It's a good thing sky. Imagine if the ruling went the other way and the next time a pub was in office had THAT ruling in his pocket.
It's just sad that your party is crumbling.
It's a good thing sky. Imagine if the ruling went the other way and the next time a pub was in office had THAT ruling in his pocket.
don't worry, it'll come back around to bite. =.
Think about what you are doing. You are saying every single member of the court is wrong and you know more than them,
This level of delusion is impressive even for you.
Not sad, it's a great thing. The GOP in its present form needs to crumble. The Cantor thing is a very good sign.It's just sad that your party is crumbling.
It's a good thing sky. Imagine if the ruling went the other way and the next time a pub was in office had THAT ruling in his pocket.
As a footnote, Pinworm complained about my long sig...fuck that....let the truth be known around the kingdom !!!!!!!
imagine how much crying we'll have to endure from you when the dems leave a single rep behind to block the GOP in the future.
How do you know that?
imagine how much crying we'll have to endure from you when the dems leave a single rep behind to block the GOP in the future.
Because he/she told me.
So why can a dem vote in GOP primary?
It's state dependent. I've always registered independent and in one of the states I lived, GA I think, I couldn't vote in either.So why can a dem vote in GOP primary?
state law in Mississippi
and women are vaginistic
So why can a dem vote in GOP primary?
I had it explained to me that if you live in a district that is always R or always D, you will at least have more say if you are in the minority party.
Don't know for sure if that's it, but it sounds plausible.