Will you buy irradiated medicine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 13.5%
  • No

    Votes: 109 86.5%

  • Total voters

lol look at these pictures of tweeds crop, these people clearly don't know good buds from bad.. if i was running tweed i sure as hell wouldnt let pictures like these get published, those colas look AWFUL and they're staring at them with a microscope as though its some revolutionary thing hahaha, the last pic cracks me up there's not even any bud growth just airy shit with nute burns or something

anyone got any really recent shipments from them? is their quality going up now that they're getting used to growing or still like the first harvest?

edit: also what's with the older woman with curly hair in the first pic running around the plants without a hairnet?
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“@SietsePizza: High Lands is amongst the most #BlissfulStrainsOfMedicalMarihuana I've ever used! @TweedInc”

Our user Rory gives @Tweed's Bogart #mmprstrain 5 out of 5, what do you think? #mmpr #mmj

Here are two real posts on the quality of tweeds weed. If anyone cares about the truth in this board.

Tweets cherry-picked from Tweed's feed are the best source of info? What about all the criticism from patients on Twitter? Or all the negative patient reviews on
Something was wrong for it to have to be irradiated so an automatic -1 star, Way over priced -1 star. Fair to say a 3 at best? I personally would drop another star for the price vs thc% I don't know how people could give a 5 star rating for these facts alone. I wouldn't trust that out of common sense. Just saying..
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If its tweed then by all means bogart.or keep... it to yourself.....
it is funny how the reviewer says " definitely denser than other buds I have ordered from tweed....."
the term "wiffle bud, come to mind....
its was given a 5 out of 5....which means its the best this reviewer has ever had i
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I'm done pissing people off continue your bashing of a new canada company that employs people in a dying canadian city. I just want there to be some other side of the fence outlooks on here. You can find good and bad reveiws everywhere. I remember buying weed and sometimes being really happy and other time not so much that's how is goes. I hope all of the LP's succeed and we use that tax revenue to make canada a better place for everyone. that's my opinion, I believe a lot if the money before was being sold in the black market even though people here would say otherwise. At least this way it is completely controlled and all the money made is going to the right place. It's been nice debating with you guys I hope you get what you need out of this great plant. I'm out to sample some if my own now peace.
I'm done pissing people off continue your bashing of a new canada company that employs people in a dying canadian city. I just want there to be some other side of the fence outlooks on here. You can find good and bad reveiws everywhere. I remember buying weed and sometimes being really happy and other time not so much that's how is goes. I hope all of the LP's succeed and we use that tax revenue to make canada a better place for everyone. that's my opinion, I believe a lot if the money before was being sold in the black market even though people here would say otherwise. At least this way it is completely controlled and all the money made is going to the right place. It's been nice debating with you guys I hope you get what you need out of this great plant. I'm out to sample some if my own now peace.

You're an idiot. The RCMP themselves said they could only ever find 40 cases during the entire MMAR program where there was "abuse". You think taxing sick people for their medicine is going to be some great help to the country? How about the billions of dollars that could be saved by taxpayers by making it legal? No more bullshit court costs, no more bullshit LEO costs, no more bullshit prison system costs, millions saved in healthcare, no more HC wasting money fighting against something the vast majority want legal anyway!
I've stayed out of this until now. But with your comment. " I remember buying weed and sometimes being really happy and others not so much that's how it goes" just goes to show your not a real patient. Would you accept poor quality cough syrup, advil, or any other meds from a pharmacy and say oh well, that's how it goes sometimes.that's just the crap shoot that is getting quality medication nowadays. No I don't think so. Now how would you feel if said cough syrup cost you 300 an ounce and it didn't work? You'd be pretty pissed off I think. You might not work for tweed but you sure have you head shoved far enough up their asses to taste what they had for dinner.
anyone can post or tweet a awesome review about anything online, just cause they probably been smoking that crap from HC and thought it was ok.... then tried the tweed crap and went wow this is way better (but not really as we have read continually on here from real life experiences) until these tweeters actually find real quality meds they will have no clue what real meds are...... like I said until then...... they will just fall for the marketing. If other LP's screw the pooch like these guys(twerp) they would get shit reviews on here like twerp has, just know that people should and will eventually leave this LP to die in the wind, like any other LP that spews out crap meds should too. I agree he's not a real patient ... probably has some vested interest in Tweed...... that's why everyone on here agrees with the majority of comments saying tweed is garbage... because it's true.
don't go away mad just go away...... stop building up something that's not true. Your so worried about the jobs at tweed... are you on the town council? hahahahaha
I pity da fool that thinks tweed is good and soon once word spreads out father more and more will leave tweed to die in the wind ..... so take your jobs and shove them up your ass! maybe they can all clean toilets at gas stations after it goes under.
No LP with that many grows should be sending out ditch weed to medical patients and stay in the game... period !!!!!!!!!!!
I should also add, tweed is not the only Canadian LP out there. There are many more Canadian companies selling product or in the application process. There are also a few American and European companies as well. However if they are operating in Canada they are creating Canadian jobs so there goes the basis for most of your argument. I have been to two Canadian LPs so far and I have not been satisfied with either of them. One never had product available and the other had weak meds and kept pushing back the release of the cbd strains I need. I just made the switch to Tilray, an American company. And at this point I frankly don't care that they are American. I don't care that Bayer, an American company makes some of the stuff in my medicine cabinet. As long as it works. Tilray have been getting some of the best reviews and the have a good selection. The only downside is their price. That being said i would much rather pay 8 bucks a G for good bud than 6 bucks a G for unusable schwag. At least I'll be getting something for my money. Ideally we would be able to grow our own and let the rec market have the LPs because their product will get you high, it just has no medicinal effects left after being zapped/poorly grown/ poorly handled. So as an obvious rec user who is OK with being ripped off from time to time you'll be happy with the LP system. As a person who needs quality meds consistently and doesn't want to loose the shirt off my back doing so, I can't wait to start growing :-)
So do they nuke tobacco? they sell that shit to everyone...... whether or not it's medication or not.... if they don't nuke tobacco why even nuke weed..... like really..... more people smoke tobacco legally than smoke medical marihuana.
is there mold in tobacco? or bugs? while medication, you would think would be of a higher standard... more people smoke cigs more than joints so wtf doesn't their weed even come close to tobacco standards? guess not so they nuke it hahahaha
what a joke ..... it should all be destroyed no nuking allowed unless asked for ..... I shake my head at this bullshit
I'm done pissing people off continue your bashing of a new canada company that employs people in a dying canadian city. I just want there to be some other side of the fence outlooks on here. You can find good and bad reveiws everywhere. I remember buying weed and sometimes being really happy and other time not so much that's how is goes. I hope all of the LP's succeed and we use that tax revenue to make canada a better place for everyone. that's my opinion, I believe a lot if the money before was being sold in the black market even though people here would say otherwise. At least this way it is completely controlled and all the money made is going to the right place. It's been nice debating with you guys I hope you get what you need out of this great plant. I'm out to sample some if my own now peace.

Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
Good riddance. You have been the most annoying RIU member I have encountered.
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