Withering flowering plant


New Member
Hi everyone

I have a plant flowering for about 3 weeks now, the top canopy and colas are looking nice, buds are frosted and lovely up there. Yesterday I noticed the lower branches have withered, even some of the midway up branches too, but just the little ones. Big branches are fine and working the buds nicely. Can you guys please give some input on this, based on the pics below? Is this normal? This is gonna be my first ever succesful crop and I'd hate to lose it now when i'm so close to harvesting (i'm guessing about 3 more weeks?) I've been adding 20% of h2o2 every now and then to keep away fungus gnats, and i've also done a little neem oil+soap diluted in the plant's soil watering bottle AND the spray bottle I use for misting leaves, in order to get rid of some spider mites. Which worked btw, gnats and mites are now gone. Thank you!



Well-Known Member
Dude.....that is just one sad state of affairs you got going there. They are in no kind of health to withstand any kind of pesticide.
Your close to harvesting ? Harvesting what...?
.....Is this a trick question ?


Well-Known Member
Just remember, anytime your plant is nute burned, over stretched, full of mites and mold, and hermaphrodited, it's Sativied's fault....

At least, that's what I always tell myself.


Well-Known Member
Just remember, anytime your plant is nute burned, over stretched, full of mites and mold, and hermaphrodited, it's Sativied's fault....

At least, that's what I always tell myself.
Oh... I got a fan. Based on your lack of logic and your petty attempt at - not sure I can even call it an - insult, you got butt hurt by a recent post?


Well-Known Member
No, calm down, you nasty little posting cuss, I was being sarcastic and was trying to joke around with you.
Instead, I'm just going to grab a bag of popcorn and continue to watch you make an ass of yourself on these forums.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Totally went over my head, still does frankly :lol: But sorry about that, bad hair day. As I told my wife when I first met her, the difference between me and all the other assholes is that I try not to be one. It's like growing, an ongoing learning process. :peace:


Well-Known Member
It's ok, I wanted to respond in a much harsher manner, I am glad that you didn't see previous posts that I edited... =) So it's cool man, we all learn. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Back to the point, (funny reading you guy's above) your plants have been de-foliated WAY to much. Never trim that heavy again. As far as other branches dying, it probably will only be the leaves, if you have any left. Do not cut any more branches now. You have 4 or 5 weeks left till finish, so I would like to know more about PPM's and PH, lighting and growing medium. You can PM me if you would like to discuss the problem directly, as much as I could help


New Member
I never trimmed it. Just kept it in veg for a long time. None of that was too amusing, I'm trying to help myself here. I've got no mold or pests, that plant is fine on the upper half. I'll post more pics and hope to get some useful feedback. I use nutes very lightly and onlt once every 3 waterings. It's planted in potting soil, correct npk levels with perlite. CFL lighting, not enough on lower levels, 10 bulbs top and midheight, all 2700k each, each 1500lumen+. Thanks


New Member
I took some more pics, I realized the ones I posted above don't quite cover it for this plant. You guys can't seriously advise me to trash this plant, it's budding nicely and imo it wil be a good harvest of a strain i've smoked and loved.. I'd hate to throw it out :) I just need to understand why the top is goodlooking and the bottom is total shit. Please :)



Well-Known Member
OK , OK maybe there is something to salvage there. I was basing that on the first set of pics above. Still, its fairly far along in flowering at this point. Theres no hope at this point in that lower end making any kind of recovery. Did you have light penetration all the way thru the plant when it was vegging?


Well-Known Member
OK , OK maybe there is something to salvage there. I was basing that on the first set of pics above. Still, its fairly far along in flowering at this point. Theres no hope at this point in that lower end making any kind of recovery. Did you have light penetration all the way thru the plant when it was vegging?
Yeah the first pictures did not do it justice but just finish it up and get what you can but I am a newbie so I don't know much!


New Member
no i was an idiot during veg and kept all cfls uptop.. i though if i'd start hanging some lower during flower, the plant would respond. so you think this bottom dieoff is due to lack of light during veg? otherwise the plant isnt sick or has any weird pests in the soil or lacks anything chemically ? i have two clones from it doing well in a growbox, i'll get better with time i hope lol.
