Anyone else have trouble sleeping?


Well-Known Member
i hope they never make weed legal. you know once it is legal you can say goodbye to running your own dispensary or selling your own. the jews and hedgefund managers are going to be running the game. people with billions to invest are going to get in on it. imagine monsanto gmo weed. and if you think the government is going to let you grow your own and sell it you are wrong, they hate competition and if they dont get a piece of that pie or a crop of that kill is jail time. haha FUCK COPS PUNK POLICE
Eeeeep - "the JEws"???

You anti-denti bastard! haha - hope you were kidding. Probably....


Well-Known Member
Unless maybe you are Walt Disney who has become reanimated after years of cryogenic freezing - I don't think you can get away with saying "the jews" in a negative way anymore. Being anti-semitic, kind of frowned upon - ever since the Hollocaust.

Hitler - ruining shit for everyone again!


Well-Known Member
Unless maybe you are Walt Disney who has become reanimated after years of cryogenic freezing - I don't think you can get away with saying "the jews" in a negative way anymore. Being anti-semitic, kind of frowned upon - ever since the Hollocaust.

Hitler - ruining shit for everyone again!
We should take his frozen corpse and then shave his fascist face. Make the Happy Kingdom, and truly happy place.


Well-Known Member
Ever see the very old-timey black and white Disney cartoons?

Aunt Jemima and other tiny African things coming to life and tap-dancing around to some jiggy jig like "pick a bail of cotton". Whilst the white massa's paint themselves black-face and twirl around.

It's a fucking trip. So weird.


Well-Known Member
# 1 Problem with the Vapo-Pen:

Loosing the vapo-pen!!! I have only had it for a few days, and I think I spend more time trying to locate it - than actually smoking it!

It's awesome though - big fan! Weed consumption at an all-time low.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's not representative because I've be only been smoking hash and eating cookies. hahaha - they're probably related!