Real Way To Make Bubble?


Everybody is borderline at-eachother's-throats, but the conflict is always avoided for the greater good. It seems like you guys are not only understanding, civil adults, but you all want the same thing. Perfection. Kudos, I hope my level of patience rivals that of a green thumb, some day.


made it around a week ago give or take a couple days, the hash is still super soft and under 100x zoom monocle its just pure trics :) having a little week off the weed before amsterdam though so my seriously lemony smelling bubble is sitting beside my bud shouting out my name haha, let me tell you the last couple days have been a nightmare trying to get to sleep. Oh also i found using a 10L bucket with my bubble sacks was ideal 6 bags of ice done two diff strains of trim :) 3 per load and only filtering it through the sacks twice.


Well-Known Member
I tried using an electric device to stir my trim. Made a mess out of it and took for ever to rinse the green out.

My method is to use multiple buckets with the bottoms cut off. The bottom bucket has 1.5" holes around the base so it will not hold water. I put the 25 bag in the bottom bucket then drop a bucket with no bottom in. Place the next bag in that bucket and insert the next bucket with no bottom. continue till all of the bags accept the 220 are stacked up. I place the 220 in a bucket that holds water.

Ice, trim, ice, water..

Let it set for 15 minutes then "gently" stir with a wooden spoon for 30 minutes. Pull the 220 bag and set it in a large glass bowl. Dump the water into the stacked buckets while they are sitting in the kitchen sink. Use the sink sprayer to rinse the bags completely of any impurities.

The stacked buckets hold the screens completely flat and about 4-5 inches apart. No need to pull each bag and wrap it around a bowl for scooping, just reach into the bucket and scoop it up. Use the sprayer to re- center what is still in there and scoop again!!

All of the bags produce beautiful blonde trichomes accept for the 25 which no matter how much you rinse it, will be green.

I will purchase a mini washing machine soon enough which will take the place of the first bucket, 220 bag and wooden spoon. My current method eats up 4 hours per month since I run my trim 4-5 times. IMG_0318.JPG