kinda loud at night running a muck. But I love these crazy creatures and they always put a smile on my face.

Also, my Koi fish had babies (:

These are my Chinchilla's. Phineas and Ferb (brothers). They are the nocturnal so there kinda loud at night running a muck. But I love these crazy creatures and they always put a smile on my face.

Also, my Koi fish had babies (:

damn, all you need is the chinchilla poo, and some of the stuff from the bottom of your koi pond and your on your way to a nice organic setup. i'm jealous, when I had my 55-gallon aquarium with a 90cm long tiretrack eel and some Oscars, the fish poo I siphoned up from the sand was GLORIOUS for my plants. I can imagine what those kois make, good stuff, chock full of good bacteria, nitrogen, etc...