doublejj's BIG 2014 greenhouse adventure Reloaded......


Well-Known Member
I have yet to see a grow on this site that would get anyone even a day behind bars. People are getting caught with hundreds if not thousands and getting at worst home arrest for a few months.

I stick below my legal limit because I'm a pussy and don't ever feel the need to be greedy.

More pictures please JJ.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Now I see what happens when I don't have any new pictures to
Yeah dissapointed jj I have had my morning coffee now im worried about the TRG kicking in me door for the measly 2 ounces I have in my medicine jars lol.....we need new pictures haha


Well-Known Member
I have yet to see a grow on this site that would get anyone even a day behind bars. People are getting caught with hundreds if not thousands and getting at worst home arrest for a few months.

I stick below my legal limit because I'm a pussy and don't ever feel the need to be greedy.

More pictures please JJ., too.
Isn't it the weekend? Oh, goodie....that means pictures. :-)


Well-Known Member
Sam, you can see how the whole carport lights up, as soon as the sun hits the top from any angle. Another one of the benefits of the carport roof.....good luck
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Well-Known Member
Sam, you can see how the whole carport lights up, as soon as the sun hits the top from any angle. Another one of the benefits of the carport roof.....good luck
Yes, sir, I can and I think by my guestimate it should do that at my house. Is the carport fully enclosed and if so, do you leave one side open?


Well-Known Member
Yeah Sam, it look like your plants are all caught in the middle, (twilight zone) 1/2 in 1/2 out. confused....probably just a good lesson grow....your probably not gonna like what I have to say.....
But, if it were me, I'd chop everything off & start again. Either remove most of the growth from those plants & save the root system & let them re-veg, or pull them, and replant now. a nice clone planted now would still give you a really nice return for your efforts....1/2lb maybe?....don't hate me, I'm just trying to help you get a nice crop this season....those plants as is, will have issues.....


Well-Known Member
The main purpose of the sunscreen is privacy. The open sides face my garage & the back of my house. If I'm having company & wish to be discrete, I close the drapes.....but I always keep the sides facing the neighbors closed......