Internet dating - my first and only DICK-PIC chronicles...


Well-Known Member
You're going to get sucked in!!!! NOOOOOO

The questions will haunt you!!!! Why does he like bunnies? And flowers? And spell ladi with an I?

Why does he have pictures with guns, and then Warner brothers characters? Why does he do the things he does? What is he thinking?
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Well-Known Member
Apart from being unintentionally the funniest person I have ever met, he was an unintentional cupid and got my boyf and I together. I decided, years ago - that everything this dude does, is unintentional. I think I have to leave it at that. He's like string theory...or when you think about how super hero's make babies...


Well-Known Member
My boyf had a similar experience on this particular dating site. Women would message him, and ask
"how big"

Generally, I am told - they were usually on the husky side. I have nothing against bigger girls, nothing at all. But some of them...evidently, are quite slutty....hahaha


Well-Known Member
I met my wife on a dating site, so good things do happen.

Even as a dude I got plenty of dick pics. I agree that these people are pretty much rapist, in sending random strangers pictures of their junk. Which by the way are usually fake, (Like anyone would honestly believe that these guys have a 10" hammer hanging between their legs). Do yourself a favor and never go on Omegle's web chat, unless you just like to watch guys jacking it.

I did get banned from one site for sending out dick pics, but that was on request. People didn't believe that I had mine tattooed.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I met my wife on a dating site, so good things do happen.

Even as a dude I got plenty of dick pics. I agree that these people are pretty much rapist, in sending random strangers pictures of their junk. Which by the way are usually fake, (Like anyone would honestly believe that these guys have a 10" hammer hanging between their legs). Do yourself a favor and never go on Omegle's web chat, unless you just like to watch guys jacking it.

I did get banned from one site for sending out dick pics, but that was on request. People didn't believe that I had mine tattooed.
Pics or it didn't happen :-P


Well-Known Member
will I get banned for showing it? I rather like it here, and don't wanna get kicked.
hahahahaha - I think you'd have to fuzz it out like I did to the Menace...If someone wants to see your twig and berries, just PM them - everyone wins!


Well-Known Member
So tell me from a girls perspective, how many messages do you get a day, and do you feel like you can be artificially more picky than you would be if a guy approached you on the street? Do you feel that this artificial pickiness actually lends far more superficiality to a potential relationship from the start thereby lowering the connection value you could have.


Well-Known Member
So tell me from a girls perspective, how many messages do you get a day, and do you feel like you can be artificially more picky than you would be if a guy approached you on the street? Do you feel that this artificial pickiness actually lends far more superficiality to a potential relationship from the start thereby lowering the connection value you could have.
I would love to answer this, and many other questions. But I have a date with a friend and a swing set. I'll get back to ya on this!!!!


Well-Known Member
So tell me from a girls perspective, how many messages do you get a day, and do you feel like you can be artificially more picky than you would be if a guy approached you on the street? Do you feel that this artificial pickiness actually lends far more superficiality to a potential relationship from the start thereby lowering the connection value you could have.
Here we go - swing postponed due to rain!

Not pickier, per se - you just have access to a lot more people. I wrote my profile, withthe direct purpose of avoiding people who were looking for "an internet cum-dumpster". I made it VERY clear my feelings about douchebags, and people that feel superior.

BAsically, it acts like a set up-by-a-friend type scenario. You already know all the deal-breaker things about someone from their profile. IF they are honest. Most people are not - and therein lies the problem - the dishonest daters.

I met my current boyfriend, who I should just call "life-partner" because that's what he is, on that POF site. The only guy I met in my whole year on there. And he was lovely, and instantly, we were in luuuurve.

I think it was possibly because, by the time our first date happened, we had been talking for weeks. We knew the other person, as best as you can on the internet. And we were both very honest about who we were, and what we wanted.

I don't know about the regular way, I didn't really date that much. Sure, I'd go out. And probably have sex with my long-time Fuck buddy. But I didn't want to date anyone, so I'm not really the best example of comparing real-life dating to interweb.


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Well-Known Member
I just have this feeling that there are 3 types of guy on online dating. Guys who are desperate for a ride. Guys who are social failures and normal guys

There will be FAR more losers and players than option 3, because this is their fantasy.. this is HOW they are going to get laid, it's their only chance. So they will message every girl, they might even be able to talk a decent game. But the end result is a girl not knowing what she is getting into, and through sheer volume of messages, has to be ultra selective and superficial, thereby lowering the chance she will actually talk to the guy who she really could have hit it off with.