Can you cook with bubble bag hash?


Well-Known Member
I'm curious if I should get bubble bags and the material I get out of it I can smoke and cook? Or can I only smoke it?

I may just save money and cook if I can't cook with the hash itself as well so I can kill two birds with one stone.


Well-Known Member
Id be interested in the answer to this too. Personally I assume you could make butter with it, you just might not have to strain it as much since your messing with hash. Good question.


Well-Known Member
Thanks diggens, I'm hoping someone else can give me a little more but I appreciate your response as it proves it can be done.

I just don't want to waste hash as that would be a HUGE waste to lose all the hash trying to cook it and fail.


Well-Known Member
I use bubble hash, dry ice hash, bho, or qwiso oil when making my edibles.

1.5g bho or qwiso
2.0g for bubble
4.5 for dry ice

those are my scaled measurements. always perfect results.


Well-Known Member
I just skimmed through it as I don't have 20 minutes this very moment but that seems like a very long and complicated process.

Thanks for the cool video though, I'll look at it later and see if I can possibly do it.


Well-Known Member
You could just put a bowl on top of a pot of water that is boiling or close to it. Put your butter in the bowl, butter amount dependent on how much hash you have, and let the butter melt. Add your kif/kief, stir it around as it dissolves into the butter. Pour into any shape container you want your cooled butter to take the shape of and use whatever amount of butter the recipe calls when you cook.

You can use it in brownies, cookies, stir fry, whatever...

Try not to let your butter smoke too much...that means it is getting too hot and your may lose some valuable vapors...

You may have to play with your Kif/kief amount vs. butter for gauging the strength you'd like. If too strong, boil your butter and add some more etc.

Way faster and easier than that video.
There are many other videos on youtubes and goog's.

If making oil in a crockpot, you don't have to make the kif/kief, just put your plant matter into the oil on low heat and your trich's will dissolve into the oil for you. Cheese cloth the plant matter, and you're good.


Well-Known Member
I haven't used flower/leaf material in over 2 years. myself and my patients don't like the "green" or "leafy" taste. you can barely taste anything but the item im baking......until 1.25 hrs later and you feel like an ostrich with your head stuck in the ground. this is what happens when my patients don't listen to me when I tell them to ONLY eat half an edible.

pot water on stove (double boiler) with metal bowl sitting in pot on stove. add oil or butter per directions. add desired amount of hash, ect. using a meat thermometer keep temps at 140 MAX for 45 mins.

let cool

make edibles as per directions.


Well-Known Member
I did & I appreciate it!

While I would love to continue poking at this discussion I'll ask a general question for anyone who wants to give their opinion on it.

How much ice water hash would you think I should use for a batch of brownies out the box for a heavy smoker who just started to lower their tolerance?

In Colorado I ate a 200MG Dabba bar and it didn't hit me at all, maybe I felt something in the head but nothing like I imaged with all these stories about people jumping to their deaths and shit.


Well-Known Member
I did & I appreciate it!

While I would love to continue poking at this discussion I'll ask a general question for anyone who wants to give their opinion on it.

How much ice water hash would you think I should use for a batch of brownies out the box for a heavy smoker who just started to lower their tolerance?

In Colorado I ate a 200MG Dabba bar and it didn't hit me at all, maybe I felt something in the head but nothing like I imaged with all these stories about people jumping to their deaths and shit.

read my post above for general dosing amounts. not too much, not too little, just right, kinda like the pourage and the bears nursery rhyme. lol


Well-Known Member
While I totally understand what everyone is saying on amounts, I'm trying to gauge the generals tolerance on edibles and use that as a starting point to not make this trial and error as the hash is valuable to me (maybe once every 2-3 years I get to make it even those its so easy I know)

So lets say I ate 2 200MG Dabba bars from a dispensary and it did nothing, what would that do to you? Just curious.

I may need 400mg to 1g for edibles no idea, but 400mg didn't hit me at all I swear.

My friends said 1 piece of the bag (40Mg) got them a real nice head thing going on where one minute they are reading and another they are staring at the screen trying to find out what the fuck they were doing a moment ago.