Zimmerman lawsuit against NBC


Well-Known Member
You would provide a link, but you don't have one. Once again, what he did years after taking office is immaterial. You are trying to change the terms of our bet, because you are a dishonorable, lying piece of shit.
I have a link that shows that Cheney EXERCISED his stock option.

Again do you think he donate his stock option ? You said He SOLD ALL his stock
How did he gain 6.9 million off stock, if it is all sold. Please tell us.


Well-Known Member
i actually felt sorry for red at one time until he showed me what a dick he really is..
You expressed sympathy, then started mocking the death of my children in the very next post, less than ten minutes later. During that ten minutes, I made no posts what-so-ever. You are a cunt.


Well-Known Member
Hey were you the one talking about the series "the killings"
since I have no clue hat you are talking about, I'm guessing no.

weren't you the one grilling me for two pages about why I made someone stalk me?then made the claim you don't defend stalkers?


Well-Known Member
since I have no clue hat you are talking about, I'm guessing no.

weren't you the one grilling me for two pages about why I made someone stalk me?then made the claim you don't defend stalkers?
Dude calm the fuck down. I was trying to find out who recommended this series to thank them. I actually enjoy watching it on netflix.


Well-Known Member
I take it you've never tragically lost a family member.

I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Even those that have the nerve to disagree with my politics.
i take it you aren't around (or agrees with) when red treats me mercilessly..i exercise my right to defend myself.


Well-Known Member
Dude calm the fuck down. I was trying to find out who recommended this series to thank them. I actually enjoy watching it on netflix.
I'm calm.
i take it you aren't around (or agrees with) when red treats me mercilessly..i exercise my right to defend myself.
I don't know sky. I just think family should be off limits, especially family's tragic death.

I've stuck up for Mrs. Buck for the same reason. And it's no secret how I feel about him.She's obviously a saint, and if something tragically happened to her, I wouldn't use it against the idiot.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
but you will celebrate the death of a black youth
No, not at all. Trayvon fucked up in the worst possible way. He tried to murder a guy who was armed. TM paid for that mistake with his life. It's a tragedy all the way around.

I have sympathy for Trayvon's parents. They lost their son.

I have sympathy for Zimmerman. He was forced to kill a man in self defense and was then brutalized by racist, muckraking media and put through a politically motivated show trial. NBC is directly culpable for that.

I have sympathy for fools so blinded by their own racial preferences that they can't see the obvious facts of this case. That would be you, LF, and skylard.

The only ones I have no sympathy for are the ones who exploited this incident for their own vile purposes: MSNBC, and progressive race-baiters such as Buck.

I sincerely hope NBC is forced to fork over enough money to make them squirm a bit. If that doesn't happen, they will continue on as they have been and destroy some more innocent bystanders.