Liberal Party Legalization of Marijuana Petition - Please Sign!!!

I'm sorry I meant they spammed me for money....Us old hippies don't know anything about spam other than it comes in a tin at the store.
I saw the granny next door hitting the bong in the back yard many times. She's in her 70's for sure. I think a lot of old people are scared to try it.
MY aunt who suffers from back pain daily is too scared to try it. I gave her some but she just is too scared to try it. I feel so bad for her as it may help her some, but she won't go for it. She is old school and thinks it maybe to powerful. I told her the booze you drank far out weight this stuff.
Nixon scared em pretty good back then with all his lies and deception.
Then he turns out to be a bigger criminal than any pot smoker I know.
I saw the granny next door hitting the bong in the back yard many times. She's in her 70's for sure. I think a lot of old people are scared to try it.
MY aunt who suffers from back pain daily is too scared to try it. I gave her some but she just is too scared to try it. I feel so bad for her as it may help her some, but she won't go for it. She is old school and thinks it maybe to powerful. I told her the booze you drank far out weight this stuff.
Nixon scared em pretty good back then with all his lies and deception.
Then he turns out to be a bigger criminal than any pot smoker I know.

My parents are 70 and 87. They would NOT have smoked marijuana. BUT - when I came home at Christmas with weed cookies - I ended up having to make more while at home. My parents and I pounded through the first batch in a week!

No one is afraid of cookies!
i'm sure it's legit, i never meant it wasn't.
just odd it's not on the list on the main page ;)
It's legit, I checked it out and traced the domain to the right IP/owner/registrar. And there is a link on the main page, along the right-hand side of the main page is a list of petitions in red text, it's on the top of the list. let's hope they're serious about it. The thing that made me smile was that they have the balls to do this, it should definitely be something we can all help to get on the next election agenda/issues list :) Fuck Harper and his MMPR bull-shit.
It's legit, I checked it out and traced the domain to the right IP/owner/registrar. And there is a link on the main page, along the right-hand side of the main page is a list of petitions in red text, it's on the top of the list. let's hope they're serious about it. The thing that made me smile was that they have the balls to do this, it should definitely be something we can all help to get on the next election agenda/issues list :) Fuck Harper and his MMPR bull-shit.

Sweet! Thanks! I don't know how to do any of the things you mentioned above. Sounds like you know lots about internet.

I know how to spell i-n-t-e-r-n-e-t.

Sweet! Thanks! I don't know how to do any of the things you mentioned above. Sounds like you know lots about internet.

I know how to spell i-n-t-e-r-n-e-t.

Ha, glad to help, I'm pretty paranoid about this stuff as I know what can be done with bogus pages/hacks. It's what I do for a living, my business assesses and cleans up hacked corporations when the bad hackers attack them, I call myself a good hacker ;) No dashes in Internet BTW, just sayin - lmao
Ha, glad to help, I'm pretty paranoid about this stuff as I know what can be done with bogus pages/hacks. It's what I do for a living, my business assesses and cleans up hacked corporations when the bad hackers attack them, I call myself a good hacker ;) No dashes in Internet BTW, just sayin - lmao
Holy shit - MORPHEUS!!!

I found you!!!!!!
let's hope they're serious about it. The thing that made me smile was that they have the balls to do this, it should definitely be something we can all help to get on the next election agenda/issues list :) Fuck Harper and his MMPR bull-shit.
just everyone remember; it aint legalization without cultivation.
i don't want to see us accept some fake "legalization" where we can only posses/buy it.. from, yup you guessed it; the current MMPR LP's
just everyone remember; it aint legalization without cultivation.
i don't want to see us accept some fake "legalization" where we can only posses/buy it.. from, yup you guessed it; the current MMPR LP's

I haven't quite had time to read the up-to-date Liberal legalization plan. If it's legalized - can't people grow their own? Or easily apply for a permit to grow their own?

I'm sure a lot of people won't have the time, or won't want to bother cultivating their own pot if it's easily accessible and cost-effective at a dispensary. But how can they not let people grow it?

People are allowed to make their own beer.

Doesn't make a lot of sense, does it?
I would think legal means able to grow your own.

I read through the entire proposal a couple of months ago, and from what I remember there was a provision for personal production. I don't believe a limit or plant count was mentioned, these are details that would likely be worked out after further consultation with law enforcement, local governments, etc.

Based on the current situation and what the Liberals are proposing, we will likely (hopefully) see a dual-stream system very similar to Colorado where there is a medical stream, a recreational stream, and users in both categories have the right to cultivate their own as long as they stay within the acceptable plant counts and any other related regulations. I believe recreational users in Colorado are permitted up to 6 plants (don't quote me on that), and we will likely see something similar. As far as personal medical production goes, plant limits depend on your daily prescribed amount and if there are other family members that the garden is providing for, etc.
I read through the entire proposal a couple of months ago, and from what I remember there was a provision for personal production. I don't believe a limit or plant count was mentioned, these are details that would likely be worked out after further consultation with law enforcement, local governments, etc.

Based on the current situation and what the Liberals are proposing, we will likely (hopefully) see a dual-stream system very similar to Colorado where there is a medical stream, a recreational stream, and users in both categories have the right to cultivate their own as long as they stay within the acceptable plant counts and any other related regulations. I believe recreational users in Colorado are permitted up to 6 plants (don't quote me on that), and we will likely see something similar. As far as personal medical production goes, plant limits depend on your daily prescribed amount and if there are other family members that the garden is providing for, etc.
Seems reasonable, if it's legal to use it, posses it, some form of personal grow allowance should be part of it, I don't think the libs would bury themselves like the conservatives have if they take this on. It should be modelled after Uruguay's law, first country in the world to do it right and still (I think) the only fully legal country. Me gusta Uruguay, llo soy nacido en Uruguay :) (I like Uruguay, I was born there). I don't bite when I play soccer though - lol. Would be nice to be able to grow in our backyards without worrying about it...
Why should there be a limit on plant count. I say not. If it's legal what does a low plant count do. I say grow as you please. Some folks need more than others. I won't be happy with that. Growing outdoors in Canada is not a simple as California. I'd rather grow year round.
Why should there be a limit on plant count. I say not. If it's legal what does a low plant count do. I say grow as you please. Some folks need more than others. I won't be happy with that. Growing outdoors in Canada is not a simple as California. I'd rather grow year round.

The low recreational plant count is to limit black market sales, which along with tax revenue is the entire point of legalization from the government's perspective. Allowing everyone to grow willy-nilly would mean that some people would grow piles and sell it to all their friends (and possibly minors), bypassing the entire control and taxation aspects. Despite being legal, there will still be applications/regulations for commercial recreational producers, so personal plant counts will prevent every Jack and Jill from starting their own unregulated commercial grow op.
I had signed this petition last year and just got a phone call from them like 2 weeks ago asking me to please spread it around. They also asked me a poll question about why I support legalization. They gave me three options: economic reasons, legalization news in the US, or personal use. I said a mix between economics and the US. I keep a low profile.